Introduction to the

Design patterns represent best practices and are often adopted by experienced object-oriented software developers. Design pattern is a solution to the common problems faced by software developers during software development. These solutions have been developed by numerous software developers over a long period of trial and error.

A design pattern is a set of repeated, well-known, catalogued code design lessons. Design patterns are used to reuse code, make it easier for others to understand, and ensure code reliability

Why study design patterns

  1. Read the source code: If you don’t know the design and try to read the Jdk, Spring, SpringMVC, I0 and so on source code, you will be confused, you will be unable to do anything

  2. Take a look at the code of your predecessors: Is every new project you go to a company for? It is likely to be a successor, the previous development did not use design patterns?

  3. Write your own ideal of good code: PERSONALLY, I take my own projects seriously, treat them better than my girlfriend, and treat them like my own son

Best practices

Design patterns have evolved over a long period of time, and they provide the best solutions to common problems faced in software development. Learning these patterns helps inexperienced developers learn software design in an easy and quick way.

23 design patterns

1. Create pattern

  • The singleton pattern

  • Abstract Factory pattern

  • The factory method

  • Builder model

  • The prototype pattern

2. Structural mode

  • Adapter mode

  • Decorative pattern

  • The appearance model

  • The proxy pattern

  • The bridge model

  • Portfolio model

3. Behavior patterns

  • Chain of Responsibility model

  • Command mode

  • Parser pattern

  • Iterator pattern

  • The mediator pattern

  • Memo mode

  • Observer model

  • The state pattern

  • The strategy pattern

  • Template method

  • Visitor pattern

Due to the length of the copy, the analysis of 23 design patterns are all sorted into a practical document, friends interested in this document, forward + comments, click here with free access to screenshots

Thoroughly explain 23 design modes in one tank battle (video, notes, POWERPOINT)

Instructor: Soldier Ma

Ma Junjun brings you a thorough understanding of the internal work of design

The content of these design patterns is applied in an engineering project (tank war).

For a technical point, if the difficulty of understanding is 1, the difficulty of realizing it by yourself is 3, and when applied in the project, the difficulty is 10.

It is like learning martial arts. It is easy to watch others play, but difficult to practice by yourself. It is even more difficult to master all kinds of martial arts and combat opponents.

In these patterns, I don’t stop at theory (which is pretty simple), but I stick to the code, the code that actually works.

For example, in the factory pattern, I go straight to the SpringIOC principle. For example, in the dynamic proxy pattern and the Visitor pattern, I went straight to ASM.

Also, I didn’t talk about theory before practice in the usual way. The teaching method I adopt is practice first and then summarize the theory. According to the feedback, this method is easier for students to understand. Almost 100 percent of the students will feel a significant improvement in the internal work of programming after listening to the design mode.

Project tutorial notes PPT

Tank battle + design mode notes and documents taught by Teacher Ma Junjun, click here for free access with screenshots