Windows 7 64-Bit flagship edition Android SDK installation, click SDK Manager

Method one:

Cause: Windows 7 64-bit flagship edition C:\Windows\System32 directory java.exe file. The system mistakenly thought it was the JDK directory.

Solution: go to the C:\Windows\System32 directory and delete the java.exe file.

This method also applies if Android Studio cannot find the JDK path when the JDK environment variable has been configured.

Method 2:

Cause: Android-SDK-windows \tools\android.bat cannot find java.exe file.

Solution: Modify android.bat

The original

rem Check we have a valid Java.exe in the path.

set java_exe=

call lib\find_java.bat

if not defined java_exe goto :EOF

Modify the

rem Check we have a valid Java.exe in the path.

The set java_exe = D: \ Development Kit \ Java \ jdk1.6.0 _45 \ bin \ Java exe

rem call lib\find_java.bat

rem if not defined java_exe goto :EOF