A few days ago has been writing about the data structure of the article, about learning data structure, xiaobian or suggest you knock code, you can try to write a few small programs, or go to Los Valley, niu guest network brush ACM is also possible.

Today, IT occurred to me that I have not been able to match the Java environment well after reinstalling the system. Although I haven’t started learning Java yet, I still need to do well in preparation, ha ha ha.

The following is the introduction to the Java environment configuration, first we have to download the JDK, Java8 as an example.

Download JDK8

Download website: www.oracle.com/java/techno…

Exe (JDK 8u261-Windows -×64. Exe) (JDK 8U261-Windows -×64. Exe) (JDK 8U261-Windows -×64.

The following page will appear, click I accept, and then click the Download button.

It will then jump to the Orcle login page, where you can create an account, or baidu Orcle account, and share accounts online. Xiaobian is directly from the Internet.

Once logged in, the download started (it might be a little slow).

Once the installation package is downloaded, we can start the installation.

Install JDK8

When you open the installation package, the installation wizard appears:

Then click next, the installation path will appear, here everyone according To their own preferences To install the appropriate file, such as xiaobian installed To DISK D: To: if the file management is not particularly good or suggest you do not move the installation path, always the default can be.

The installation path of JRE will appear later, xiaobian still chooses DISK D, after the installation path is ready, click next:

The following page shows that the installation is underway!

The following page indicates that the installation is complete.

The last important thing is to configure the Java environment.

Java environment configuration

Find my computer:

Right click to find and click on properties, go to the far left and click advanced System Settings:

The following system properties appear. Find the environment variables in the higher level:

We need to make changes in system variables, remember not user variables above!! \

And then I’m gonna go new,

The following page appears, configured as: \

Variable name: CLASSPATH

D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_261

The last step is to find the Path in the system variable and click, the following page appears, click New, and then copy the bin directory in the downloaded JDK directory to the newly created place, as shown below: \

Click OK all the way.

You can also open the CMD window (Win+R, enter CMD) to check whether the configuration is successful.

Open CMD and enter Java. The following figure shows that the configuration is successful:

Then open the CMD window again and enter Javac. If the following figure is displayed, the configuration is successful.

This indicates that the Java environment configuration is successful!