When it comes to third-party payment platforms, apart from well-known giants such as Alipay, wechat and UnionPay, lakala is the most eye-catching leader at present. Since its establishment in 2005, Lakala has been in the forefront of the mobile payment market for several times in the past decade. Now, with its new representative work, namely intelligent POS machine, in the intelligent POS machine market, the success of the first, is the market attention. In today’s highly competitive third-party payment market, Lakala’s success in breaking through must have its advantages. So how did Lakala stand out in the market?

How does Lakala step by step become a new player in the smart POS market?

According to the “China third-party Payment Industry Research 2018” released by Analysys, as of the first half of 2018, the number of terminal scan code acceptance pens and the volume of intelligent terminals in Lakala ranked first in the industry; Bank card transaction scale ranks second in the industry. Behind lakala’s remarkable achievements, it is inseparable from its insight into the market and hard work. So how did Lakala step by step and succeed in capturing the crown of smart terminal volume?

First of all, for an enterprise, product is always its biggest core competitiveness. Without excellent products, enterprises will have no tools to make money, and no income without tools to make money. The lack of profit sources is not only difficult to fill the losses of enterprises, but also difficult to attract capital to join in, and even harder to drive further development of enterprises. Within months of its launch, Lakala was the first to launch an e-billing platform. After that, it successively launched the first exclusive device for family and personal credit card swiping, namely Mini home credit card swiping machine, and many innovative products such as mobile phone payment treasure, which made the receipt business of small and micro merchants step into the era of mobile Internet. Lakala was able to gain a foothold in the market with multiple product launches.

Moreover, after years of market investigation and technology improvement, in 2015, Lakala again took the lead in launching smart POS machines supporting NFC, wechat, Alipay and other payment methods in China, which greatly broadened the boundary of payment and took the lead in entering the segmentation field of smart POS machines. It is not hard to see that In product development, Lakala has been committed to product innovation and research and development, constantly enrich its wings, and explore a road of its own. With the support of products, enterprises are more competitive in the market.

Secondly, terminal is a kind of infrastructure for mobile payment, which can not only activate offline payment scene, but also promote mobile payment business. As one of the representative agencies of the accepting end, Lakala has been continuously increasing the investment in insurance, retail, hotel and other terminal scenes in recent years, and strongly layout offline scenes. With the help of big data and cloud computing service platform, Lakala has created the first “fully open” cloud service platform in the industry, effectively integrating the “online + offline” flow port, so that the enterprise’s products have been better promoted. As of the first half of 2018, Lakala had more than 10 million merchants covering nearly 400 cities, according to Analysys.

In addition, in 2018, in addition to smart POS machines, Lakala has also launched a new generation of cashier scanning terminals such as money collection box and Super Receivables, as well as smart multi-functional terminals integrating the new concept of “Internet +”, which can fully meet the needs of merchants at all levels and in different industries. Through the improvement of intelligent POS landing service, Lakala has successfully cut into the terminal into the scene of catering, retail, tourism, insurance and other industries to drive the development of value-added business. It can be seen that Lakala has successfully broken through the barriers of simplification and realized the diversified distribution of scenes by seizing market shares in multiple fields.

Finally, Lakala’s ambition to build a financial ecosystem out of fintech is taking shape. At the end of March, Lakala officially moved into fintech. In addition to collaborating with Blue Standard to set up a big data research institute and establish a number of science and technology laboratories such as cloud computing and blockchain, it also plans to invest 2 billion yuan in the big data research institute together with Blue Standard in the next three years. This shows lakala’s efforts and determination to improve its comprehensive capabilities and transition from diversification to ecologicalization.

In general, lakala is able to become a new player in the smart POS market, not only because of its accurate self-positioning ability, but also because of its great efforts in product design and marketing. Everything pays off, and Lakala’s efforts have paid off. But the market has brought challenges as well as opportunities for lakala.

Lakala, who seems to be riding high, is in fact worried

Over the years, Lakala has triumphed in the fiercely competitive mobile payment arena. But in the battlefield, there is no reason not to get the knife, after several rounds of fierce battles, its tactical shortcomings have been exposed, so that it is recognized by the market at the same time, but also accompanied by a lot of hidden dangers.

First of all, Lakala’s personal POS machine payment bao is favored by the market for its advantages of low threshold, simple operation, out-of-the-box and low cost. But these advantages are also to the “willing” to open the door to cash, for their own buried the hidden danger of cash credit card. Although its is right collect treasure credit card brush card limitation undertook a few regulations, but to credit card month brush frequency and brush card limitation did not limit, if use much credit card to be carried out on collect treasure show, large amount of cash also can realize. Visible, brush card limitation to receive treasure and cannot put an end to credit card to set out effectively now.

In addition, in 2014, The receivables that Lakala was once proud of were caught in the “cash door” due to the zero threshold for personal POS machine application, the material review looks like a fake and other violations, and receivables have been criticized by many media for “cash” since its launch. Although there is no relevant policy to restrict this at present, but this kind of action is not wise after all. Lakala wants to develop its financial business in a healthy and sustainable way, it needs to plug the cash loophole as soon as possible.

Second, with the development of mobile payment, payment types in the market are becoming more and more diverse, and merchants’ requirements for payment equipment are becoming more and more refined. Traditional POS machines with low efficiency and many restrictions can not meet the market demand. The intelligent POS machine has become an irresistible trend. According to relevant data in 2016, There are 24.53 million Internet POS terminals in China, among which there are less than 1 million intelligent POS terminals, accounting for about 4% and the penetration rate is only 1%, indicating that there is still a lot of room for development in this market. The broad development prospect has made many enterprises and capital enter the market one after another, such as Ali, Meituan and other giant enterprises have entered the market one after another, and launched intelligent POS machines. As the number of claimants grows, so will the competitive pressure on Lacala.

Third, Lakala owns intelligent POS machine, bracelet, Bluetooth mobile phone, card reader, charging bank, smart cash desk and other products. Although multiple products can improve the hematopoietic capacity of enterprises, the same, multiple businesses will increase the financial pressure of enterprises. In addition, from the perspective of the internal capital structure of the enterprise, the original ecological balance will be broken due to the change of the proportion of capital allocation of the enterprise’s subordinate business. When Lakala has capital turnover difficulties, its scattered capital in various fields is not only slow and difficult to condense. It is not easy for them to pool their funds and help enterprises overcome difficulties.

However, After years of exploration and efforts, Lakala has managed to survive and survive in the ever-changing third-party payment market. However, due to its own inexperience and external factors, Lakala will inevitably encounter difficulties in adapting to market changes. Therefore, enterprises want to strengthen their own combat effectiveness, remove troubles, but also need to start from their own.

With so many challenges, how does Lakala stay in the “ring”?

With the extension of mobile payment in clothing, food, housing, transportation and other scenarios, the terminal market size of third-party payment will become larger and larger. The intelligent POS market has a good prospect in the future, which will also attract more enterprise capital. Under such circumstances, lakala must not only solve the current problems, but also look ahead to the future if it is to make steady progress in the increasingly competitive market.

On the one hand, Carla to distinguish with other products on the market, create practical stronger products output, is about to pay related to intelligent technology in the study of deep tillage technology, in order to improve the compatibility of the equipment and launch more innovative products, improve its own fighting capacity, don’t do “smart” to pay, but a “smart” really pay, only in this way, In order to better stabilize the position of enterprises in the market.

In addition, since Lakala has successfully entered the new field of fintech, it should seize this opportunity to increase the output of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, block chain, big data and other emerging technologies, improve its own technology as soon as possible, and fully drive the development of fintech in enterprises. Only in this way, lakala will be able to establish a stable foundation in the new field and build a new ecosystem as soon as possible, and the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises in the market will be improved.

On the other hand, the scene of “fragmentation” determines the payment institutions diversified pack integration involved problems.the zhuolu market situation, the inherent limitations of third-party payment is not a large can do it alone, it also pay reserved for aggregation of natural living space, integration of a variety of payment aggregation payment or become the mainstream of future payment. Lakala should take advantage of its own data, traffic, technology, influence and other advantages to gather around the “fourth party payment” as soon as possible and open up a new development path for the enterprise.

All in all, in the mobile payment market surrounded by wolves, although Lakala, the first leader, has eaten the cake of intelligent POS first, but whether it is the enterprise that eats the most and eats the last, no one knows. As things stand, Lakala still needs to improve itself and strengthen the research and development of technology products to dispel the fog. Only in this way, enterprises can defeat more “claimants”, better defend the arena, and become the next or even the next session of the “arena”.

Article/Liu Kuang public account, ID: Liukuang110, this article first leek finance