[This article is only for technical posts in IT industry]

First, fan message

I work overtime until 10 o ‘clock every day, sometimes until early morning. I basically work full time on Saturday, and I also work overtime on Sunday when the company is busy with projects.

I have done numerous projects, many of which have brought substantial profits to the company.

At the end of the year, the year-end bonus is one month less than others, and the top employees are also lost (10 million bonus).

Looking for leaders to communicate, because the baby was sick before the Spring Festival asked for a week’s leave.

And the people who are rated as excellent are really average.

At that time, the leader found that I had so many projects in my hand, which had been retained for many days.

And promise to increase salary, project optional, and half a year will be raised leadership post.

But still resolutely quit!

Heart cool, really difficult to warm over!

Two, what does the leader think?

This question is really like a licking dog,

After being kicked, ask the girl: “Why do you reject me when I treat you so well?”

First of all, we should make clear that the vast majority of leaders are not as skilled as you. What leaders should do is to coordinate resources, attract subordinates, serve customers well and provide technical support to the market.

Before becoming a leader, he may feel deeply about the grievances of technical staff like you do, but when it comes to the leadership position, you will find that leaders face too many things.

Daily meetings, all kinds of POWERPOINT,

The top row down the task, the name is not reasonable, they can only brave to the next.

He had less time for his brother’s thoughts,

Company pressure themselves, they have to pressure subordinates.

At first no complaints, the task was completed through gritted teeth,

The leader saw that although it was stressful,

But it can be done,

I’m glad I didn’t hire more people and cost more,

Are all their own wisdom,

Good management,

This guy, he’s usually my type,

You get the best employees first,

Well, the other one,

He doesn’t talk much, but he seems so easy to talk to,

We’re spending a little bit more this year,

And give her a month less of her year-end bonus,

I don’t think I’ll have a problem with it,

Well, that’s settled.

But this was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

The other person left,

Suddenly, who has so many important projects in his hands.

Hold on to it,

I’m gonna add 4,000 to my salary, 6,000 to my salary,

Position? I can’t promise you anything right now,

Anyway, first fool him for half a year and then give him a leader, first stick to this half year,

I spent the last six months trying to find someone to take over his project,

I’m not afraid to go like this,

It’s a problem. Why is this guy like this,

At ordinary times looking honest, by some grievances on the resignation.

It must be possible to keep him on such a good offer,

Man, how greedy he is,

Writing a code is not enough for such a high income.


After all this talk, we still have to leave!

Mom sell batch! Just go!

Earth less who is not the same turn!

I’m glad I didn’t give him a good employee,

Or he could have wasted the prize money.


Hurry up and hire someone who can bear hardship, who can work, who does little,

Preferably middle-aged, with a bunch of loans,

Leaving that job will break your bones.

I still have to find an excuse,

To make this bitch look bad,

For what reason?

Let’s say he doesn’t obey management.

You never know what your former colleagues and bosses will say about you after you leave!

Three, how to make their credit is not in vain?

1. Learn to report

Another fan’s personal experience:

My colleague A is very skillful. Once he received A project and finished the difficult work of the project.

Thanks to the technology, it took about three days, which would have taken many times longer for anyone else,

Then it was transferred to the next colleague B for other reasons.

This colleague is a new employee and has some experience, but he is not familiar with this project.

So every time I report back, what problems I have,

Discuss problems with your leader every day,

In about two weeks,

For colleague A, it might only take A day or two to solve the problem,

In a casual conversation, the leader actually said, “This project is completed by colleague B!”

Colleague A listened, silent, after A period of time, resigned.

Some of the projects that colleague A worked so hard under pressure were rated as excellent projects by the company.

The prize money goes to someone else.

What’s the reason?

In fact, the reason is that this colleague A is busy doing things.

Although the work done by colleague A is difficult, the amount is only 1 in the eyes of the leader.

The leader may also know that the task is difficult, psychologically, he may add a difficulty index of 3, so that your weight is only 3,

And another colleague, the task may actually add up to less than 1, but he can not stand a large number, one by one, in the leader’s mind will be virtually magnified.

Because leaders don’t know exactly how difficult each little problem is,

The workload of evaluation of leaders is greatly influenced by their own subjectivity.

Often only what he thinks is difficult is really difficult.

A ruler once met him,

In the meeting, he said, “Software, just think about it!”

Then discuss with other colleagues how a resistor or capacitor should be placed.

It took my breath away,

How can leaders even get to this point?

Later, I learned from other colleagues that the leader only knew hardware,

He felt in his heart that software just wanted to think.

And the reason he finds some hardware problems tricky is because he gets it.

Let’s go back to colleague A.

In fact, the smart thing for colleague A is to finish the work first, but don’t rush to finish the report.

Make a list of all the problems you’ve solved in the middle, make an Excel sheet, report it up,

And then one for each day, mark the ones that are done in green, the ones that are not done in red,

Then the workload is collected into data and reported to the leader,

Let your boss know that you are getting the work done every day,

At the same time, let the leader know that there are so many difficulties in your project.

One might ask, isn’t this a fraud?

No, remember that the amount of work is not as much as you think it is, but as much as your leader thinks it is.

And all of this infighting, because of the game,

Are determined by the level of leadership and vision, vision.

Because he likes to look at data,

He admires subordinates who solve problems he finds difficult.

Look at the old iron here,

I highly recommend you try it.

2. Learn to be considerate of your leader

It’s not easy being a leader.

Inside: endless reporting of work, project schedule, accounting of labor costs, and facing a run on other departments within the company,

Outside: kneel lick party A, drink gifts,

Drunk every day!

Long-term drinking injury to the liver, fatty liver, 3 high is basically inseparable,

But also constantly alert to the competition of other competitors in the same industry, daily trembling, treading on thin ice,

If you don’t finish your project, you have to find another job the next year.

The leader is really tired.

A subordinate who helps coordinate resources and solve problems with a few heart-warming words from time to time,

One is the subordinate who complains to the leader every day,

Who do you think the leader will like? All hearts are flesh,

Even if he knows in his heart that you are skilled and do a lot of overtime, he will still prefer another subordinate.

Why is that?

You technical cow, you can change jobs at any time with high salary, can’t control!

The other one, when the sky falls, it follows him.

How did Han Xin die, and how did LAN Yu and Li Shanchang die?

Did you reassure your boss? Did he feel totally loyal to you?

I’ve had so many people make fun of me,

I met a LJ leader myself, what technology can’t,

Management is a mess,

Everyone has complaints.

Here, to remind you,

People are leaders for a reason,

There’s no way you get in there for nothing.

Or have a high level of emotional intelligence,

To serve the higher-ups well,

Or they’re holding a valuable resource.

Doing technology and doing management are two different things.

Learn to put yourself in others’ shoes,

If you were the leader, would you make sure you handled all the problems?

If you encounter a leader who is able to resist, and is kind to subordinates, willing to patiently cultivate subordinates, not to take the credit of subordinates,

Then you are lucky,

Just follow your lead!

3. Insist at all times

Persistence is a very important quality!

In a company,

In the absence of any context,

Most of the people who have been in the company for a long time,

A few are poached by headhunters;

Either way, they’ve been working for a company or a field for years,

Roll and roll,

It took a lot of hard work to get here.

A lot of new graduates,

I went to a company,

A little grievance, and then he resigns,

It’s almost the end of the year, and you quit,

Saved the company a year-end bonus for nothing.

Remember, part of your salary is your grievance money!

Don’t fight money at any time!

You deserve it!

A lot of times, or if you stick with it a little bit longer,

You’ll have fewer opponents,

You’ll make more money.

Become an expert in a field!

If you’re new,

Grasp the core technology,

Study hard,

Study will get you a job. Study will get you a raise!

If you’re a professional,

Basically in semi-retired, pension state,

Don’t want to climb,

I don’t want to jump,

I might as well put together some of my previous skills,

Write a series of articles,

Little drops of water make the sea,

A couple of books,

Make some extra money!

A horse without night grass is not fat, a man without windfall is not rich!

Appraise the title again!

Meet with a company every now and then,

There is always a fallback in hand!

Who can guarantee their own company, their own industry will never stand! ?

4. If you become a leader

Don’t forget where you came from.

Being a leader gives you power,

There will be a certain amount of power over life and death,

Power creates a lot of pleasure,

But power is a double-edged sword,

With great power comes great responsibility.

You have a mission to fulfill,

You have to rely on your subordinates,

To offend one’s subordinates,

Before I leave, I’ll tell the brass,

You’re not going to be comfortable here.

There are some things that people say behind their backs,

But it will never reach your ears.

In other words, if you want to build a team in the future,

Start your own business,

Or jump to a big company,

The people you’ve worked with in the past are likely to be your most loyal partners.

The people who will work for you in the future, how can not pacify!

As a leader, we must learn to recognize and employ people,

Different people have different characteristics,

Technical strong people, most rebellious, to learn how to win them over;

Good management of obedient people, often the critical moment is not top, learn how to strengthen their business capabilities.

The strength of the team, whether unity, these are completely determined by the leader.

A soldier, a bear!

As a leader, when things are not fair,

Basically, the team is guaranteed to be unstable.

In his power,

Within the rules, give a certain benefit to a subordinate,

Win over the heart of the people,

I have lost nothing,

The harvest is their own long-term peace,

Harvest is the hearts of the people.

Four, conclusion

There is no absolute fairness in the workplace.

Most IT companies are relatively well-connected,

What happened to the fans above,

It may be a special case.

But as a programmer, remember:

You can’t just keep your head down,

Look up now and then, let others see your efforts,

Keep in touch with outside companies and assess your value!

In the face of temporary injustice,

Be prepared!


Insist on,

The psychological words, the heart of the plan to hide!

Flowers hair when I do not hair, if I hair are scared to kill.

May all the fans of ejun be promoted step by step and have a wide range of financial resources!