Nineteen years have passed, but Apple’s cancellations are getting worse.

Once heard in the industry, super sign thief steady, absolutely will not drop, but according to the majority of user feedback, super sign also has unstable, drop sign. Practitioners may also have a question: why do super signatures drop?

First, a brief description of what a super signature is.

The principle of super signature is that 100 mobile phones can be installed with the personal developer account. During the installation process, the USER’s MOBILE PHONE UDID can be obtained to install the APP. One account can only install 100 mobile phones, so the stability will be much better.

What is an individual developer account

Personal developer account is used by app developers to carry bags and test the functions of app iPhone and other functions.

How much does a super signature cost?

I believe many people would like to know the cost of super signature. In fact, the cost of super signature is not expensive. The registrant can distribute 100 mobile phones with one developer account.
However, due to official restrictions, the official registration was not possible in 2019, which led to the price of apple account being sky-high. The price of an account was around 3000, so the super signature became much more expensive. Generally speaking, the lowest installation cost of a mobile phone is 8 yuan for the seller, which is the lowest cost, excluding the system development cost, labor cost, loss and so on. If you buy a cheap thing, it is easier to attract people to be deceived. If you buy a low price, you should pay attention to it.

Why do super signatures drop?

The reasons are as follows:

The first kind: in order to reduce the cost, the signer flusher the water for you artificially, after the user downloads, the signer deletes the mobile phone that has been downloaded

The second: Why there are some new accounts will be blocked for no reason, and it didn’t do anything, why would be blocked account, because this is the user a lot of brush machine, we understand that the amount of a mobile device can register now 25, with IP address, you changed a mobile device, has been detected by the apple, the account will be blocked, even if your account does not have to do.

The third: Illegal number. In order to reduce the cost of super signature, some businesses buy in large quantities and cannot carry the bag, or they have been identified as illegal operation by Apple. The general price of this account is between 200 and 400, and it was sold at the peak in 19 years 1800 an account, if a large number of registered Udid of such accounts, it is easy to lead to its life can not normally reach one year.

Fourth: Investigation, is has been accused of, 14 days will be banned no input device, completely abolished account, the market price again between 100-500, there are some businesses will use a large quantity of these in the short term to the customer to register, so within 14 days of the full 100 devices, just to earn back the cost, the profit maximization. If you buy a very cheap super sign, you should believe that there is something fishy about it. The cheaper the super sign is, the profit is not profitable at the normal price, so there will be a lot of users say, why I have downloaded and used, but always black screen, showing that I can not download and use. The reason is that your account has been closed, and you have no extra equipment to use and no quality assurance.

Now the market price of super contracts is between 12 and 16, which is a more normal price. The choice of platform is also very important, there are many new platforms on the market at present, the quality is uneven, I still recommend Chaoji. IO to do the first super sign, but it seems that only acquaintances or friends introduce.