How Kevin changed the worldHow Kevin changed the world


Hello, I’m Kevin. This is the 127th original post of 2019

I talked to several Internet entrepreneurs and they all said the two most difficult Internet products to make. The first is social. The second is community.

Why is community difficult?

Because community products need business, product, operation of the trinity into the Internet products. Indispensable, at the same time require their own fine operation.

At the same time, the changes of communities in the period of cold start, growth and stability are relatively obvious, and the strategies adopted are typically different

The characteristics of the community’s traffic, resulting in the community has become the flow of many products, paid business, e-commerce and other entrance, to put it bluntly, the community is a private flow pool. You can keep some of it in common, but it’s safest to keep it in the community.

At the same time, because the community is an Internet product, it has a communicative nature. Entrepreneurs attach great importance to the risk control of content and users. It is because the risk control of content is not well done that many communities die in a million seconds or are directly removed.

Also, community products should be considered mobile and PC, and SEO on PC is a long time consuming job. On mobile, consider keywords for listing and ASO

Community products are difficult in products

In a good community, the product is the “shelf” of the driving force. Imagine the experience when a customer enters a shelf with no indication of the goods, or has no way to check out?

It is very practical to compare a user’s experience of entering a community to a shopping experience in a mall. Including the user’s query and screening of goods, to the goods checkout,

Product problems lead to poor user experience in reading and searching. Final audio community retention and growth. Why is community so difficult? There are three main points here

1. The difficulty lies in operation

There’s always something on the shelf, but how? How about the placement of the goods? It’s all connected

A community’s content operation, user operation and activity operation are the three core points, but the three points should form a strong association.

The users of the community are divided into content producers and content consumers. But there is a causal relationship between content producers and content consumers.

The content operation of the community includes the introduction of excellent topics, hot topics and content encapsulation. For example, the content title does not conform to the tonality of the community, and the content needs to be modified or even deleted to maintain the tonality of the community.

Activity operation is divided into online and offline, accumulating user stickiness and increasing community brand. In particular, the activity of new users to pull new, crowd registration, payment conversion.

No matter which operation, cannot leave user growth and promote active. At the same time, user operations in the community should also be associated with the product, different from the community. A community that does a good job with its users can generate 10 times the natural growth

2. The difficulty lies in the business model

Throughout the Internet community on the market, there are business model realization. Community is also an enterprise, which needs business to make profits, rather than relying on feelings and human feelings to survive and explain to investors

Many communities end up being flooded with advertising or downsizing, so the nurturing and growth of communities is painful.

Since the user is vertical, the portraits are similar. The community’s more conventional realization: courses, paid education, vertical advertising.

Because of the characteristics of community products, many communities have been acquired or merged into giants or downstream industries. Face users and improve the transformation of the industry.

3. Being a community person is more or less for feelings

There was a time when many communities came from the PC era, called “webmasters”. Offline gathering, the reason for the online water blowing, stationmaster is often the soul of a community humanities.

Including similar once popular Douban group, because the style of the group to bring some of the appeal of the group copywriting and specialized words. The fundamental key of a community and atmosphere come from the accumulation of stationmaster bit by bit

Because the community is difficult to cash, users vertical ceiling is low, so the stationmaster in this matter some people are part-time, some people are full-time small team. The number of users is not big, the company is also difficult to do the listing, in this field after the stationmaster must have “do not do well, as making friends” feelings and spirit of attachment.

But just because of this, people who do community in the Internet resources and experience accumulation is the purest. The revenue is also the most positive.

As Luo yonghao said: “You don’t make money making mobile phones, you just make friends.” Many entrepreneurs in the community are similarly minded.