Rongyun, a leader in the communication cloud industry, will hold the 3rd Global Internet Communication Cloud Conference (WICC 2021) in Beijing on July 24th (Saturday). The registration page of the event website is now online. The theme of the conference is “New Vision, even the Future”. In addition to preaching and practice sharing from industry technology leaders, service developer ecology will also be one of the highlights of the conference.

What is the status of developers? How can PaaS vendors build an ecosystem of developer services? What are the opportunities for future developers? Jiang Tao, WICC 2021 Summit host, founder & Chairman of CSDN and founding partner of Geek Gang Venture Capital, as the host of the developer Ecology summit, revealed some of his insights before the meeting.

WICC 2021 is a great event for developers

According to the latest developer survey report, 90% of developers use technology media, technology communities, technology forums and other channels to learn about the latest developments in the industry and acquire new knowledge; More than 90% of developers plan to improve their competitiveness by learning new technologies, and even more than 50% are willing to buy video courses and graphic courses for learning.

Jiang Tao believes that WICC held every year is a good opportunity for developers to learn new Internet communication cloud technologies for free and improve their technical capabilities. To be a good developer, you need to keep up with The Times in terms of technical ability, keep a strong curiosity and good research spirit, so WICC is a developer event that no good developer should miss.

Cloud of communication technology is evolving today for an infrastructure of the Internet, the WICC focus on new technology and application of real-time audio and video, network transmission and system architecture, the scene can assign and innovation, and the AR, VR, MR, AI etc. These cutting-edge technology combined with the development of communication cloud, to help developers to better interpretation technology, the scene, as well as the future direction of the industry.

Jiang Tao inspires developers to think about how to make better use of existing resources, grasp the essence of technology development, and find the logic behind technology, so as to broaden their technical vision and their life and career.

PaaS vendors build a developer service ecosystem: The core is ease of use, ease of use, and low cost

The core task for PaaS manufacturers to build a developer service ecosystem is to do a good job of the product, make it really easy to use, so that developers can solve the required functions in two or three lines of code, or even solve problems with one click. For PaaS vendors, the test is their ability to abstract and simplify, not only to provide easy-to-use interfaces, but also to encapsulate various components in simple logic, so as to make the SDK as functional and powerful as possible. It’s really hard to do that without really mastering the core technology.

In addition to product technology, integrating cloud recently launched the first language to chat room solution based on the scenario, marked the PaaS cloud firms competing in the second half began to go deep into the business logic layer, seek complex business logic and the balance between the general technology, should not only consider products in a specific scenario of generality, and to many business ability of abstracting, Find commonalities between two mutually exclusive attributes. This reflects the cloud vendors will be easy to use products, easy-to-use concept has been developed to the advanced stage.

For developers, ease of use also means clarity of development documentation and “speaking the language”. Cloud manufacturers had better have their own evangelists, the product design concept and basic functions through activities, community repeated propaganda, especially when new products, new applications are available, need a process of education market, documentation, community incentives and other content ecology construction is more important.

Finally, low cost is something developers care about and value. While product usability and ease of use help developers save time, promotions help developers save money directly. This is also very necessary for cloud vendors to build their own developer ecosystem and cultivate their own developer system.

Future opportunities for developers: Looking for innovative scenarios

With the arrival of 5G, the underlying infrastructure capacity is improving day by day, and new technologies are gestation and emerging. Developers are increasingly concerned about where the market opportunities are in the future. In this regard, Jiang Tao believes that with the arrival of 5G, audio and video technology will be more widely used. Among them, real scene display and multi-person interactive scene are two breakthrough scenes.

First, AR/VR is worth waiting for. Due to the breakthrough in AR/VR technology, combined with the combination of 5G technology, the next two or three years will usher in great development, to bring users more real scene display, not only tourism, communication and other entertainment will change, all walks of life will usher in new changes, resulting in new opportunities; Secondly, the popularity of the Clubhouse at the beginning of this year has made us realize that the development direction and opportunity of the social networking field is to make the offline multi-person communication scene online when the existing technological conditions are already available.

Facing the future communication cloud market, when technology changes and more interaction forms emerge, whether developers can explore new application scenarios and new application modes depends on whether developers have made preparations in advance, and opportunities will always be rewarded to those who are prepared. Cloud vendors and developers will live side by side in a more friendly and complete developer ecosystem.


For this WICC, the main value of the conference is to broaden the horizons of developers and better serve the developer ecosystem. What else is at the core of the developer ecosystem dialogue? Developers are still waiting to actively participate in the conference site, to bring more surprises and harvest for everyone. Now can reveal the story is that, in addition to host Jiang Tao, the guests to participate in the peak dialogue link, there are: Rongyun co-founder &CTO Yang Pan, DCloud CTO Cui Hongbao, tributary technology co-founder, Apache APISIX PMC chairman, Apache Software Foundation member Wen Ming, etc..