Jin SAN Yin Four in the past also have a period of time, I believe that many partners have already got the offer, but also many partners have not got their own happy offer, the following time xiaobian take you to analyze the 2020 big factory interview often asked some real questions.

Why message queues? What are the advantages and disadvantages of message queues? What are the advantages and disadvantages of Kafka, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, and RocketMQ?

Interviewer psychoanalysis :(actually the interviewer wants to see)

First of all, do you know why message queues are used in your system?
Many candidates say they use Redis and MQ in their projects, but they don’t really know why they use it. To put it bluntly, it was just for its own sake, or an architecture designed by someone else, and he never thought about it. People who don’t ask why they’re structured are usually people who aren’t thinking, and interviewers tend to think poorly of these candidates. Because the interviewer is worried that you will only be able to do dull work and not think for yourself when you join the team.
Second, since you use message queues, do you know what the advantages and disadvantages of using them are?
If you don’t think about that, then you blindly put MQ into the system, then something goes wrong and you slip out and leave a hole for the company? If you haven’t considered the potential drawbacks and risks of introducing a technology, the interviewer who hires this candidate is likely to be a pot-digger. I’m afraid you work for a year to dig a pile of pits, their job hopping, leaving endless trouble for the company.
Third, since you used MQ, probably some kind of MQ, did you do any research at the time?

Don’t be stupid enough to slap yourself on the head just because you like it

Using an MQ such as Kafka without even investigating the industry’s popular MQ options. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each MQ. Each MQ is not absolutely good or bad, but it depends on which scenario can be used to maximize its strengths and circumvent its weaknesses.

If a candidate who does not consider the technology selection is recruited into the team, the leader assigns him a task to design a system. He may use some technologies in the team without considering the type selection, and the technology he finally chooses may not be appropriate, which is still a trap.

Interview question analysis:

Why message queues

The idea is to ask you what are the usage scenarios of message queues, and then what are the specific scenarios in your project, what are you using message queues in this scenario?
When the interviewer asks you this question, one of the expected responses is to say, what is your company’s business scenario, and what is the technical challenge of that business scenario, which would have been a hassle if you didn’t use MQ, but now that you use MQ gives you a lot of benefits.
Let’s start with the common usage scenarios of message queues. There are many scenarios, but there are three core ones: decoupling, async, and peak clipping.
Look at this scene. A system sends data to the three BCD systems through interface calls. What if system E also wants this data? What if system C now doesn’t need it? A System manager nearly crashed……

In this scenario, system A is heavily coupled with various other chaotic systems. System A produces A critical piece of data, which many systems need to send. System A should always consider BCDE four systems if the failure of what to do? Do you want to repost? Do you want to save the message? The hair is all white!
If MQ is used, system A generates A piece of data and sends it to MQ, which system needs the data to be consumed in MQ itself. If the new system needs data, it can be consumed directly from MQ; If a system no longer needs this data, simply unconsume the MQ message. In this way, system A does not need to consider who to send data to, does not need to maintain the code, and does not need to consider whether others call success, failure timeout, etc.

Summary: With A model of MQ, Pub/Sub publishing subscription messages, system A is completely decoupled from other systems.
Interview tip: You need to consider whether there are similar scenarios in the system you are responsible for, that is, one system or one module, calling multiple systems or modules, calling each other is very complex and difficult to maintain. However, this call does not need to be directly synchronized to the interface. It can be decoupled asynchronously using MQ, and you need to consider whether it can be decoupled using MQ in your project. Show this in your resume, decoupled by MQ.
In another scenario, when system A receives A request, it needs to write to its own local library and three system write libraries in BCD. The local write library needs 3ms, and the three system write libraries in BCD need 300ms, 450ms, and 200ms respectively. The total delay of the final request is 3 + 300 + 450 + 200= 953ms, close to 1s, the user feels that something is very slow. The user initiates a request through the browser and waits for 1s, which is almost unacceptable.

General Internet enterprises require that each request must be completed within 200 ms for direct user operations, which is almost insensitive to users.
If MQ is used, then system A sends 3 messages to the MQ queue continuously. If it takes 5ms, the total time for system A to receive A request and return A response to the user is 3 + 5 = 8ms. For the user, it actually feels like clicking A button, and it will directly return after 8ms, cool! Good job on the website, fast!

Peak clipping:
Every day from 0:00 to 12:00, A system is calm, the number of concurrent requests per second is 50. As a result, the number of concurrent requests increases to 5K + requests per second from 12:00 to 13:00 every time. However, the system is directly based on MySQL, and a large number of requests flood into MySQL, executing about 5K SQL against MySQL every second.
MySQL can handle 2k requests per second, but 5K requests per second will kill MySQL and cause the system to crash and users will no longer be able to use the system.
But once the peak is over, in the afternoon, it’s a low peak, and maybe a million users are on the site at the same time, and the number of requests per second may be as low as 50, putting almost no pressure on the whole system.

If you use MQ and 5K requests are written to MQ per second, the A system can process at most 2k requests per second because MySQL can process at most 2k requests per second. System A slowly pulls requests from MQ at 2k requests per second, no more than the maximum number of requests it can handle per second, so that system A will never fail, even during peak times. At 5K requests coming in for MQ every second, 2k requests are going out, resulting in hundreds of thousands or even millions of requests being backlogged in MQ during the midday peak (1 hour).

This brief peak backlog is ok because after the peak, 50 requests are coming into MQ every second, but the A system is still processing at A rate of 2k requests per second. Therefore, as soon as the peak is over, system A will quickly clear the backlog of messages.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of message queues?

The advantages mentioned above are the corresponding advantages in special scenarios, such as decoupling, asynchrony and peak clipping. The disadvantages are as follows:
The disadvantages are as follows:
The system availability decreases

  • The more external dependencies a system introduces, the more likely it is to fail. Originally you are A system call BCD three system interface good, person ABCD four systems good, no problem, you partial add MQ come in, in case MQ hang how to do, MQ hang, the whole system crash, you don’t over? How to keep message queues highly available can be seen here.

System complexity enhancement

  • By adding MQ, how can you ensure that messages are not consumed twice? How to handle message loss? How to ensure sequential message delivery? Big head, lots of problems, lots of pain.

Consistency problem

  • A system processing directly return success, people think you this request is successful; But the problem is, what if BCD three systems, BD two system write library success, the result of C system write library failure? Your numbers don’t match up.
  • So message queuing is actually a very complex architecture, and you introduce it with a lot of benefits, but you have to do all kinds of additional technical solutions and architectures to get around it, and when you do that, you see, gee, the system is an order of magnitude more complex, maybe 10 times more complex. But when the chips are down, it’s — it’s still there.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Kafka, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, and RocketMQ?

To sum up, after various comparisons, the following suggestions are made:
To introduce MQ into general business systems, people used ActiveMQ at the very beginning, but now people do not use it much
Validation for large throughput scenarios, and the community is not very active, so forget it, I personally don’t recommend it
Later people started using RabbitMQ, but it was true that the Erlang language prevented a lot of Java engineers from delving into it
Control it, for the company, is almost in a state of uncontrollable, but it is indeed open source, relatively stable support, active
Degree is high;
But now more and more companies are using RocketMQ, which is great, because it’s ali, but the community might
(Currently RocketMQ is donated to Apache, but GitHub isn’t exactly active.) Yeah
RocketMQ is recommended if you are confident in your company’s technical strength, otherwise go back and use RabbitMQ. There is an active open source community.
So for small and medium sized companies, with average technical strength and not particularly high technical challenges, RabbitMQ is a good choice. big
RocketMQ is a good choice for companies with strong infrastructure development capabilities.
If it is real-time computing, log collection and other scenarios in the field of big data, Kafka is the industry standard, absolutely no problem, community
It’s very active, it’s definitely not yellow, and it’s the de facto norm in this field almost all over the world.

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