Xiao A is an information worker in A company. Every month, she has to make financial analysis statements based on the company’s operating conditions. However, in the past six months, she found sensitively that the management began to find fault with her financial analysis.

Why is management increasingly obsessed with financial analysis?

Why does management have a constant stream of financial analysis tasks?

Why a perennial and financial analysis of the information personnel do not understand financial analysis more and more?

Why is that?

Small A people puzzled, at the same time, the management is also in how to better realize the combination of financial analysis and actual business, reflect the real situation of enterprise operation and distress.

The financial analysis statements made by little A’s are not intuitive. They simply calculate and register various data, which leads to the inability of the management to quickly grasp the data situation directly from the financial analysis statements and to quickly discover problems, which is likely to lay hidden dangers for the future business management. That’s one thing.

Second, small A’s are divorced from the actual business of the enterprise, resulting in the most superficial work of financial analysis. Even if some kind of data anomaly is found, it cannot find out the cause of the problem in time, let alone put forward A reasonable solution to solve the problem.

This is why the financial analysis statements made by little A’s are being criticized more and more frequently, and A financial analysis report is handed in in exchange for countless analysis tasks of the management.

This kind of financial analysis method not only slows down the efficiency of enterprise data analysis, but also may cause the delay of data and information, and finally bury hidden trouble for the normal operation of enterprises.

Financial analysis how to do so that management no longer picky?

First of all, financial analysis, like other analytical statements, cannot be divorced from the actual business. If you find in the financial analysis of stores that the sales in May are high, but the profit margin is abnormally lagging behind, this time should be combined with the actual business analysis. Such as the use of coupons in May, commodity pricing, commodity types, commodity sales and other actual situation analysis.

SpeedBI data analysis cloud integrates the unique general industry standard solution of ALLway BI as a part of the product, which is a combination of the actual business and analysis needs of the industry, collated from the implementation of thirteen enterprise-level BI projects of Allway Software, which can be quickly implemented, or even zero development, and directly apply the general industry standard solution.

This scheme can not only help enterprise information personnel to quickly complete more targeted and practical data analysis reports, but also can seamlessly connect kingdee, Yonyou and other mainstream ERP, quickly generate professional financial visualization analysis reports, help enterprises intuitively and quickly grasp the financial situation, in-depth analysis and mining problems.

Secondly, financial analysis should be intuitive and easy to understand, so that the management can grasp the data at a glance.

Not all managers have time patience browsing analysis, who isn’t intuitive and complicated financial analysis report, it is a waste of financial analysis and enterprise information management time, not only may cause the increase of time cost, more likely because the analysis report is not intuitive, complex and covers some management problems, Ultimately affect the normal operation and development of enterprises. Therefore, financial analysis should not only be in-depth and comprehensive enough to analyze and mine data association, but also need intuitive data presentation methods.

SpeedBI data analysis cloud takes data presentation into full consideration and adds a large number of intuitive data analysis charts to the platform. Enterprise users can apply these licensing charts according to data analysis needs to visually display key data and data association.

The above renderings are made by using virtual data on SpeedBI data analysis cloud. Through these different colors of graphical analysis charts, we will first grasp the data situation before contacting the specific values, and know what the data composition ratio, trend and so on is. Which numbers are high, which are low, and which fluctuate too much can be grasped at a glance.

That’s what management really wants to see.