Environment Preparation:
Win64 OpenSSL v1.1.0 h
Nginx/Windows, version 1.8.1 –
OpenSSL environment variable Settings:
My computer – “Properties -” advanced System Settings – “Environment variables -” user variables (you can configure them in system variables if you want them to be common to all users)
Variable name: OPENSSL_HOME Value: C:\ openSSL-win64 \bin; (Variable value is openSSL installation location, mine)
Add the following to the end of the path variable: %OPENSSL_HOME%;
Nginx 中 文 版 : Nginx 中 文 版 : Nginx 中 文 版
Nginx-1.8.1 >start nginx :\nginx-1.8.1>nginx.exe
Nginx-1.8.1 >nginx.exe -s quit C:\nginx-1.8.1>nginx.exe -s quit C:\nginx-1.8.1>nginx.exe -s quit Quit is a complete and orderly stop to nginx and save the information.
Exe -s reload Reload Nginx: C:\nginx-1.8.1>nginx.exe -s reload Reload Nginx: C:\nginx-1.8.1>nginx.exe -s reload Reload Nginx: C:\nginx-1.8.1>nginx.exe -s reload Reload Nginx: C:\nginx-1.8.1
C:\nginx-1.8.1>nginx.exe -s reopen
C:\nginx-1.8.1> nginx-v
Select * from nginx.exe where name = nginx.exe;
Taskkill /fi imagename eq nginx.EXE /f
Create a private key, create a CSR certificate
- Create an SSL folder in the nginx installation path to store the certificate
- To create a private key, run the openssl genrsa -des3 -out nj.key 1024 command
- To create a CSR certificate, run the openssl req -new-key nj. key-out nj. CSR command
A few points to note here: Input password is set in the previous step, other can always press enter, press enter
- Perform the following operations to copy the file, remove the password, and generate the CRT certificate
On the CLI, run the copy nj.key nj.key.copy command
Run the openssl rsa -in nj.key.copy -out nj.key command on the CLI
Run the openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in nj. CSR -signkey nJ. key command on the CLI
To this certificate, the generation is complete. Here is the cofig file for configuring Nginx.
Modify the C:/nginx-1.8.1/conf/nginx.conf file
Note the following: 1. Set the certificate path to a relative path rather than an absolute path
2. Comment out several lines of SSL_session_cache according to the error log.
3. Location Configure the pointing path based on project requirements.