1 introduction

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Docker & Kubernetes related article: Container Technology

I have been using the official Kubernetes Dashboard to manage K8S, which is also a very friendly UI tool, but the display of resources is not complete, the view of logs is limited, and it is important to log in after a long time. Therefore, I found a beautiful appearance and good user experience management platform Lens.

2 Features and Installation

2.1 features

Lens has the following advantages:

  • Strong usability and excellent user experience;
  • Multi-cluster management, can support hundreds of clusters;
  • Standalone application, without installing anything in the cluster;
  • You can view the cluster status in real time.
  • Can be directPodsandContainersTerminal tools;
  • For large clusters can also support, can support more than25kaPodsThe cluster;
  • supportKubernetes RBAC;
  • supportMac,WindowsandLinux.

2.2 Installation Experience

Mac users can install it by using the following command:

brew cask install lens
Copy the code

All users can download and install: github.com/lensapp/len…

In Settings you can choose black Dark or white Light appearance.

Experience a high level of appearance

3.1 Cluster Management

After the point-and-shoot installation is complete and started, Lens automatically reads ~/.kube/config to add a cluster. You can also manually add:

As shown above, I have added two clusters. You can also customize the cluster icon to increase identification.

When there is a problem, the icon displays the Event number. Right click icon to access cluster Settings:

This is very convenient. I installed the Metrics monitor on it to get the Metrics data of Pod in real time.

View the cluster status:

3.2 Pod management

Pod management is very convenient, you can view CPU/MEM resource status, enter the shell, view logs, edit and delete.

Enter Pod Shell for operation:

View Pod logs:

3.3 ConfigMap management

The value of ConfigMap can be modified directly.

3.4 Ingress management

You can view all Ingress and their routing rules:

3.5 Terminal and Resource Management

Convenient terminal tools, with different versions of Kubectl to match the cluster version.

You can also execute yamL files directly:

3.6 App Store

App Store management features make it easy to install and manage apps:

4 summarizes

There are a lot of different Kubernetes management tools out there, but Lens is nice and easy to use, and I fell in love with it. For more details, find out for yourself.

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