Why blog?

When we are going to do something, we must know the purpose of doing it.

Benefits of blogging:

When I did not write an article, I felt that I knew everything, but when I wrote, I could not write it out. This is actually a thorough understanding of this knowledge, so that I can know my own shortcomings.

Everyone knows what they don’t know and writing good essays can help others understand this.

When your article is exposed, more powerful people will point out the mistakes in your article and get feedback to improve yourself.

Get to know more like-minded friends and discuss with each other. Discussion is the best reflection.

More interviews, make your resume unique, it says that with so many resumes per day, you’ll be more likely to be selected if you have your own blog.

The editor of the publishing house takes the initiative to come up and ask you to publish a book for extra income.

Major related platform operators seek cooperation with you, you will be known by more people, enhance personal influence.

Why don’t you blog?

I’ve asked a lot of people, why don’t you blog?

I’m afraid I can’t write well and I don’t feel I have anything to write. I’ll prepare and start writing when I’m ready

Many people don’t take the first step because of these points.

“I’m afraid I can’t write well.” My answer was “Don’t be afraid, I’m sure I can’t write well.” This is not a blow to people, but no one can write well at the beginning, they are doing better and better step by step.

“Feeling like you have nothing to write about” is even more important. Only continuous accumulation, output can make your knowledge system more perfect.

If you learn a lot of things, you end up saying nothing and doing nothing. What about growing up? Output is the best way to learn. You can write about a knowledge point you’ve recently used or a problem you’ve had.

Let the “output” force the “input”, you will find that you only know a point, after the output will know a face. Your body of knowledge gradually becomes better and better.

“I’m going to write when I’m ready.” What is ready? Before I asked a friend, I said I said “when to contribute to my public account?” He replied, “When I’m ready,” and a year later, no more.

Most of the time not really being “ready” is just an excuse to procrastinate. Some opportunities don’t wait for you to just be ready. Do them first and then improve them slowly, in small steps. Don’t be ready for everything. Maybe when you are ready, it’s not your turn. The best time is now.

There is no best, only better.

Getting started with blogging

The introduction should give the reader an idea to read on.

Why would he want to read your article? Why does this essay solve his problem? What does it have to do with him? Why does he want to read on?

Before writing to think about the above questions, starting from the life and work scene, give a person a sense of “substitution”, feel that is him.

Details should let the reader know how.

How to do? What happens when you do it? What if I run into problems?

Case, source code, graphic, so that readers better understand. Abstract concepts can be used by analogy.

Use known knowledge to understand unknown knowledge and make connections.

Summary review all the key points, enumerated, strengthen the reader’s impression of knowledge points.

Feynman method of learning

In fact, the above method is a kind of efficient learning method. It’s called the Feynman method of learning.

When you don’t need any output, you tend to fall into a state of “I’ll just look at it”. In a long time, such a state will make you not really focus on learning, but just “finish it” according to the task, which is not helpful for obtaining information effectively.

Feynman method of Learning: Step 1: Choose a concept Take a piece of white paper and write the name of the concept on the top of the paper.

Step 2: Imagine that you are about to teach this concept to a freshman as if you are presenting it to someone who has not yet understood the topic.

Step 3: If you have a problem, go back to a place where you were confused or had a problem, then go back to the appropriate resources, tutorials.

Step 4: Simplify and Create analogies Try to simplify your description, or create an analogy that will make it easier for others to understand.


We learned about the benefits of blogging, found out why not, and showed you how to do it. The essence of blogging is to allow you to learn effectively, grow, build your knowledge, and build your core competence.

Not all good programmers blog, but all good programmers become better after blogging. What are you waiting for? Go blog!