To HTTPS:/ / DLL download it. Note that if PHP is 7.0.x, it looks like a maximum of 1.9.3 amQP can be usedInstall extension=php_amqp. DLL in PHP. If you are using Apache or Wamp, Xampp, PHPStudy, etc. Will compress rabbitMQ inside the package4.Unzip.dll to the relevant apache directory and configure httpd.conf to add LoadFile"D: / Work / / php7.0.33 wamp64 / bin/PHP/ext/php_amqp DLL." "If you are running the PHP process directly from CMD /shell, use RabbitMQ4.DLL to the same folder as php.exe. Rabbitmq is also available4.DLL directly into the system32 directory. HTTPS://
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