“What will be hot and what to learn in 2022? This article is participating in the” Talk about 2022 Technology Trends “essay campaign.

Time flies, so fast 2022, the Winter Olympics also began so many days, I hope the Chinese team more gold medal.

Gu Ailing is too sweet, I like it. Go language is also very fragrant, fragrant like Gu Ailing.

The following is my personal experience to introduce why I say Go language is worth learning

My story

I started programming in the summer of 2015, using Java language to develop Android. 15 years is entrepreneurial boom, when the zhongguancun business street, and then had not small program, go out to play is to force the download APP, I was really caught up with a good time, when I interview is really “demand”, is the enterprise in hiring, which company will do a APP, I spent 5 days took six offer. In the winter of 2015, our company began to expand the application of APP, and found that the market had changed. Too many people applied for APP, and the “supply exceeds demand” really. If I entered the industry half a year later, IT would be difficult for me to find a job, let alone get six offers in five days.

This shows how important it is to get in at the right time. The demand for this position must be on an upward curve for programmers to choose a language, and right now the market for Go engineers is on an upward curve

In 2017, APP has been saturated and cannot be saturated, whether it is fresh graduates or students from various training courses; Whether it is the rise of wechat small program or VUE, React such front-end technology hot. The APP development market is no longer hot, but jobs are harder to find.

I transferred my job internally in 2017 and started to do server-side development, using PHP language. From 2017 to 2021, I basically worked on PHP, cooperating with various front-end applications, such as APP, mini program, website, management background and so on. No matter how the front end changes, I am the same server to respond to all changes, I have to provide interface to the front end.

This shows how competitive a server-side language can be, and coincidentally, Go is one of them

A language that is 4 years old is really worn out, with frameworks ranging from YAF to ThinkPHP to Laravel

I started to contact Go language development around the New Year of 2021. If you are interested in it, you can review my Go learning journey. Go is really delicious.

Here are the advantages of Go


  1. Go has the execution performance of C and development efficiency of Python
  2. Go is the preferred programming language for blockchain technology
  3. Go naturally supports high concurrency programming
  4. Go language is widely used in cloud computing, big data, microservices, high concurrency and other fields.

You Go to work to make money. A language that doesn’t make more money is not a good language. Let’s take a look at the income of Go


The income is very considerable. In boss direct hire, the working life is 1-3 years, and the salary is above 20K. Let’s calculate the average level, and the annual salary can reach about 300,000 to 500,000, which is very fragrant.

(PS: I really envy the students who graduate late. Your entry-level salary is really high. Embrace the Go language.)

There are many applications of Go. What can Go do

What can Go do

Web development, network programming

There are plenty of excellent Web frameworks such as Echo, Gin, Iris, BeeGo, etc., and Go’s built-in NET/HTTP package is excellent.

Server-side development

Go is good for things you do in C or C++, such as logging, file systems, monitoring systems, etc.

Crawlers and big data

Go language naturally supports concurrency, so it is very suitable for writing distributed crawlers and big data processing.

Paas cloud platform

Kubernetes and Docker Swarm, etc.

Distributed storage domain

Etcd, Groupcache, TiDB, Cockroachdb, Influxdb, etc.

Blockchain domain

Two of blockchain’s star projects, Ethereum and Fabric, use Go;

Container technology

The famous Docker is implemented using Go language;


Go language is low-cost, easy to learn, widely used, in large market demand, high salary, etc. Based on these characteristics, I believe that Go language will definitely shine in 2022.

Little friends learn ~

Go Language Column

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