By Wang Zhangpan

Legend, programmers have three hobbies: plaid shirt, jeans, backpack.

(Photo from the Internet. Well, this bag is not quite standard.

I don’t know when the term first caught on, but I’ve seen a lot of programmers wear this three-piece suit.

I’m not going to believe you when you say “following fashion” or “seeking identity” : programmer? ! There is no time for such “foreign things”! If you ask me, there is a tendency to dress in such a similar way simply because the professional habits of this group make them less conscientious about dressing up, and then, naturally, from the most accessible and practical clothes around them, they choose them.

Programmer career habits: busy, busy, busy. House, house, house. (Long hours on the computer, rarely go out to see clients)

Jeans: Dirt-resistant and wearable, available everywhere.

Backpack: Daily with a laptop to come and go, backpack is certainly more labor-saving than portable, more convenient. Black, most resistant to dirt.

As for the plaid shirt, I want to say more about that.

My first plaid shirt

When I was young, I read a lot of interview tips before applying for a job. Many tips tell you to dress professionally for the interview. So I wore a full suit and tie to an interview with an Internet company. And then almost be driven out of the door as a salesman……

It was then that I learned: dress is the natural boundary that distinguishes Internet companies from other companies.

Then I bought a plaid shirt. Because it feels like it’s somewhere between casual and formal, just the right place for my confused dress sense. As a result, I got to know more and more of my fellow programmers and found that the most classic single item for a programmer was a plaid shirt. (Is everyone thinking what I’m thinking?)

There’s nothing old-fashioned about plaid shirts

Nowadays plaid shirts are often mistaken for dirt! But the plaid shirt has always been a fashion darling. Every year on the fashion show, there are more or less plaid elements of clothing. After all, as a minimalist geometric element, the grid has its own charm in the combination of colors, the number of colors, the size of the grid, the density of the grid… The plaid shirt is as infinite as the permutations of code.

Although the upper part of the shirt is plaid, but people in the same space are rarely completely “identical” phenomenon. Check out the plaid shirts worn by celebrities and fashion bloggers:

Now, do you still feel tartan?

Is it really only programmers who love plaid?

So how do plaid shirts become associated with programmers? Is it really only programmers who love plaid shirts?

It didn’t. If you pay attention, you’ll notice that many of your colleagues and friends have at least one plaid shirt, but it’s not as centralized as the coders’ group, so no one notices.

Plaid shirts are far more popular than you might think. After October, the weather in the north has entered the cool autumn, so people ransack cabinets to find the most beloved plaid shirt, cotton, farrageau, Oxford… This season, plaid shirt is the perfect stage to show their skills!

You never know what a plaid shirt is until you wear it

In fact, programmers fall in love with plaid shirt, but also for a reason. A plaid shirt is good only if you wear it.

The first is that the plaid shirt is very dirty, even with the help of a washing machine, washing clothes often takes time, programmers would rather spend their time studying code than washing two more clothes, plaid suits their needs.

Second, plaid shirt this style of coat, adapt to a wide range of age, whether you are 18, 28, or 38 years old, can wear a plaid shirt out. Buy a plaid shirt and you can wear it for years without worrying that it will be out of style, because every year clothing manufacturers will produce many styles of plaid coat — long and short, colorful, but always can not escape from the “plaid” frame.

Third, plaid shirts can be used in a wide range of situations. As I said at the beginning, a plaid shirt, on the borderline between formal and casual, will allow you to handle any occasion with ease. Add a dark blazer and plaid shirt to formal business meetings. Throw on a casual jacket or plaid shirt for an outing with friends. A tight, solid-colored plaid shirt can be worn alone for formal occasions. Garish and exaggerated plaid unlined upper garment, match fashionable sheet to taste to reveal your individual character. Of course, you can hide from programmers in a plain plaid shirt and straight jeans.

There’s no need to reject plaid

I know that some programmers have been repelled by wearing plaid shirts since someone started teasing the idea of a three-piece suit. This is actually, over. The whole. No. There is. I will. Want to.

The outside world pays attention to programmers because in the Internet age, this group has gradually become the main actor. From the misconception that “programmers = computer repairers” to the fact that every time social networking sites go down because of a hot topic, people start to love programmers, the society has more and more understanding of the group of programmers. Stereotypes of the programmer community, such as plaid shirts, blazers, and bald heads, are fueled by an attempt to identify the programmer community with external labels, and also by the common sense of humorous self-criticism among programmers.

Whether to wear plaid or not is a matter of personal interest. You feel comfortable, you feel decent, you wear it, you feel not fashionable, you find what you feel fashionable to wear.

Appearance clothing, this is the “face” of ordinary people. For us programmers, code is our “face.”

People laugh at me for being sloppy, and I laugh at others for not being able to see it.

1024 programmer section arrived, recommend an interesting test “test your programmer gene how many”, I wish you a happy holiday!