How Kevin changed the worldHow Kevin changed the world

Three days ago

Many times when we see a good Internet business model, we are wondering whether this model will really bring the first batch of dividends?

Before the mini-program, for the product manager or entrepreneur, a product needs to be launched. In addition to app, it seems that the public account is the best way to land. H5 page for the public account development, to meet the needs of some mild function, mild function here refers to the page skip less, low interaction effect requirements. For background development, both APP and front-end H5 require the same development resources and the same logic.

There are small programs behind, small program interaction and front-end requirements more match the needs of entrepreneurs or product managers who need to develop apps. So if you’re trying to explore a new business model, a small program might be one of the best ways to do it.

I start at a point

When making products, we often hear “less is more”. Especially when designing a product from 0 to 1, we don’t think how many functions will be involved in this business process, how many industries will be associated with it, and even if there are similar competing products in this industry?

The picture above is a prototype of community content. The starting point of this product is to verify that ugC content of tree planting can attract students who love tree planting to join the community. Finally related to the upstream and downstream of tree planting behavior, seed purchase, tree planting third-party services.

However, the characteristics of the business do not represent the special functions, but the APP is a community product. So the same community module like, comment, share are familiar. Including each dynamic, dynamic detail is similar, even standard.

Development costs of applets

Responsible for several small program from 0 to 1, generally understand the main cost of small program in front end and UI design. In addition, if the enterprise users also need to pay a small program of 300 yuan developer certification fees. The tree planting APP mentioned above can be completed through a small program.

Development of small programs also need background workload, especially when they have a set of other product forms of products, but also need to pay attention to the background account system, user data, functional logic through.

There is now a hybrid development model, where developers can create a set of code to ensure that applets are updated at the same time as the app. This is what I learned from the communication with the development students recently. If you are in charge of small programs and APPS, this can be considered.

A front-end + a product manager, you can complete the development of small programs. This is also very direct for the verification of business model. Your idea becomes a product, and you can know whether the product is carried out according to your path through the user data in the background.

Of course, if you really don’t have development support. You can choose a third-party platform, build mini-programs quickly or find technical support to help you implement your business model.

One key generation, pull pull way, is the most intuitive and convenient way for small programs. However, the relative disadvantages are inflexibility, data interface is not personalized enough, and many requirements cannot be supported.

Well, that’s our original for today. I will continue to update two posts a week

The original course

In addition, this Saturday, with the support of Litchi micro-class platform, MY personal output of “CRM Product Design” will be live broadcast at 8:00 PM. If you are interested, you can sign up! This column covers six original backstage courses. Thank you for listening

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