1. The virtual device IDE1:0 cannot be connected because no corresponding device exists on the host. You want to try to connect to this virtual appliance every time you start this virtual appliance

(1) During vm installation, a message is displayed indicating that the virtual device IDE1:0 cannot be connected because no corresponding device exists on the host. Do you want to try to connect to this virtual appliance every time you start this virtual appliance? Note The IDE1:0 is usually a CD-ROM drive of a VM, and the configuration option is Use a physical drive. If the host does not have a CD-ROM drive, change the configuration option to Use an ISO image file.

2. The Ubunto client could not copy files or text to the virtual machine

I’ve been compiling Bibili’s open source video library for a while now, so I just downloaded a vm (Ubunto) and tried to copy some urls into the VM, but nothing worked. You can only install vmware-tools. But after you install Ubuntu, it already has vmware-Tools.