
It’s the last week of 2017, and today I’m going to talk about why I want to blog.

It’s been three years since I started Android in a month, and two and a half years since I started blogging. From April ’15 to now. I remember that at the beginning of this year, the page view of my CSDN was about 3W. This year is coming to an end. Today, I have a look again. The data of 3W in two years and 12W in half a year surprised me. Here’s why, how, and the benefits of blogging.

Why blog?

At the beginning of my contact with Android, Android at that time should be counted as just the fire, but encountered some content, Baidu actually did not find, later contact CSDN, OSChina these. Finally, I decided to start a blog on CSDN.

Why blog? My first instinct was to pretend. Of course, if only because of this point, there is no need to write a blog, because there is a pretend force, there is a face. So, after all, why do I blog? There are many benefits of blogging, but the disadvantage is that it is a waste of time, but the so-called time, I think it can be worth wasting, because it is a waste of time, to comb, to think, to write. In the long run you will reap great results. It is best to record your learning process in the form of notes.

Blogging isn’t just about writing. It’s better to do it for a long time, technical or non-technical. I remember I didn’t blog for about a year, because the stuff I was exposed to during that time had nothing to do with Android. I could even say that for 15 years, I was just in the door, and it was 16 years before I really started to read About Android. Later, I relaunched the CSDN blog and tried to ensure that the situation changed once a week. Use the week to give yourself a summary of the study.

How to blog?

So how to write a blog, code, ideas, code + ideas. Although there are only two points, I have listed three points, and I will say them one by one.


Since you’re writing technical articles, you have to write code. I remember when I first started blogging, I just threw code, commented every line, and left it at that. Then I decided I shouldn’t, I should change my mind. Because no matter what you write, the idea is important. So I decided to start with ideas.

Train of thought

Later, I began to write some seemingly basic things, but without ideas you really do not have to work things out. Later, I began to reorganize the idea of writing a blog with the main idea, supplemented by code. In later, it was found that there were many in the comment area, as well as private messages I wanted the source code. At the time, I just thought that some people wanted to take the source code and use it without looking at the specific ideas. Later, I decided to write it differently again.

Code + Ideas

Now blogging, I think, you can’t do without both. Because you may have some ideas, but you still don’t know how to do it, and conversely, you may have some code that you can actually use, but you still don’t know how to do it. So, now my blog is basically a sequence of ideas and code.

What are the benefits of blogging?

Meet more like-minded people

As I said before, I have developed the habit of writing a blog. Every day, I will choose to read some blogs. No matter the author of these content is a big ox or a small white, I will choose to collect some good content. In this era of Internet connectivity, you can meet more people by blogging. Of course, I have met more like-minded friends since I started my official account.

Writing is to think more

First of all, writing a blog is generally their own comb for a piece of knowledge. So since it is blogging, not only to let yourself understand, but also to let others understand. So, every time I write a blog, I try to write this article from the perspective of the reader, and it turns out that this is really good. At least so far, I haven’t seen any reader comments saying that the article doesn’t make sense.

Force yourself to learn

If you just start to write a blog, you will find that there are a lot of things you want to say and write, but slowly share out, you will find that the content you want to write is less and less, even less to no, at this time there are only two choices, one is to choose to give up, the other is to learn to continue to share. I have a lot of bloggers in my own group, and some of them choose the former, and the rest, like me, choose the latter: learn, share, learn, share. When blogs force you to learn on your own, you will find that you grow quickly. Plus, every time you blog, you’re consolidating your skills. This is not a small growth for you.

Learn to Stick with it

As I said before, you should learn to keep doing things for 7 days, 21 days, 90 days, gradually build a habit. For example, AS I said before, I have the habit of reading every day, but I do not read every day. For example, I am not in a good mood and so on. I will choose to give up, why? Because even if you did, you wouldn’t really be able to see into it. So remember to stick with it when it’s good. I believe that if you stick to it for a long time, you will have great improvement.

A blog is a great resume

Why is a blog a good resume? I remember when I was interviewed this year, my blog was not on my resume. When I was introduced to him, he said that if I had the habit of blogging, I could put it on my resume. I think long-term bloggers may not be so awesome right now, but I think they just lack the space and time to grow. In the long run, your blog will become more valuable and you will meet more like-minded people. This will not only expand your circle of friends, but also broaden your horizons.

Promotion of popularity

I started to write blog to pretend to be forced, and then I started to do technology sharing. At first you may not think it’s a big deal, because now I look at a blog I wrote two years ago and it feels rubbish. This is not to say that blogs are not read, because I have said that blogging should be considered from the point of view of readers. Even if you think that your previous blog is not good now, there will always be readers who are at the level of your blog at the time. Look at this article. If you can consistently produce high-quality blogs, you will meet more people and even influence more people on your technology path. The longer you go, the more people you’ll connect with, which can only help you in your future career.

Whether you need a personal blog

Should I have a personal blog? That’s a good question. I think anyone can start a blog, and hexo+ Github is pretty mature now. I made one before: silencedev. Cn also forgot to maintain recently. I’m going to rearrange myself when I’m free. Blogging doesn’t have to be about technology. It can be like keeping a journal or weekly record in elementary school, and just record what comes to mind.

The last

It’s the last week of ’17, and I think everyone should get everything done this week and not leave it until next year. On the other hand, if you don’t have the habit of blogging, I suggest you start building a habit. No matter before, now, or in the future, if you think my articles are good, welcome to share them with more people to see. Have not followed my public number, you can identify the following TWO-DIMENSIONAL code to follow, to listen to me pull technology. Talk about life.