Recently, the most popular online game is ARTIFICIAL intelligence AlphaGo. After five fierce matches, it finally defeated humans four to one using cloud technology and deep learning technology. Humans lost, and some people began to worry: If AI can do anything, what else can humans do? In the future, humans will probably only be able to assemble intelligent robots. And then there’s the more worrying question: will ARTIFICIAL intelligence get out of control? Once AI is powerful enough, will it eventually replace humans? Faced with such a wild topic, we might as well look for the answer from reality.

Will artificial intelligence be widely used soon?

AlphaGo has extremely powerful computing power and deep learning capabilities. If this technology is widely used it will bring about a digital revolution. But do you know what kind of hardware is required behind such a powerful performance?

AlphaGo is said to come in a variety of configurations, but even the lowest configuration uses 48 cpus and one GPU, which only slightly outperforms go programs such as Crazy Stone and Zen. The highest-configured AlphaGO Distributed, known as AlphaGO Distributed, uses 1,920 cpus and 280 Gpus. The best AlphaGo has the strongest performance and the most power consumption, which is said to reach 120,000 watts when playing chess, compared to the tens of watts used by the human brain. Therefore, if artificial intelligence cannot reduce power consumption in the future, it will be difficult to be widely used.

Does ARTIFICIAL intelligence have “emotions”?

For a long time, “emotion” was thought to be a property of living things, not machines. While AI can perform ultra-complex logical operations, the understanding of emotions is a different level of technology. If the emotion is a physiological phenomenon, that is, one can describe the physical state, through access to the human body physiological signals under the condition of different emotions, and convert it to a computer can understand the physical information, the ai can use the information to simulate human “emotion”, so artificial intelligence is to have the emotional, And there are already some emotion-social robots that can partially mimic human emotional communication.

In fact, since nature created human beings and endowed them with various emotions, there is no reason why artificial intelligence, also created by human beings, cannot have “emotions”.

Giiso Information, founded in 2013, is a leading technology provider in the field of “artificial intelligence + information” in China, with top technologies in big data mining, intelligent semantics, knowledge mapping and other fields. At the same time, Giiso’s research and development products include editing robots, writing robots and other artificial intelligence products! With its strong technical strength, the company has received angel round investment at the beginning of its establishment, and received pre-A round investment of $5 million from GSR Venture Capital in August 2015.

Will ARTIFICIAL intelligence hit jobs?

Looking back at the history of human society, in the early days, everyone had to make a living by farming. Later, productivity increased, and half of the people cultivated the land, while the rest took up other jobs. After that, mankind experienced three industrial revolutions, which greatly increased productivity and gradually shortened working hours. In today’s information age, more and more people are engaged in online careers. This shows that, with the progress of society, people engaged in traditional industries do face the risk of unemployment. But as long as the transition to a stable state is fairly and reasonably distributed by society, we will have shorter working hours and longer breaks in the future. In other words, we will be paid more per unit of labor. This is the inevitability of historical development and human progress.

Will ARTIFICIAL intelligence get out of control?

Fortunately, there is no need to worry too much about this. Neither autonomous robots nor AlphaGo are currently using technology that was developed a decade ago as an extension of deep learning. Such things are not really “smart” in the strict sense, though AlphaGo seems to excel at simple repetitive data crunching, the mechanical equivalent of the human brain. True AI has at least a basic conscious mind, and so far has no basic theory, let alone how to apply it.

Giiso information, founded in 2013, is the first domestic high-tech enterprise focusing on the research and development of intelligent information processing technology and the development and operation of core software for writing robots. At the beginning of its establishment, the company received angel round investment, and in August 2015, GSR Venture Capital received $5 million pre-A round of investment.

Probably artificial intelligence, much like film in “mechanical ji” to show people, used to test the “machine” is set for artificial intelligence idea managed to escape from the villa, the play she learn human emotion, and deceived by the hero’s help, imprison her villa success out of the human beings, and mixed with the human society, what will happen after the play not articulated, You can use your imagination and make your own. This film wants to reveal to people, although human created artificial intelligence, but can not completely control it, maybe one day not human control artificial intelligence, but artificial intelligence to replace human. Doesn’t that sound a little scary? Don’t worry, at the current level of artificial intelligence, replacing human beings this kind of thing is still far away, rest assured!