As an App of foreign exchange information, viewing news and information has always been the core demand of users, and the boss has always said that the speed can be increased without seeing the loading process.
In terms of information, the details page of our project consultation is used to carry the unification of rich style and logic through WKWebView [the performance is poor compared with Native], so as a research and development, we embarked on the process of optimizing the details page of news. After continuous optimization and exploration, the opening speed of App details page online has been optimized from 2-4 seconds to the loading process is almost invisible to the naked eye. The following will walk you through the process of continuously optimizing WKWebView.
First, knowledge reserve
When you open an H5 page, there’s usually a long blank screen and a few seconds later, what’s going on in those seconds? Because there are a lot of things going on, including:
Initialize webView -> request page -> Download data -> parse HTML -> request JS/CSS resources -> DOM render -> parse JS execution -> JS request data -> parse render -> download render imageCopy the code
In general, Webview rendering needs to go through the following steps:
- Parsing HTML files
- Load the JavaScript and CSS files
- Parse and execute JavaScript
- Building a DOM structure
- Load resources such as images
- Page loaded
Generally, pages can be displayed after DOM rendering. The key reason for h5 first screen rendering blank screen problem lies in how to optimize the time between downloading requests and rendering. Now we will focus on this problem for a series of knowledge explanation, which is used in my project.
Ii. Optimization method [Swift Version]
The ultimate package, demo code
The path of optimization includes front-end and client. Conventional front-end and back-end performance optimization has been summarized by predecessors as best practices, mainly as follows:
Reduce request volume: merge resources, reduce HTTP requests, Minify/gzip compression, webP, lazyLoad. Speed up the request: pre-resolving DNS, reducing the number of domain names, parallel loading, CDN distribution. Cache: HTTP protocol cache request, offline cache manifest, offline data cache localStorage. Render: JS/CSS optimization, load order, server render template straight out.Copy the code
The following will be used in the actual project to optimize the plan to explain!
2.1 WKWebview reuse pool
In the process of repeatedly starting and opening the webView, it is found that the speed of opening the webView for the first time is several hundred milliseconds faster than the speed of opening the webView for the second time. According to meituan, on iOS10, it takes 700ms longer to open it for the first time than to open it again. So trying to pre-initialize webView reuse is much faster.
Reuse principle
Prepare two sets, one is being used by visiableWebViewSet and one is idle waiting to be used by reusableWebViewSet. The singleton ZXYWebViewPool was first created when the AppDelegate page was launched (because we didn’t want to take too much time during the startup process). We put the initialization of the webView after the first page was loaded. After the home page is loaded, notify ZXYWebViewPool via notification, initialize a webView, and add it to reusableWebViewSet. When the H5 page is needed, I’m going to take it out of reusableWebViewSet and put it in visiableWebViewSet, and when I’m done with it (Dealloc) put it back in reusableWebViewSet.
2.1.1 Initializing the buffer Pool in the AppDelegate
// webView cache pool let _ = zxyWebViewpool.sharedCopy the code
2.1.2 After the home page is loaded, notify the buffer pool, initialize the webView, and add it to the reusableWebViewSet
Add listeners in viewDidLoad NSNotification.Name(kMainControllerInitSuccessNotiKey), object: nil)
Copy the code
Listen in the buffer pool after the home page is loaded
/ / monitor initialization complete NotificationCenter home page. The default. The addObserver (self, the selector: # selector (mainControllerInit), name: NSNotification.Name(kMainControllerInitSuccessNotiKey), object: nil)Copy the code
Basically seeMainControllerInit method, asynchronousInitialization of the webView
@objc func mainControllerInit() { DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: () + 0.25) {self.preparereusewebView ()}}Copy the code
Check the prepareReuseWebview
func prepareReuseWebView() {
guard reusableWebViewSet.count <= 0 else { return }
let webview = ZXYWebView(frame:, configuration: ZXYWebView.defaultConfiguration())
Copy the code
Then, when the use is complete, the webView holder is destroyed and put back into the reusable pool
deinit { if showProgress { webView? .removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: "estimatedProgress") } webView? .removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: "Title") ZXYWebViewPool. Shared. TryCompactWeakHolders ()} / / / using the webView holders have been destroyed, Is back on the reusable pool func tryCompactWeakHolders () {lock. Wait () the let shouldReusedWebViewSet = visiableWebViewSet. Filter { $0.holderObject == nil } for webView in shouldReusedWebViewSet { webView.webviewWillEnterPool() visiableWebViewSet.remove(webView) reusableWebViewSet.insert(webView) } lock.signal() }Copy the code
When memory warning, clear overcommitment pool
/ / memory warning monitoring, remove NotificationCenter reuse pool. Default. AddObserver (self, the selector: #selector(didReceiveMemoryWarningNotification), name: UIApplication.didReceiveMemoryWarningNotification, object: nil) @objc fileprivate func didReceiveMemoryWarningNotification() { lock.wait() reusableWebViewSet.removeAll() lock.signal() }Copy the code
The entire logic is above and the corresponding ZXYWebViewPoolProtocol buffer pool code and logic is below -Swift version
import UIKit protocol ZXYWebViewPoolProtocol: class { func webviewWillLeavePool() func webviewWillEnterPool() } public class ZXYWebViewPool: NSObject {// There are currently webViews held by the page fileprivate var visiableWebViewSet = Set<ZXYWebView>() // Reclaim the pool webview fileprivate var reusableWebViewSet = Set<ZXYWebView>() fileprivate let lock = DispatchSemaphore(value: 1) public static let shared = ZXYWebViewPool() public override init() {super.init() Removal of reuse pool NotificationCenter. Default. AddObserver (self, the selector: # selector (didReceiveMemoryWarningNotification), name: UIApplication.didReceiveMemoryWarningNotification, object: Nil) / / monitor initialization complete NotificationCenter. The home page. The default addObserver (self, the selector: # selector (mainControllerInit), name: NSNotification. Name (kMainControllerInitSuccessNotiKey), object: nil)} deinit {/ / remove the set}} / / MARK: Observers extension ZXYWebViewPool { @objc func mainControllerInit() { DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: DispatchTime. Now () + 0.25) {self. PrepareReuseWebView ()}} @ objc fileprivate func didReceiveMemoryWarningNotification () { lock.wait() reusableWebViewSet.removeAll() lock.signal() } } // MARK: Assistant Extension ZXYWebViewPool {/// The webView holder in use has been destroyed, Is back on the reusable pool func tryCompactWeakHolders () {lock. Wait () the let shouldReusedWebViewSet = visiableWebViewSet. Filter { $0.holderObject == nil } for webView in shouldReusedWebViewSet { webView.webviewWillEnterPool() ReusableWebViewSet visiableWebViewSet. Remove (webView). Insert (webView)} the lock. The signal ()} / / / prepare an empty webView func prepareReuseWebView() { guard reusableWebViewSet.count <= 0 else { return } let webview = ZXYWebView(frame:, configuration: ZXYWebView.defaultConfiguration()) self.reusableWebViewSet.insert(webview) } } // MARK: Public extension ZXYWebViewPool {func getReusedWebView(forHolder: AnyObject?) -> ZXYWebView { assert(holder ! = nil, "ZXYWebView holder cannot be nil") guard let holder = holder else {return ZXYWebView(frame: cgrect. zero, configuration: ZXYWebView.defaultConfiguration()) } tryCompactWeakHolders() let webView: ZXYWebView lock. Wait () if reusableWebViewSet. Count > 0 {/ / cache pool has a webView = reusableWebViewSet randomElement ()! VisiableWebViewSet reusableWebViewSet. Remove (webView). Insert (webView) / / the collection pool initialization before webView. WebviewWillLeavePool ()} the else {// No cache pool, create a new webView = ZXYWebView(frame: cgrect. zero, Configuration: ZXYWebView.defaultConfiguration()) visiableWebViewSet.insert(webView) } webView.holderObject = holder lock.signal() Func recycleReusedWebView(_ webView: ZXYWebView?) {guard let webView = webView else {return} lock.wait() // exists in current use, Compared with the if visiableWebViewSet. The contains (webView) {/ / before entering the recycling pool cleaning webView. WebviewWillEnterPool () ReusableWebViewSet visiableWebViewSet. Remove (webView). Insert (webView)} the lock. The signal ()} / / / remove and destroy all pool reuse webView func clearAllReusableWebViews() { lock.wait() for webview in reusableWebViewSet { webview.webviewWillEnterPool() } reusableWebViewSet.removeAll() lock.signal() } }Copy the code
2.2 HTML/JS/CSS Template Extraction
Graphic details are carried by WebView, and the simplest way of WebView is to load an online page directly through the URL. What happens when you type a URL from the browser into the middle of the page?
It can be seen from the above that each time users enter the details page, they have to go through multiple network loading. In the middle, they are easily affected by network fluctuations. In the case that the loading time and success rate of the page cannot be guaranteed, user experience will be greatly affected.
So information page for details in this project the common style of JS, CSS and logic are pulled out, and the resources within the resource template HTML file and some picture directly on the client (because the project of h5 page style is different, such as using different templates 】, such entered information details page only need local loading templates, In addition, the template can be loaded at the same time of the network request details page data, and then the data into the template. At this point, the user only needs to go through the following stages:
2.2.1 Used by the project
Here are the templates that the project needs to use [since the resource templates in this project are not frequently changed, they are directly embedded in the project]
First load the local HTML (HTML will preload JS and CSS), then call the loadNewsJson method in JS, enter loadDatas and inject the data into the page, then render it
Override public func viewDidLoad() {super.viewdidLoad () self.setnavbar (); Self.loadnewswebfiles () // Then call the loadNewsJson method in js to fill the data self.loadNewsjson ()}Copy the code
Load local HTML (HTML will be preloaded with JS and CSS)
Func loadNewsWebFiles() {let bundle = bundle (for: ZXYLocalWebViewController.self) var htmlName: String? switch newsType { case .dealerComments, .dealerActivity, .dealerAnnouncement: htmlName = "BrokerDetails" case .IBPolicy: htmlName = "ibPolicy" case .brokerIntroduction: htmlName = "Introduction" case .bannerDetail: htmlName = "banner" default: htmlName = "news" } guard let path = bundle.path(forResource: htmlName, ofType: "html") else { return } { guard let htmlString = try? String(contentsOfFile: path, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) else { return } DispatchQueue.main.async { let baseURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: path, isDirectory: false) self.webView?.loadHTMLString(htmlString, baseURL: baseURL) } } }Copy the code
LoadNewsJson (loadNewsJson) : loadNewsJson (loadNewsJson); loadNewsJson (loadNewsJson) : loadNewsJson (loadNewsJson);
func loadNewsJson() { let request = BLRequestEntity() switch newsType { case .coolForeignCurrency: request.api = ZXYApi.home.HomeFxNewsDetailApi request.params = ["newsId": dataId] case .IBPolicy, .bannerDetail: request.api = ZXYApi.home.GetBannerDetailApi request.params = ["id": dataId] case .brokerIntroduction: request.api = request.params = ["brokerId": dataId, "type": 1, "contentType": 1] default: request.api = ZXYApi.home.HomeNewsDetailApi request.params = ["id": dataId] } ZXYHttpManager.shared.get(request: request, success: { (response) in guard response.code == HttpRequestResult.success, let newsData = response.bodyMessage, ! newsData.isEmpty else { self.view.addPlaceholder(type: .noData) return } self.view.removePlaceholder() switch self.newsType { case .coolForeignCurrency: self.noticesEntity = NewsNoticesEntity.deserialize(from: newsData, designatedPath: "NewsDetail") case .IBPolicy, .bannerDetail, .brokerIntroduction: self.noticesEntity = NewsNoticesEntity.deserialize(from: newsData) default: self.noticesEntity = NewsNoticesEntity.deserialize(from: newsData, designatedPath: "Notices") } self.newsJson = newsData if self.isFinished { let traderInfoCard = self.isShowBroker ? 1 : 0 self.callJSMethod(name: "loadNewsJson(\(newsData), \(traderInfoCard), \(self.isShowSourceRegulator))") } }, failure: { (error) in self.showToast(message: error) self.view.addPlaceholder(type: .webviewLoadFail, handler: {[weak self] in self?.loadNewsjson ()})}, completed: {})} Func callJSMethod(name: String) {if! isFinished {return} self.webView? .evaluateJavaScript(name, completionHandler: { (_, error) in if error ! = nil {// self.showErrorHUD(message: "operation failed ", image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "MBHUD_Error"))}})}Copy the code
So can we continue to optimize? B: Sure. After the above optimization, the bottleneck of page loading becomes the loading time of the local template, so we can also optimize the template to reduce the time.
- Template merge: Normally, the webView needs to load THE HTML before loading the JS and CSS, which requires multiple I/O operations. We optimise the way we can inline JS and CSS and some images into a file so that loading the template requires only one I/O operation.
- Let the H5 side simplify unnecessary CSS styles and JS code, continuously compress templates, or asynchronously pull unnecessary scripts.
self.callJSMethod(name: "loadNewsJson(\(newsData), \(traderInfoCard), \(self.isShowSourceRegulator))")
Copy the code
LoadNewsJson needs three parameters in the code js, and then we can optionally view loadNewsJson in the JS file
Inject interface requested data into template data via loadDatas in JS loadNewsJson:
2.2.2 Episode – Original plan
Original method: Offline package distribution – Implement offline package distribution according to the CDN of the company, place the offline package file and a configuration file info.json in the object store in the following format:
1.2.2 "{" version" : ", "files" : [ "https://xxx/news.html", "https://xxx/broker.png", "https://xxx/news.js", "https://xxx/news.css", "https://xxx/news.json" ] }Copy the code
Then the App has the current version. If the version in the info.json file is found to be different, it means that the resource is updated and needs to be updated and downloaded.
Expansion: Offline package knowledge points
Offline package contents: CSS, JS, HTML, general images, etc. - can be optimized as far as possible, as mentioned above, download time: when the APP starts, open the thread to download resources, pay attention to not affect the app start. Storage location: Use /Library/Caches in sandbox. Because resources are updated from time to time, /Library/Documents is a better place to store important data that is not updated often. Update logic: If you request the info.json resource on the CDN and the version returned is different from that saved locally, the resource changes need to be updated and downloaded. Note: For the first time, you need to create a custom folder in /Library/Caches and download the full resource.Copy the code
The code is as follows:
NSURLSession *session = [NSURLSession sharedSession]; NSURLSessionDownloadTask *downLoadTask = [session downloadTaskWithRequest:request completionHandler:^(NSURL * _Nullable Location, NSURLResponse * _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {if (! Location) {return; [fileManager removeFileAtPath:dirPath fileExtesion:nil]; // Temporary directory for storing scripts NSString *downloadTmpPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"", NSTemporaryDirectory(), NSError *saveError; [fileManager moveItemAtURL: Location toURL:[NSURL FileURLWithPath: downloadTmpPath] error: & saveError]; / / uncompress zip BOOL success = [decompression unzipFileAtPath: downloadTmpPath toDestination:dirPath]; if (!success) { [fileManager removeItemAtPath:downloadTmpPath error:nil]; [fileManager RemoveFileAtPath :dirPath fileExtesion:nil]; return;} update version number [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setValue:version ForKey :brokerFileKey]; [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] Synchronize]; // Clear temporary files and directories [fileManager removeItemAtPath:downloadTmpPath error:nil]; }]; [downLoadTask resume]; [session finishTasksAndInvalidate];Copy the code
Use the above code to consolidate all resource files into a ZIP file, download it locally once, then unzip it to the specified location, and then update the version. Then download time at the app startup and switch back and forth to do a version update check.
If only a little change, offline bundle each user if to download all the offline package, it would be terrible [for users, huge bandwidth is also a big problem, you may find solution – qq blog address is as follows:… 】
2.3 Intercepting Offline Packets
When the custom protocol Sheme H5 page is opened, the webView requests the page, and Native can successively receive intercepting responses of HTML, JS, CSS and image types. You can use WKURLSchemeHandler in webKit.
Let’s try to intercept the documentThe label,When you haveWhen tagging, we use the third party image of Kingfisher, using Kingfisher to cache, so we don’t need to use H5 to request images again [change to local request] to speed up. Non-text content such as pictures and videos will be rendered by native components on the client side, which can not only improve rendering efficiency, but also reduce unnecessary traffic consumption
Here’s what the code in the project uses:
public func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, start urlSchemeTask: 🚀 WKURLSchemeTask) {print (" began to load images \ urlSchemeTask. Request. (url) ", Date.init().timeIntervalSince1970) if let url = urlSchemeTask.request.url { var components = URLComponents.init(string: url.absoluteString) components? .scheme = "https" if let url = components? .url { KingfisherManager.shared.retrieveImage(with: url, options: nil, progressBlock: nil) { (image, _, _, _) in var data: Data? = nil if let image = image? .kf.gifRepresentation() { data = image }else if let image = image? .kf.pngRepresentation() { data = image }else if let image = image? .kf.jpegRepresentation(compressionQuality: 1) {data = image} print (" 🚀 end loading pictures \ urlSchemeTask. Request. (url) ", Date.init().timeIntervalSince1970) if let data = data { let response = URLResponse.init(url: url, mimeType: nil, expectedContentLength: data.count, textEncodingName: nil) urlSchemeTask.didReceive(response) urlSchemeTask.didReceive(data) urlSchemeTask.didFinish() }else { urlSchemeTask.didFailWithError(NSError.init(domain: "10086", code: 10086, userInfo: nil)) } } return } } urlSchemeTask.didFailWithError(NSError.init(domain: "10086", code: 10086, userInfo: nil)) }Copy the code
** Extension: **WKURLSchemeHandler
Demo: [OC version]
Suppose you have one in your HTML documentTag, want it to display a local image test.jpg, then H5 can be encoded like this:
<imag src="customScheme://">
Copy the code
Native can be written like this:
#import "ViewController.h" #import <WebKit/WebKit.h> @interface CustomURLSchemeHandler : NSObject<WKURLSchemeHandler> @end@implementation CustomURLSchemeHandler Read the local image test.jpg, - (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView startURLSchemeTask:(id)urlSchemeTask {NSURLRequest *request = urlSchemeTask.request; UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"test.jpg"]; NSData * data = UIImageJPEGRepresentation (image, 1.0); NSURLResponse *response = [[NSURLResponse alloc] initWithURL:urlSchemeTask.request.URL MIMEType:@"image/jpeg" expectedContentLength:data.length textEncodingName:nil]; [urlSchemeTask didReceiveResponse:response]; [urlSchemeTask didReceiveData:data]; [urlSchemeTask didFinish]; } - (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webVie stopURLSchemeTask:(id)urlSchemeTask { } @end @implementation ViewController - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; WKWebViewConfiguration *configuration = [WKWebViewConfiguration new]; // Set URLSchemeHandler to handle requests for a specific URLScheme, URLSchemeHandler needs to implement the WKURLSchemeHandler protocol. In this case, WKWebView will submit the URLSchemeHandler request to an instance of the CustomURLSchemeHandler class [configuration setURLSchemeHandler:[CustomURLSchemeHandler new] forURLScheme: @"customScheme"]; WKWebView *webView = [[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds configuration:configuration]; self.view = webView; [webView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]]]; } @endCopy the code
2.4 H5 template [Template optimization] — jointly coordinate the test
Typically, HTML starts parsing the HTML and building the DOM tree as soon as it receives the returned data, which usually happens one after the other if there is no JS blocking. [This module needs to remind H5 that H5 coordinates testing with the client]
The header section of the page has code like this:
. <link href="//" rel="stylesheet" onload=""/> <script> = function (callback) { require(['util/native/risk.js'], function (risk) { risk.getFk(callback); }); } </script> </head> ....Copy the code
In general, the link section and script above will not block parsing of the page if they appear alone. CSS does not prevent the page from continuing down, the inline JS executes quickly and continues parsing the HTML.
But if both parts are present at the same time, a problem arises:
The CSS load blocks the execution of the following inline JS, and the blocked inline JS blocks the parsing of the HTMLCopy the code
Normally, CSS does not block HTML parsing, but if a CSS is followed by JS, it will block the execution of the JS until the CSS is loaded, thus indirectly blocking HTML parsing. As can be seen from this, a small inline JS in the wrong position can also cause performance degradation.
To optimize the
- CSS loading starts when THE HTML is parsed to the CSS tag, so CSS tags should be as early as possible
- However, do not have any JS tags under CSS links, otherwise it will block HTML parsing
- If you must add an inline script to the header, make sure it comes before the CSS tag.
The above is the WKWebView optimization strategy used in this project. It only takes 0.2-0.4s to open the H5 page through the test of this project, and the naked eye can hardly see the white screen or waiting state **. 六四屠杀
Here are some other aspects of optimization.
2.5 the CDN to accelerate
The full name of CDN is Content Delivery Network. Its purpose is to add a new layer of network architecture in the existing Internet, the content of the website will be published to the most close to the user’s network “edge”, users can get the content needed nearby, improve the response speed of users to visit the website. CDN is different from mirroring because it is smarter than mirroring, or to use an analogy: CDN= smarter mirroring + cache + traffic diversion. Therefore, CDN can obviously improve the efficiency of information flow in Internet network. From the technical comprehensive solution because of the network bandwidth is small, the user visits large, the network distribution is not equal, improve the response speed of users to visit the website.
For the news and information industry [foreign exchange, finance, news], the data returned by the interface is relatively large, and the real-time return each time puts great pressure on the network [when the user base is relatively large].
For companies with acceptable conditions, we can consider dividing the content data of news details page into static and dynamic parts, and hosting the content of text content, title and other contents basically unchanged on CDN. When the content is hosted to THE CDN, users can directly obtain data from the nearest best node, which will greatly save the cost of bandwidth.
3. Solution to the problem
3.1 white
In UIWebView, when the memory usage is too high, the App Process will crash. When WKWebView’s overall memory usage is relatively large, the WebContent Process will crash, resulting in a blank screen. The scenario encountered is that after loading the WKWebView page, the front/back APP switches back and forth.
The solution
3.1.1 with WKNavigtionDelegate
WKNavigtionDelegate added a callback function after iOS 9
/ *! @abstract Invoked when the web view's web content process is terminated. @param webView The web view whose underlying web content process was terminated. */ - (void)webViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate:(WKWebView *)webView API_AVAILABLE (macos (10.11), the ios (9.0));Copy the code
When WKWebView’s total memory usage is too large to be blank, the system will call the above callback function, just need to execute webView.reload() in the function [this time webview.url value is not nil] to solve the blank screen problem.
/ / white during public func webViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate (_ webView: WKWebView) {webView. Reload ()}Copy the code
3.1.2 WebView.title is empty
Another phenomenon is that webView.title is empty when WKWebView is blank, because we can reload the page by checking webView.title in viewWillAppear if it is empty. As follows:
3.1.3 WKCompositingView [Try]
Here is the difference between a white screen and a normal display!
The WKCompsitingView on the upper layer disappeared after the white screen. Then we can determine whether the WKWebView has a white screen. Before executing js, start executing [webView reload] as soon as count == 0 is found
func getWKCompositingCount(_ view: UIView, count: Int) {
var compsitionClass: AnyClass = NSClassFromString("WKCompositingView")!
for subview in view.subviews {
if (subview is compsitionClass) {
count = count + 1
if subview.subviews.count > 0 {
self.getWKCompositingCount(subview, count: count)
Copy the code
3.2 Body Loss problem in Post Request
WKWebView loses the content of the request body by loading the Post request via the loadRequest method, thus causing the server to lose the content of the body. The reason is that the network request process of WKWebView and APP are not the same process.
The process of network request: the process where APP is located initiates request request, and then transmits the relevant information (request header, request line, request) to WebKit network line process through IPC interprocess communication for receiving and packaging, and then carries out HTTP request for data, and finally carries out IPC communication back to the process where APP is located. If the request sent here is a Post request, due to IPC data transmission, the body of the transmitted request body will be discarded according to the system scheduling, and finally the content in the body of the request body becomes empty when the WKWebView network process accepts it, resulting in the server can not obtain the request body in this case, thus the problem appears.
There are about three solutions to this situation:
Register a custom scheme for interception
Overrides the loadRequest() method based on whether the request method is a URL interception replacement for POST
Rewrap request in URLProtocol use NSURLConnection to make HTTP requests and send back data.
Here’s why you should register your own custom scheme instead of intercepting HTTPS/HTTP directly. The main reasons are: If HTTPS/HTTP interception is registered, all HTTP (s) requests will be processed by the system process. Then the system process will pass the URLProctol protocol class through IPC to process, and lose the body (mentioned above) in the process of passing through IPC. So the body of the POST method is not retrieved during interception. However, not all HTTP requests take the loadRequest () method (such as AJAX requests in JS), so some POST requests are intercepted without wrapping (putting the request body content in the request header), thus losing the request body content, which can also cause problems. Therefore, in order to avoid such problems, we need to set up a scheme protocol to ensure that we do not intercept excessively and can handle the CONTENT of POST requests we need to process.
Here is an example of overwriting the loadRequest method:
// Wrap the header contents - (WKNavigation *)loadRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request{NSLog(@" initiates the request :%@ method:%@",request.URL.absoluteString,request.HTTPMethod); NSMutableURLRequest *mutableRequest = [request mutableCopy]; NSMutableDictionary *requestHeaders = [request.allHTTPHeaderFields mutableCopy]; // If the request is a POST request, it needs to wrap the body content of the request into the request header (there will be a problem of missing the body). Please make your own search the if ([mutableRequest HTTPMethod isEqualToString: @ "POST"] && ([mutableRequest. URL. Scheme isEqualToString: @ "HTTP"] | | [mutableRequest.URL.scheme isEqualToString:@"https"])) { NSString *absoluteStr = mutableRequest.URL.absoluteString; if ([[absoluteStr substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(absoluteStr.length-1, 1)] isEqualToString:@"/"]) { absoluteStr = [absoluteStr stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(absoluteStr.length-1, 1) withString:@""]; } if ([mutableRequest.URL.scheme isEqualToString:@"https"]) { absoluteStr = [absoluteStr stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"https" withString:WkCustomHttps]; }else{ absoluteStr = [absoluteStr stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"http" withString:WkCustomHttp]; } mutableRequest.URL = [NSURL URLWithString:absoluteStr]; NSString *bodyDataStr = [[NSString alloc]initWithData:mutableRequest.HTTPBody encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; [requestHeaders addEntriesFromDictionary:@{@"httpbody":bodyDataStr}]; mutableRequest.allHTTPHeaderFields = requestHeaders; NSLog (@ "current request for POST request Header: % @", mutableRequest. AllHTTPHeaderFields); } return [super loadRequest:mutableRequest]; }Copy the code
WKWebView, while still relatively new, has a lot of problems to solve. However, new technology will bring various temptations. With the iteration of iOS system, problems will be reduced and technical solutions will be updated constantly.
The above is the WKWebView encapsulation and second opening practice used in the project, which also lasted half a month. If there is time, THE WKWebView encapsulation will be extracted for your reference and comments. If you like this article or have some technical ideas for you, welcome to follow me and like the blog, there will be more works for your reference, thank you!!
Today is October 24, 2020. It’s also programmer’s day! I wish you all 2020-996 = 1024 [New Year farewell 996], don’t 2020-1024 = 996 ah.