Whether it is development, testing, operation and maintenance, every technical personnel has a dream to become a technical bull more or less, after all, “the dream is always there, in case it is realized”! It is the pursuit of technical dream that drives us to strive and improve ourselves constantly.

A lot of people are asking me, how programmers get high salary, how to achieve an annual salary of 40W+, in fact, summed up in a word, your skills determine your ability has been paid.

So what kind of technical talent can get a high salary in the Java industry?

There are several options for a Career as a Java programmer: focus on technology and become a technologist; Transition to technical sales, technical support, etc. As technology grows, from technical management to senior management.

Ultimately, it’s all based on Java technology. With a solid technical foundation (senior software engineer), architects are a good choice if they have strong abstract design ability and plan to focus on technical development. If the personality is more suitable for management, emotional intelligence ability outstanding, technical management should be the next direction. This kind of development plan belongs to the type of ‘lame walking’, each of which focuses on the career direction of development, and is also the development route plan commonly adopted by the general programmers at present.

Programmers who have worked for more than two years can have several basic career paths: technical specialist, software architect, implementation consultant, or sales. Among them, the most important development direction of programmers is senior technical experts, whether it is Java,.NET or database, first become experts, and then can move on to the development of architects. Although the architect’s position can work for a lifetime, treatment is also very good, for programmers is most suitable for trained, but this job is very limited, because the current IT industry in China, architects need complicated conditions, and the demand is less, this is also our country software industry towards the international mature and to be one of the factors.

At present, what is lacking in China is IT talents with managerial ability and professional knowledge and skills. In particular, it is very difficult to find project management talents who know how to use the management by objectives technology, and project management talents who not only master the core technology but also have the overall control ability. I suggest that for most people, the first thing is to be specialized. Only when you have done more in-depth work in the technical direction can you adjust your work appropriately and transform yourself into an expert in a certain field.

Depending on your situation, decide whether you are a Java architect or a senior consultant in sales, while others may move into management, depending on your personality and emotional intelligence. Excellent software managers must understand technology, and those who master core skills have great advantages in the transition to management positions, so improving management ability has become the key to the transition.

After investigation and research, bring solutions to the boss, the boss will pay attention to and trust, so we must enhance the initiative and participation in the work. Whether it is software development or project management, most domestic employees just do their job well or complete the assigned tasks, and seldom take the initiative to find problems. In fact, only with a higher vision, in order to seek great development.

In short, Java programmers should choose the development level according to their basic quality and technical ability, and develop gradually from low to high. It is also the gradual development path of a programmer, including a strong technical background and comprehensive management ability, which is the so-called ‘two-legged’ career planning and development route.

At the end of the day, it comes down to the root of the problem:

1. Those with 1-5 work experience do not know where to start in the face of the current popular technology and need to break the technical bottleneck.

2. I have been in the company for a long time and have been comfortable, but I hit a wall in the interview when I changed my job. Need to study in a short time, job-hopping to get a high salary.

3. If you have no working experience, but have a solid foundation, familiar with Java working mechanism, common design ideas and common Java development framework.

4, feel very good B, general needs can be done. But without systematization of knowledge points learned, it is difficult to continue to break through in the field of technology.

5, Java Advanced Architecture Group: 725633148 Note good information!

Ali Java senior cattle live explain knowledge points, share knowledge, years of work experience combing and summarizing with everyone to establish their own technical system and technical knowledge!

Is I summed up and the following curriculum system is a comprehensive Java architects will learn course system diagram, the image is divided into six major parts, each project every knowledge point corresponds to the main technical points of the used in our normal work, if you want to improve their technology, want to learn the following main technical points, you can add access, Here I recommend an exchange learning group: 725633148. Inside will share some senior architects recorded video video: Spring, MyBatis, Netty source analysis, high concurrency, high performance, distributed, microservice architecture principle, JVM performance optimization these become architects necessary knowledge system.