The reason Python is the fastest growing programming language in recent years is not complicated. It is the Python language itself.

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Let’s just say that Python can be a stepping stone into the world of programming, assuming you don’t know any programs.

This language is relatively old, 25 years old. The speed of development has not been slow, in recent years, the momentum of development has become stronger. It has a strong sense of topping the list of programming languages.

So what big companies are using Python today?

Top of the list is Google. There are also companies founded by former Google employees who continue to use Python. The number of such companies is countless.

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Another is Dropbox. This is a cloud storage service provider. There are paying customers all over the world.

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Instagram is also using Python.

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The Python programming language is first simple, second useful, and third powerful.

The language is very readable and there are no barriers to learning, mainly because you don’t need to care about data types. Ask computer science majors if they remember being confused by data type problems when they first started computing.

The limitations of data types are introduced, which greatly lowers the barriers to learning the language. Whether you are a beginner or a computer expert, you can quickly get started with Python programming.

It’s worth noting that Python is an open source programming language. There are plenty of volunteer programmers in this open source community dedicated to improving Python’s programming performance and applicability. This is the fundamental reason why the Python programming language remains so vibrant.

If you want to develop a project using Python, you can find almost any library you want to call. Because of this, Python is also a fast programming language for building prototype systems.

One area where the Python language is very useful is automated test environment construction. Any large company or startup can quickly build an automated test system based on Python.

Let’s take a look at what Python can do. The big picture is that Python can do online work, offline work, local and remote work, web application development, data mining, and so on.

Starting with Web application development, Pythin has a great programming framework that allows you to create web applications of varying complexity. These frameworks include Pyramid, Django, Flask, and many more.

Secondly, data mining analysis. For data analysis scientists, Python is one of the programming languages of choice in this field. There are several Python libraries that are commonly used in this area: NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, etc. Because of these excellent libraries, the Python programming language is becoming more and more popular in the field.

Again, machine learning. Machine learning is a feature that requires analyzing large amounts of statistical data. Some analysis requires some very optimized algorithms to do it. Python, on the other hand, has these libraries to call. These libraries include SciKit-Learn, NLTK and TensorFlow.

Then there is computer vision processing. Face recognition, color recognition. The combination of OpenCV and Python is a very good choice. Python Resources Sharing qun 1075110200, including installation package, PDF and learning video. It is a gathering place for Python learners

Another is robot programming. One of the hottest topics in this field is Raspberry PI, which is a very small, economical computer system. Especially suitable for home-built robots. This system can serve as the brain of your robot. Python can be used on this computer system.

The big part is game programming. Pygame is a module written in Python for game development. Games written in Python can run on Android devices.

Another use of Python programming is network data fetching. If the site you’re interested in doesn’t provide an interface for data output, you can use Python to grab data from the site.

Simple script writing in daily work and life. For example, if you want to format your code, send emails, you can write scripts in Python for small tasks.

Interface development is also an area where Python excels. Of course, there are also good modules, such as Tkinter, PyQt and so on.

That’s all for now, and I think you can get a sense of why Python is so popular.