With the accumulation of work and project experience, there are a lot of knowledge points need to be sorted out, including the development or technical aspects, I want to build a Wiki system, which can be convenient for their own inquiry, but also for people who need reference, to do good work must be good first, so this article to write down the choice of Wiki system.

To choose

First, I put together the following to choose list, combining known third-party Wiki systems with popular open source projects searched online.

  • Language finches
  • Look at the cloud
  • Notion
  • GitBook
  • VuePress
  • docsify


Next, filter each of the above alternate lists from different sides.

Degree of customization

I found the following deficiencies in the use of third-party Wiki systems, such as “Chatbird” and “Kanyun” :

  • The data is stored on a third-party server, and the file ownership feels like it is not yours.
  • Features such as custom domain names are limited or chargeable.
  • Page customization is not high.

Based on the above problems, I chose to abandon the third-party Wiki system and use open source projects to build my own Wiki.

Product positioning

“Notion” has become very popular in China since last year. Notion can be used to make a Wiki, but it is not concise enough. This is why I give up Notion.

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Access speed

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Deployment complexity

When deploying wikis using open source projects, “GitBook” and “VuePress” must be considered.

Objectively speaking, GitBook and VuePress interfaces are relatively simple and beautiful. Deployment and page writing are not complicated. For detailed deployment, please refer to the link below.

  • GitBook is a quick start
  • VuePress is quick to get started

Docsify is one of the lightest Wiki systems I’ve ever seen, with a beautiful interface and a high degree of customization.

When I found docsify, I thought this was it.


How lightweight is docsify? Although there are official build tools available, you can skip the build tools and start creating Wiki content using an index. HTML. See Quick Start for details.

Of course, Docsify isn’t just lightweight, it also includes the following features (officially) :

  • No need to build, write documentation and publish directly
  • Easy to use and lightweight (~21kB after compression)
  • Intelligent full text search
  • Multiple sets of topics are available
  • Rich API
  • Support Emoji
  • Compatible IE11
  • Support server side rendering SSR

In my opinion, the characteristics of Docsify are as follows:

  • The interface is clean and elegant, leaving the emphasis on “content”, which is the most important part of a Wiki.
  • Support for full-text search, custom sidebar, make searching and navigation easier.
  • Rich plug-ins, so that a variety of custom functions at your fingertips.
  • Using Markdown for documentation is in line with my usual habit of writing articles.
  • Its natural lightness makes it the perfect Wiki for me.

To say the only shortcoming, may be SEO support is not very good, this depends on the personal choice, as far as I am concerned, mainly used for recording and query technical knowledge, so SEO is not important to me.

The above is all the content OF my choice of Wiki, comprehensive factors, and finally choose the perfect extremely lightweight “Docsify”, the next article will write about the construction and Settings of Docsify.

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