As a generation caught up in the Internet boom, when faced with any problem, the first reaction is to open a search engine.

What is “hardcore dating”, what is “pick up”, “dadaism”, “invisible poverty” — you have all silently searched, not wanting to be left behind by The Times and the topic. Perhaps this is the only secret effort to make life and social life seem effortless.

But search engines can’t solve everything.

In an explosion of information, “big and all” is not necessarily a good thing, and search engines really don’t have much to offer beyond a flurry of information and advertising bids. More effective information is scattered in professional websites and various subdivided apps, with relatively high content of gold, strong timeliness and less useless information, which is incomparable to those inborn web pages in the Web age. If search engines are a giant grocery market, and in-site search is like a simple shopping mall, the experience is…

Library search has been the heart of many people, too few keywords found more than 1000 papers, input is too accurate, but the prompt “no more search results”.

During the trip, I heard a street artist sing a song, and only vaguely remembered the melody. When I came back, I racked my brains to come up with a synonym for the lyrics — no doubt I failed to find it.

It was not easy to ask the little sister social software ID, search found more than 60 names.

The PPT template you need is nowhere to be found on the source website. Video website search an unpopular resource, search feedback to wait for a long time results are often “404”.

Find users, search topics, find posts, ask for recommendations… In the context of mobile Internet, search is everywhere. As the entrance of information, the only requirement of users is that they can find the content they want to see quickly and accurately when there are too many contents in the APP and all the contents cannot be displayed.

Simple and direct appeals cannot be realized, and it is difficult to use the APP search. There are three fundamental problems:

1. Response time

Search based on MySQL database, the number of documents is only tens of thousands, if there is no index, keyword query is more difficult. Once you get to enterprise-level data, the response speed becomes even more unacceptable.

2. The word segmentation

Traditional databases do not support word segmentation. For example, in a Chinese search, when “Sichuan hotpot” is typed into the search box, the database usually matches only those four words. However, in the text, “recommend sichuan delicious hot pot” may appear, then no results will be displayed.

3. The correlation between

When you do a database search, you often end up with a series of documents. But what documents do users really want? How do you put the document you want at the top of your search list?

Huawei cloud Search service based on Elasticsearch can solve these problems.

Elasticsearch is based on an inverted index, so you don’t have to traverse the entire table when searching for “phone”. This eliminates the need to spend extra time on other documents, thus increasing the speed of retrieval by an order of magnitude

Elasticsearch supports Chinese word segmentation plug-in, which directly solves the problem of word segmentation search. For example, when you type “Sichuan hotpot”, Elasticsearch will automatically do two things: split the words “Sichuan hotpot” into “Sichuan hotpot” and “hotpot” and then find the document containing both words

Elasticsearch supports correlation scoring. With proper optimization, cloud search services can return accurate results to meet the needs of users. The results are sorted in order of score. The higher the score, the more relevant it is to the query. For example, when searching for “Starbucks coffee,” messages with “Starbucks coffee” come up higher than those containing only “coffee.”

In addition, the cloud search service is operated and maintained by huawei’s professional team, and the search function module is built in the shortest time. Enterprise use on demand, the cost is as low as ¥0.59/ hour, package annual package can save up to 51%, the real quality and low price!

The latest activity is online, trial window is open for a short time, enterprises can receive 30 days free trial.

This time, I hope you won’t be absent.

Do you remember that question in your heart that you haven’t found the answer to?

Come and search!