The preface

For a friend who is still struggling

188 interview questions

1. The difference between SWIFT and OC
2. Compile links
Synthesize & denamic
4. What are the development tools commonly used in project development?
5, UITableView & UICollection
NSProxy & NSObject
7. Object & Swift
8. Value transfer Notification & Push Notification (local & Remote)
9. Third-party libraries & third-party platforms
NSCache & NSDcitionary
UView setNeedsDisplay and setNeedsLayout methods
UlLayer & UIView
13. LayoutSubViews & drawRects
16. Point (pt) & Pixel (px)
17. Properties and member variables
The difference between int and NSInteger
ImportOInclude (1) importOInclude (2) Cciss (3) Global & static variablesCopy the code
Classes and objects
(1) Which of the classified expansion protocols can be used for acoustic network type? (2) inheritance and genre play area brush (3) the role of classification (4) the limitations of classificationCopy the code
20. Category & Extension
  1. Foundation
(1) string (2) character string cut double (3) formatCopy the code

NSArray and NSDictionary

(2) NSValue NSNumber (3) Other (4) how to avoid circular referenceCopy the code
23, CFSocket use which steps
24. What methods of manipulating sockets are provided in Core Foundation?
25. What are the ways to parse XML files?
What is a sandbox model? What operations fall under the category of private apis?
Self. name= “object”; “object”; Is it different from name =”object”?
Please briefly state when viewDidL oad and viewDidUnload are called
29. How to create controllers and views
30. Briefly describe memory partitions
What’s the difference between a queue and a stack
32. IOS system architecture
Control mainly responds to three kinds of events
34. What are the 3 ICONS for xiB files? What functions does it have
Describe the life cycle of a view controller
36. Life cycle of APP projects
I want to explain the startup process of the APP, starting from the main file. What's in the maln function? What does it do? (3) upplcstionMain function t uses (4) main functionCopy the code
What are the basic types of animation? What are the basic styles of table views?
What attributes and protocols should be set for UITableView to implement simple table display?
39. What Core Animation transitions do Cocoa Touch provide?
40. What’s the difference between UView and CLayer?
41. What are the three core concepts of Quatrz 2D’s drawing function and briefly describe their role
42. How many ways does iPhone OS provide for playing audio?
43, Which framework is called with AVAudioPlayer class and how to use it?
What kind of gesture notice method, write clear method name?
ViewController didReceiveMemoryWarning
46. When to use delegate and when to use Notification?
47. Declare a constant with the preprocessor #define to indicate how many seconds there are in a year (ignore leap year problems)
48, Write a “standard” macro MIN that takes two parameters and returns the smaller one.
49, What does the keyword const mean? What about modifiers? Static. What about classes? And extern C
50. What does the keyword volatile mean? Three different examples are given
51. Can a parameter be both const and volatile? – Can a pointer be volatile? Explain why.
The static keyword is used
53. List several process synchronization mechanisms and compare their advantages and disadvantages.
The way of communication between processes
55. Cause of process deadlock
56. Four necessary conditions for deadlocks
Deadlock handling
58. Cocoa Touch framework
What is an automatic release pool and how does it work
60. Sprint, strCPY,memcpy. What should I pay attention to
61. Do you know about version control tools such as SVN and CVS?
What is push
63. Static link libraries
64, 0C three major features
How to implement polymorphism in OC
The pros and cons of Objective-C
67. What do you think are the greatest strengths and weaknesses of OC? For the deficiencies, is there a way to bypass these deficiencies to fulfill the requirements available now? If possible, have you considered or implemented the function of reimplementing OC? If so, how to do it?
68. Types that can be modified or cannot be modified in oc
56. Four necessary conditions for deadlocks
Deadlock handling
Cocoa Touch Framework
What is an automatic release pool and how does it work
60. Sprint, strCPY,memcpy. What should I pay attention to
61. Do you know about version control tools such as SVN and CVS?
What is push
63. Static link libraries
64, 0C three major features
How to implement polymorphism in OC
The pros and cons of Objective-C
What do you think are the biggest strengths and weaknesses of OC? For the deficiencies, is there a way to bypass these deficiencies to fulfill the requirements available now? If possible, have you considered or implemented the function of reimplementing OC? If so, how to do it?
68. Types that can be modified or cannot be modified in oc
What do we mean by OC being a dynamic runtime language?
What is the difference between a notice and an agreement?
71. What is push notification?
72. On polymorphism
What is a predicate?
Do the projects involve network access functions? What objects are used to complete network functions?
75, simply introduced the NSURLConnection class and + sendSynchronousRequestreturningResponseerror: with – initWithRequestdelegate: what is the difference between two methods?
76, Talk about object-C memory management mode and process?
77, Does object-c have private methods? What about private variables?
Talk about the response chain
Time transfer & responder chain
What’s the difference between frame and bounds?
What is the difference between method and selector?
OC’s garbage collection mechanism?
What is lazy loading?
Do you want to insert two TableView controllers into one view controller?
Can a tableView be associated with two different data sources? How would you handle it?
86, When to use NSMutableArray, when to use NSArray?
87, Give an example of delegate method, and then explain UITableVlew’s Data Source method
Is there a limit to how many AutoRelease objects can be created in an application?
If we do not create a memory pool, is there a memory pool available for us?
90, When do you need to create a memory pool in your program?
91. Which methods of class NSObject are used most often?
What is a simple construction method?
How to use Xcode to design general applications?
94. What are UMiew’s animations?
95, How much inheritance does object-c have? If not, what to replace it with? All the classes in Cocoa are subclasses of NSObject
96, Memory management Autorelease, retain, copy, assign set methods and what does this mean?
How to mix C and obj-c
The role of categories? What is the difference between inheritance and categories in implementation?
The difference between a category and a class extension.
100. What is the difference between the protocol concept in OC and the interface concept in Java?
The difference between deep copy and front copy
Strong (3) the memory area where the string is located (4) Mutablecopy and copy @property(copy) NSMutableArray tarr; What's wrong with this? (5) How to make custom classes use opy to decorate rowsCopy the code
NSString*obj = [INSData alloc] init]; What type of object is obj at compile time and at run time?
103, #import<> #import<> #include
104, Can Objective C classes be multiple inherited? Can you implement multiple interfaces? What’s a Category? Rewrite – a class method with inheritance or classification is better? Why is that?
105, #import<> #import”, #include <>
Write a setter method to complete @property(nonatomic,retain)NSStringName, write a setter method for @property(nonatomic, copyNSString)name
107, What are the common data types in Objective C? What are the differences between the basic data types in C? Such as NSInteger and int
108, What are the properties of the object whose ID is declared?
109, How objective-C manages memory? What is your opinion and solution?
110. What is the difference between atomic and non-atomic {non-atomic) attributes?
111. Look at the following program. What does the first NSLog output? What is STR’s retainCount at this point? What about the second and third? Why is that?
What are the principles of memory management? By default, which keyword generated objects need to be released manually? How to effectively avoid memory leaks when combined with property?
113. How do I perform performance tests on iOS devices?
114. Design patterns
(1) MVC mode (2) Single room view (3) MW mode (4) Observer mode (5) Factory view (6) Agent mode (7) Shaugen mode (8) Adaptation Shao mode (9) Template mode (10) Appearance mode (11) Create view (12) MVP modeCopy the code
115. Principle analysis of MWM model
116. Talk about several commonly used methods of value transmission
117. When to use delegate and when to use Notification
Understanding of singletons
119. Differences between agent, notification and KVO from a design pattern perspective? What design patterns are used in the framework provided by iosSDK, and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
120. KVo, NSotification, Delegate, and Block
121, runTime
Runtime/message forwarding mechanism
(1) Runtme 1.1. What is rundime 1.2. 2.1. Principle of message forwarding. 2.2. What is SEL U super CMACopy the code
123. Use Bugly for crash analysis
124. Jenkens keeps packing
125, KVo & KVC
(1) Court layer practice 2) KVO description (3) OVERVIEW of KVCCopy the code
What are KVO and KVC?
KVOORVC (1) how to call private variables, how to modify the system fast only to the park, KVO ancient search order (2) what is the key value of the path light is what (3) KVO implementation mechanism (4) K/O calculation attributes, set dependent health (6) KO set attributes (6) KWVO use scenariosCopy the code
127, SDWeblmage(Implementation mechanism for SDWeblmage)
(1) main power (2) root storage direction) memory stub storage and disk limit storageCopy the code
128. Cache mechanism of SDWebimage framework
Internet security is the security principle of your code
130. Multi-threading
(1) the concept of multi-threading (2) the role of multi-station (3) the use of field mostCopy the code
131. What is the difference between NSOperationQueue and CCD
124. Jenkens keeps packing
125, KVo & KVC
(1) Court layer reality (2) KVO description (3) OVERVIEW of KVCCopy the code
What are KVO and KVC?
KVOORVC (1) how to call private variables, how to modify the system fast only to the park, KVO ancient search order (2) what is the key value of the path light is what (3) KVO implementation mechanism (4) K/O calculation attributes, set dependent health (6) KO set attributes (6) KWVO use scenariosCopy the code
127, SDWeblmage(Implementation mechanism for SDWeblmage)
(1) main power (2) root storage (3) memory stub storage and limited disk storageCopy the code
128. Cache mechanism of SDWebimage framework
Internet security is the security principle of your code
130. Multi-threading
(1) the concept of multi-threading (2) the role of multi-station (3) the use of field mostCopy the code
131. What is the difference between NSOperationQueue and CCD?
132. Differences between CCD and NSThread
133. What is the difference and connection between a process and a thread?
134. Do not perform two time-consuming operations asynchronously. After the two time-consuming operations are completed, return to the main thread to perform the operation. Fast, efficient implementation using queue groups (Dispatch group.t). The above requirements
135. When do you choose to use GCD and NSOperation in a project?
136. Compare multithreading in iOS
Advantages and disadvantages of multithreading
138. Delayed actions in iOS
Serial queues execute synchronously and asynchronous primary queues
140. Resource grab solutions
141, What is the function of dispatch barrier_ async?
In multithreaded Core Data, which NSC,MOC, NSObjectModel needs to be created or passed in the thread? What strategy did you use to achieve this?
VoidJinitialize = void initialize
108D and IntisizeCopy the code
144. HTTP post and distinction and connection, how do you choose them in practice
What is the difference between UDP and TCP?
What is the difference between HTTP and scoket communication? Socket connection library,TCPUDP connection method,HTTP several common ways?
147, HTTP request in common ways
148, block,
(1) When b/ OCK is used, when reference cycle occurs, and how to solve it? (2) How to fix external variables of 3b0ock in block? (3) Block & MRC-b10ock (4) What is B/OCK (5) Block implementation principle (6) about B /ock (7) Using B /ock and 0 with bdelgst to complete the delegate mode what advantages (8) multithreading with B10CK (9) read on Block How about a line and write a full UIVew animation with a Block? (10) Write the definition of the Block above.Copy the code
149. Weak, strong, copy. Assign
(1) What is the difference between using the weak keyword and essign? (2) how to copy keyword? @property (copy) NSMutablArray array (6) How to make my class use the copy modifier? How do I override a setter with a copy key? (6) What is the nature of @property 7 how are Iwvar, getters, setters generated and added to this class (7) How are Ivar, getters, setters generated and added to this class? (8) @property declarations of NSString (NSArrey, NSDIctonary) often make the vein coy keyword, why? What problems might arise if you use the strong keyword instead? (9) how to use @property in @protocol and category? (10) How to find the corresponding MP address by Irselector? (11) retslnIcopy difference (12) Copylistrong use? (13) NSStringONSMutableString, a former ancient thread-safe, which thread The whole. (14) Readwitte, resdony, ssign, retain, copy, weak,strong. NonstomlcCopy the code

150, 0C and JS interaction (ios and H5 hybrid)

TableView: sexual optimization UTableVew core idea UTEbloWew optimization mainly from three aspects:Copy the code

151, Why does TableView freeze?

152, UITableView

(1) urableVew quantity core idea (2) definition of height (3) custom height principle (4) is a new topic of 2U7ableVew performance optimization (5) cell height calculation (5.1) fixed height OEL and dynamic height OF OSLL (6) TableVew slag staining (7) Reduce the number of views (8) reduce redundant initial operations (9) do not add suDVow to CN blog (10) asynchronous ftuI and do not use the main thread (11) load corresponding content on demand when sliding (12) Off-screen rendering (13) Optimization scheme of high-screen residue dyeingCopy the code

I only wrote 152 passages because it was too long

Warm reminder, each interview question has a relative answer oh!