What is WebRTC?

WebRTC stands for Web Real-Time Communication. It is an open source project that aims to create simple, standardized processes to provide real-time communication (RTC) over the Web.

WebRTC was originally built for real-time communication within a Web browser. You can think of it as an API that allows web browsers to conduct real-time voice or video conversations.

The development of origin

Shortly after The release of Google Chrome, the team noticed a lack of web infrastructure for real-time communication. At the time, no browser provided direct data transfer between people by default, let alone standardized across all browsers.

So Google set out to create standardized specifications for real-time Web communication that would allow smooth data transfer over a common platform, eliminating the need for third-party applications or plug-ins. In the years that followed, Mozilla, Microsoft, Opera and Apple all joined the project.

WebRTC technology was born because real-time audio and video calls in the browser rely on plug-ins or programs, and the vulnerability of plug-ins is more critical. Browser developers have no control over these plug-ins and updates, so plug-ins pose a relatively high security risk.

Adobe Flash, for example, has been getting so much bad press for its security issues that Steve Jobs wrote an open letter detailing why iOS banned the plugin in 2010. So, Adobe retired Flash in 2015 and announced the end of the service in 2020.

The characteristics of the WebRTC

1. Open source, free, developers do not need to bear high patent costs

2. Browser-based, no need to install plug-ins, as long as the call can achieve audio and video interaction

3. Integrated into the HTML5 standard, mainstream browsers fully support WebRTC

Industry application scenarios of WebRTC

WebRTC is no longer limited to web browsers on PCS. Many Android and iOS apps already use the technology. That’s why video services have grown rapidly in recent years in areas such as livestreaming courses, corporate training, and social entertainment.

The Internet of things

AI and the Internet of Things are already the future trend. By 2030, there will be 500 billion mobile Internet devices in the world. We need a quick and convenient solution with low delay to realize real-time audio and video transmission and processing.

For example, smart home devices: smart speakers, smart doorbells, smart cameras and so on. Imagine what the world will be like when all these devices can do more than connect, when they can communicate seamlessly on standardized platforms.

Enterprise business

Real-time video calls play an increasingly important role in enterprise cloud office, video teleconference, video training and other business scenarios. Especially during this year’s pandemic, downloads of video conferencing and office software have skyrocketed.

online education

With the help of WebRTC technology, online classroom and other Internet education modes are booming, breaking the limitation of offline traditional education by time and space. Video endows online education with an innovative mode of more fragmented learning and maximizes the resource sharing of high-quality teachers.

The online medical

WebRTC technology brings real-time audio and video communication, breaking the geographical limitations of traditional medical resources. Through real-time video, remote multi-doctor video consultation can be realized, greatly reducing the consultation time and cost. The development of virtual reality and remote robot will provide greater convenience and development space for online medical treatment.

Social entertainment

There is a growing variety of social entertainment and entertainment applications. Adding video chat to these applications can meet people’s needs for social interaction.

Electrical business advertising

With WebRTC technology, users click on an AD and instantly connect with a company, rather than looking up a phone number on a Web page and then picking up a phone call. WebRTC has changed the way people interact with advertising and the companies behind it.

Video call

Sometimes customer service cannot better understand and solve customers’ problems by relying only on text or voice. For example, technical support personnel of large household appliance manufacturers can guide users to operate and solve problems through real-time video.

EasyRTC Video conferencing cloud service

EasyRTC is a product developed by TSINGSEE Qingxi Video team based on years of technology accumulation in the audio and video field. It is a real-time audio development platform with global coverage, supporting one-to-one, one-to-many and other video calls.

EasyRTC has MCU and SFU architecture, no need to install client and plug-in, pure H5 online video conference system, support wechat small program, H5 page, APP, PC client and other access methods, greatly meet the needs of voice and video social, online education and training, video conference and telemedicine and other scenarios.

Conclusion: ** With the rapid development of mobile Internet, the arrival of AI, 5G and other emerging technologies, combined with WebRTC technology, will also derive more application scenarios, change the life style of human clothing, food, housing, travel and so on.