Tools depreciate as they age.

What is a tool? Your computer at home is a tool, your air conditioner is a tool, paper, ink and water are tools, even your desk and chair are tools.

What are the features of the tool?

The characteristic of a tool is that it works well when you first buy it, but it loses value as you use it. Because tools don’t grow, the only way to get new features is to change them. Because there is no experience or need for what, the function is on the line, such as air conditioning, you have never heard of senior air conditioning, right?

Like a programmer?

I think the most similar thing to a programmer is not just a construction worker, but a smartphone.

Why is that?

1. Technology is changing so fast that the technology of ten years ago and ten years later has changed completely.

Ten years ago it was all about the Web and PC software, and it wasn’t all that complicated. If you look at the current APP, it is necessary to cram dozens of module functions into a tens of megabytes APP, and the technical content is two levels.

2. The older the more out of line with The Times, functions and performance can not meet the needs.

Although I am not over 35 yet, SOMETIMES I really feel inadequate. Some new technical terms are unheard of, so I have to turn over the wall and look for English literature to get a general idea.

When I use this metaphor to think about some phenomena, I find that a lot of things make sense.

Why do programmers lose value as they get older?

Because most of us programmers, myself included, don’t have the sense to stay on the front lines of technology and assume that the technology we use will be useful later, when in retrospect it isn’t.

In addition, I don’t have the conditions to keep up with the technology front. I work for ten hours in the daytime and spend time with my family and children in the evening. It is almost enough to do sports for one day, so I really can’t spare much time for study.

To put it bluntly, there is only the consciousness and time of iterating program, but not the consciousness and time of iterating oneself.

So, again, why do programmers get paid?

One is that this post is really high technical content, and useful things are not cheap. Or this example, smart phone is higher than the old machine technology ability, the price should be an order of magnitude higher, and good smart phone models are more expensive than bad, should be several units higher.

But a tool is a tool, and your phone is worth what it was 10 years ago? The phone doesn’t update itself. Don’t you just throw it away?

Not to mention 12 hours a day, six days a week. What is not bad is already dead.

It turns out the biggest group of tool people in 2020 will be — programmers.

So, want not to be scrapped processing, or to update the accessories in time.

For programmers, no matter what age, if you want to continue in IT (Internet) industry development, constantly learning new knowledge is inevitable, because the technology of IT industry iteration speed very quickly, and new technology often bring a lot of new models, so to master new technology can not only improve the programmer’s job market value, It will also open up new channels for the development of programmers. As a matter of fact, programmers who move into management positions, or into specialist positions in the industry, need to constantly update their technical structure, or at least grasp the current technological boundaries.

Android technology updates so fast these days, there are new things every year or even every month. However, as a program ape of us, very helpless pain, because there are a lot of technology to learn, so it takes a certain amount of energy and time. If you don’t study for a month, you feel out of step with The Times.

Here’s a look at some of the core technologies to focus on:


Kotlin’s main advantage is full interoperability with Java, which means developers can migrate as much older code as possible without completely rewriting the entire application. The two languages are so compatible that Android Studio can even automatically convert from Java to Kotlin.

Here has a Google big man to prepare “advanced Kotlin strengthen actual combat (with Demo)”, from the entry to the master, the tutorial is easy to understand, examples are rich, both basic knowledge, also have advanced skills, can help readers quickly start, is you learn Kotlin sunflower treasure code, fast collection!! (Free access at the end)


With the Jetpack library, new projects don’t have to reinvent the wheel or wait for other developers to open source their implementations, and now the basics are available to every developer. These libraries are updated frequently, with new features and bug fixes being released. Since these libraries are built to work together, using the AndroidX libraries helps minimize surprises in your application.

How to learn? If you are lack of learning materials, I just collected this Alibaba internal Jetpack treasure book, from the beginning to the master, the course is easy to understand, rich examples, both basic knowledge, but also advanced skills, can help readers quickly start, is your learning Jetpack sunflower treasure book. (Access available at the end of the article)


There are a lot of articles on the Internet about learning componentization development, componentization principle is very simple, but the real implementation is still very difficult, there is no corresponding actual combat + source code reference ready to step on the pit.

Here I have a 220-page study manual “Advanced Android componentization Intensification Practice”, which contains the popular componentization project practice of Dachang. From novice to architect, this study manual is sufficient.


For App, the so-called plug-in, personal understanding is a complete App host and plug-in split into two parts, we can App runs on the host dynamic load or replace part of the plug-in, plug-in is not only to the expansion of the host function but also can reduce the burden of the host, the host is to run the App, Plug-ins are apK files loaded by the host runtime, so the solution technique of combining the host and plug-in is plug-in.

Audio and video

I’ve been working with Android audio and video for a while now, and it takes a lot more effort than normal application layer development. In order to learn the recording, coding and processing of audio and video, I have also seen dozens of projects, large and small. The general feeling is that the knowledge is scattered, more unfriendly to the friend who just started. So I organized an Android audio and video learning route, and the learning effect of the system is definitely much better than the scattered supplementary knowledge.

Due to space limitation, some screenshots of the content are shown. If you need these documents, you can support me by clicking “like” and then[Click here]Read and download for free.

The last thing I want to say to you is

For programmers at the age of 30, if they want to continue to follow the technical path, they not only need to learn new technologies, but also need to learn certain industry knowledge in the current industrial Internet background. The combination of industry knowledge and computer technology will bring greater development space for programmers. From the general trend of the development of the industrial Internet era, there is still a lot of imagination space to empower the industry field based on technology.