Wiz.editor. md is a Markdown plug-in for taking notes based on editor. md.
The main features
- Multiple style themes
- Support for real-time preview
- Support code highlighting
- Search and replace support
- ToC Support
- TexA mathematical formula
- Flow charts and sequence diagrams
- Rich keyboard shortcuts
Download and Install
- Download and install from Github.
- Or download the plug-in package from the Weizhinotes application Center, and double-click it to install it.
Method of use
Create a. Md note and select the editor. md Editor to edit it.
Update log
Change logs
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Editor.md is an open source, embeddable online Editor (component) for Markdown, built on CodeMirror, jQuery, and Marked.
The main features
- It supports the common Markdown/CommonMark and GFM style syntax, but also transforms into a code editor.
- Support for live preview, image (cross-domain) upload, pre-formatted text/code/table insertion, code folding, jump to line, search and replace, read-only mode, custom style themes and multi-language syntax highlighting;
- Support Markdown extended syntax such as ToC (Table of Contents), Emoji, Task lists, and @link;
- Flowchart; support for TeX science formulas (based on KaTeX), Flowchart Flowchart and Sequence diagrams;
- Support identification and parsing of HTML tags, and support custom filtering tags and attribute parsing, with reliable security and almost unlimited scalability;
- Supports AMD/CMD modular loading (require.js & sea-.js), and supports custom extensions;
- Compatible with mainstream browsers (IE8+) and Zepto.js, and support iPad and other tablet devices;
The MIT License.