
Before writing the article, I specially went to the Internet to check the RecyclerView separation line solution for a long time, roughly divided into two kinds:

First, draw a line in the layout of item. Second, customize item decoration

The first one is probably fine in the LinearLayoutManager, but do you still want to use it in the GridViewLayoutManager? Are you sure you’re not kidding me? The second solution, almost all the examples on the Internet are not very universal, either LinearLayoutManager or GridViewLayoutManager, and there is no flexibility, For example, I want the last item of some LinearLayoutManager not to display the splitter line. None of that worked out.

So I thought, as a man who dreams of becoming one Piece King, I must step up and share my great sword that I have been hiding for so long.

RecyclerView separation line difficult

Nothing more than two points:

  • Where to display (which Item? Where is Item?
  • What to display (how wide? Dotted line solid line? What color is it? Pure color? Gradient?)

Among them, the most difficult and core problem, which is where to display, has been solved perfectly by this project. What about the second point, according to problems, in view of the most basic is pure color line, there is very little that fancy design, so the project is a temporary style only support custom width and color, but such believe has meet your requirements, but more customizable style will be released soon, welcome to Star, the Fork or PR.

Y_DividerItemDecoration Project address


A simple introduction

A universal RecyclerView partition line, support LinearLayoutManager and GridViewLayoutManager. In principle, any LayoutManager is supported as long as you can describe the left, right, and top lines of each position


Ordinary GridViewLayoutManager

Alien GridViewLayoutManager


  • LinearLayoutManager and GridViewLayoutManager are common
  • Customize the width and color of the dividing line
  • Flexible control RecyclerView each item left, top, right, bottom sectionline display or not



Create a new object that implements the abstract class Y_DividerItemDecoration, In getItemSidesIsHaveOffsets (int itemPosition) defined in the entry when itemPosition clockwise left, top, right, bottom whether need to display line.

    class DividerItemDecoration extends Y_DividerItemDecoration {

        public DividerItemDecoration(Context context, int lineWidthDp, @ColorInt int colorRGB) {
            super(context, lineWidthDp, colorRGB);

        public boolean[] getItemSidesIsHaveOffsets(int itemPosition) {
            // Clockwise :left, top, right, bottom
            boolean[] isOffset = {false.false.false.true};// By default, only bottom displays the dividing line
            returnisOffset; }}Copy the code


Add RecyclerView sectionals and pass in width and color of the sectionals, width is dp, color must be a hex int containing Alpha and R, G, B, e.g. 0xFF6C6C6C

recyclerView.addItemDecoration(new DividerItemDecoration(this.6.0xff6c6c6c));Copy the code



compile 'com.yanyusong.y_divideritemdecoration:y_divideritemdecoration:1.0Copy the code

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If Y_DividerItemDecoration saves you a lot of time, could you please buy me a bag of coffee so that I can be more motivated to do it better? Thank you! 😊
