Hello, everyone. Some time ago, I posted an article about my internship and graduation experience. As mentioned in one sentence, I did not consider Tencent when I graduated due to some displeasure with Tencent. Some people were very interested and left me messages asking me what was going on. I have to say, you can be a penny-pincher!

Practice the past

This matter said big, small, let me still think of a bit of trouble.

This happened when I was looking for an internship, and you might wonder how you found Ali’s internship. It was very simple, because I had heard that one of his classmates had met Ali when he graduated. This senior was also a member of Microsoft Club at the beginning, so I added his QQ through the QQ group of the club. Asked him if he could internalize something related to the internship.

And just like that, I got the inside scoop on Ali’s internship. You may want to ask, your school some people go to Ali no one to Tencent, Baidu? There are! I did get in touch with another senior who went to Tencent, who I knew personally and was also a member of the Microsoft Club. There are also graduates to Baidu, but Baidu I did not particularly want to go, one is because the headquarters in Beijing, another is that it was not very good reputation, there is another reason is baidu often held baidu Star programming competition, as long as a good ranking in the competition, to Baidu or very easy. So I have not been very concerned about Baidu.

These two internal push Ali started relatively early, as early as the winter vacation just started the process of internal push internship. I remember that Ali’s interview process is half over and Tencent has just started. That’s okay. It’s good to stagger the time to avoid conflict. But I never thought, I waited left and right also did not wait for the interview.

I was a little strange, is the senior did not help me push it? Or is Tencent so inefficient? There is no way to ask for senior help me, senior said that all pushed in a QQ group (this simple process), there is an HR in the inside to answer everyone’s questions. He just mentioned my name in the group and asked HR.

HR took a look and said, oh, this person has a RESUME rating of B (minimum C, maximum SS), so they couldn’t arrange an interview. Senior ask, he is not ACM silver yao, how or only to B? HR smiled and said, “It’s just a competition, and it can’t reflect the real strength.”

When my senior showed me the screenshots of his chat with HR, MY mind raced through 10,000 magical animals. Before long, I received the offer from Ali, so I could die. Tencent also sent me a text message, telling me that although internal push failed, we arranged offline written test for you. Why didn’t you take it?

“Fuck you, I got the offer from Ali,” I said.

Although I personally know that this is only SB of HR, it cannot be mapped to the whole company. But reason is reason, and emotion is emotion. Since then, MY perception of Tencent has not been so good, especially regarding recruitment. No matter it is headhunter or HR of Tencent, as long as they come to me and say, here is an opportunity for you to see. My heart will immediately surge up strong antipathy, do not see, who see who grandson. I also don’t know how long this attitude will last, at least in the short term, I will not consider working in Tencent.

Although this matter said very pit dad, but I thought carefully, or found a lot of ways. Let’s share it with you.

Recruitment style

My first big discovery is that different companies have different recruitment styles, just like Tencent has blind paranoia about project experience. It’s very, very important what you’ve done, and maybe not so important for some of your racing experiences. Therefore, it was not easy for a young ACM like me to enter Tencent at that time without some project experience.

Others, such as Baidu, may be different. Although Baidu’s products are not very good and have been criticized, but baidu was the company that valued algorithm competition experience the most, because it even held its own competition to recruit people. It is also true that many acm predecessors later went to Baidu, so I missed an opportunity by not considering it at that time.

How to acquire recruitment style? In fact, it is easy. Nowadays, you can search for everything on the Internet. If you search “Tencent Interview Book” and “Ali Interview Book” online, you can find all kinds of other people’s interview experiences. Generally speaking, the same level of the same post, the requirements of the candidate is not too much. Questions may be asked in different directions, but the core logic should be the same. Such as solid foundation, such as active thinking, such as expression ability OK and so on.

Touch the right way can greatly pass the possibility, many small partners in preparing for the interview to patronize the brush questions or the back of the past, of course, these should be, but if you can add these thoughts, should be more smooth.

Try to avoid HR

This is not to say that HR is unreliable, but that it is specialized in the industry. After all, HR is not an expert in the industry. If we let HR review our resume, this kind of situation will not be reliable.

It’s probably better to say “social recruitment” because you’ve done something before, and the HR may not know what you’re doing, or at least will recognize your experience. For the school recruitment is very pit dad, if HR pit dad does not understand the gold content of what you do, will use the form of labeling to understand what you do. Isn’t it just a contest? Only silver medal. It’s a paper, it’s a work, it’s a conference, I’ve never heard of it, and so on.

I was not the only one. Many people in the recruitment group joked about similar things, and everyone had a terrible impression of HR. You can go to the Internet to search some HR recruitment black material, can be seen as gossip stories. Even in the workplace, I always go around HR and don’t want to have any contact with HR.

While I understand that HR is a necessary position, I’ve actually met some good ONES. And let HR to review the resume is also forced to, after all, recruitment pressure, resume, let programmers look certainly can not look over. But as candidates, we certainly hope to avoid this link, after all, this link is relatively variable, easy to happen unpleasant things.

So what to do? The best way to do that is to get an internal push. We all know how to push inside, but there are ways to push inside. The first door is, there is no quota limit, so don’t feel embarrassed to open, this is not looking for someone to borrow money, generally speaking, I am very happy to be found inside push. Number two is, don’t put your resume directly into the system.

If you put your resume into the system to go through the so-called push process, and direct candidate delivery is almost the same, a few years ago, maybe you can save a written test, now I hear that it will not. A better way is to send your resume directly to your boss, because there is also a saying in the internal promotion, the person who has passed the interview in their own department will be in their own department. So if the boss looks at the resume and feels good about it, he’s going to push the hiring process for that person himself. This completely can bypass HR review resume link, even if to review, but also go through the motions, the boss has reviewed, feel no problem, HR can also put forward what opinion?

So internal push is necessary, and internal push can not blindly push, not to find a push in the company. The best position is the same, it is better that he is in the department you are interested in, so that can be pushed to his department, this person can operate more space, in the case of rules and regulations permit, can also play a lot of tricks. And you can get a lot of inside information about the department from him, like what’s good? What’s a bad job? Prepare ahead of time.

Where to find the internal push

You might say, what if I don’t know anyone?

It’s so easy, nowadays the Internet is so developed, linkedin, pulse, etc. Let me give you an example. Let’s say I’m looking for an algorithm position in the advertising department of Ali. We can simply search for “Alibaba” and “Ali Mama (alibaba’s advertising department)” on linkedin.

Each of these results was an employee of Ali’s mother, and they wrote down their rank. Just click connect to send a private message, make a brief introduction of yourself, say you want to get an internal push, ask if you can help, or ask some questions, etc. Programmers are nice to their peers and don’t tell them what they know, but it’s okay to share a bit of knowledge and insight and help push it around.

Pulse is also the same, direct search company and post can.

Look, there’s a pretty little sister in the search, and maybe the whole dating thing is solved. Jokes are jokes, said so much, or hope that everyone can make good use of the Internet in a variety of tools, find their favorite jobs, no longer happened to me as unpleasant things.

That’s all for today’s article. I sincerely wish you all a fruitful day. If you still like today’s content, please join us in a three-way support.

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