I thought it was nothing, but I interviewed five training classes a while ago, which completely overturned my previous idea. After 10 minutes, I don’t want to continue.

If a person is interested in programming, he will teach himself various techniques.

I once asked one of them, now 29 years old and previously working in other jobs, “Why do you spend so much money on training classes?”

He replied that the advertisement said that after the training, I could recommend a job.

Oh, no wonder the training class teacher keeps calling me.

Through these several interviews, later do not recruit training classes.


Do you have a design model for your training program? Our teacher doesn’t use technical terms. It’s all plain English. Could you be more specific? MVC or something like that. Oh, you’re talking about ThinkPHP, right? Controllers, views, templates.

Which version of PHP are you using? We don’t use PHP, we use Zend for our project.


For the record, this is not a joke I made up, this is an actual interview I had with them.

I guess they should not know, if you like, I will send a few more

————- September 20, 2015 15:35:54—————-

After reading the comments, I realized that I was off topic. The question was about the front end, and my answer focused on training institutions. Not deleted. Well, if you like it, I’ll keep going.

There was a joke on the Internet:

Colleagues say the father of C has died.

Another colleague be surprised, ask: Tan Haoqiang dead?

No no no.

It’s really just a joke. Not at the interview.

However, there was a similar one.

I had an interview with my previous employer. Also come out of training class, junior college, software engineering major, graduated 1 year has not been engaged in this industry, and later participated in Java training.

Because it involves data analysis, then ask the algorithm. “Tan Hao-qiang once said: program = algorithm + data structure”. (However, the interview result was that I had a good command of data structure and algorithm complexity, and was finally hired.)

Before, I saw an article on JavaEye that was promoted to the home page, and there was also such a sentence “Tan Haoqiang warned us: program = algorithm + data structure”, and THEN I posted a screenshot of this sentence to the QQ group.

(Probably too old to find a historical record, write by imagination).

When a joke is posted, it’s meant to make people laugh and laugh.

No one responded, thinking I was preaching again. Someone started sending “thumbs up” emojis, thumbs up. I did not achieve the desired effect, so I sent a series of “laugh” emojis. Finally someone gets the message: “This is long out of date, but also algorithm data structure, now OOP”, “our teacher also talked about, but it is C language, PHP does not eat this set”, “I do not know algorithm, still work for three years” “…” “…” “The key is, this is not tan Haoqiang said ah!!” “Isn’t it? “Isn’t it? “Isn’t it? “…” (I know the “Isn’t it” ones, and some are just black for black’s sake)

A lot of people in this group are also on zhihu. I won’t keep you in suspense, but it’s Hex CodeIgniter group. (humouring the ats function of zhihu, why At the great god, and http://www.zhihu.com/people/-hex-, hyperlink last rung ignored (^ del ^) o) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — –

Add a former former company, in fact, is my own company.

My friend introduced me. Have one year Java experience, come to try first. There was a maritime administration project that required a page showing surveillance data. Although the 24 base stations along the southeast coast have several gigabytes of data per second, I have processed the data and only need the page display. So he gave it to him. “Come, you use JSP to make a simple page, including login and data display.” “JSP I don’t know. I learned SSH directly before. I thought, “Let’s do it with SSH.”

Sure enough, until the end of work, not even a login to do. “Is this so hard? How have you worked on your previous projects?” “I’ve done big projects before, not something this small.”