Whether you’re an IT engineer, a writer, or just a student or Office user, you’ve been recommended to use a Mac many times: in real life and on social media. I even learned about the Mac and wondered if I could work on it. The purpose of this article is to dissuade you from buying a Mac, and if you still want to buy your own Mac after reading this, you probably do

First of all, I’m not talking about a pay-as-you-go Mac. So if you see the headline come in and you see some text in the fog, it’s not good. If you remember macs by branch, box, etc., take a detour from the very lucrative beauty blogger, who is referring to Apple computers.

So, let’s get down to business. Here are some simple things to consider when buying a Mac:

The price

When it comes to Apple computers, there’s the price. Because for many people (at least for me), it would take a few months ‘salary to buy a MacBook Pro. Even the Mac Mini with more than 6K cost me a month’s salary. If you think the price of Mac Mini is ok, I don’t have a word to say, but it is positioned as a desktop computer. 4K yuan with a very good PC can be used for several years. So the price is a lot of times we enter the Apple world, this factor is not to be ignored.

But it’s also possible that being expensive isn’t its fault, it’s my fault. If you feel up to it, keep reading.

Level of appearance

Look level needless to say, if apple computer is second, I don’t think any other computer can say first. Of course, the differences caused by individual aesthetic differences cannot be ruled out.

If you have to pick on the new Mac Pro in ’19, I can’t help but laugh. After all, there are a lot of times when we can’t understand the aesthetic: when the flat design of iOS 7 came out, many people cried ugly, and then everyone became flat, but felt that the skeuomorphic design could not be looked at any more.

So who knows how many years from now we’re not going to understand this design all of a sudden, and you’re not going to think of it as grated radish anymore?

You might say, is good looks a weakness that will stop me from buying a Mac?

If something is ugly and expensive and you have no desire to buy it, it has nothing to do with you. But if something is a little bit expensive, but it’s really beautiful, then you’re really torn.

Mind you, when you fall in love with a fancy but expensive computer, that’s when you need to watch your wallet.

Do manual work

If you’ve ever taken apart a MacBook Pro, or watched it as I have, you’ll be amazed at how much space you can use inside a computer.

HMM… Calm down. Don’t get excited. It looks beautiful on the outside, but it also looks comfortable on the inside. Ah, I think I used the wrong correlation.

However, I still advise you to calm down a little bit, you can suppress your true thoughts, slowly follow me: well, the work is a little better than other computers.

Also note: the inside work outside can not see, do not because of this heart, the wallet should be more optimistic.

The screen

When it comes to the Mac, you need more screens. If you buy a Mac Mini and put up a 1920 x 1080 screen, don’t buy a screen. Give the Mac a rest.

If you buy a MacBook, or an iMac, the retina screen will take your eye comfort up a notch with other low-resolution screens: I go, how can I see pixels, but also can see a lot of Mosaic ah (here is the general laptop ha, now 2K, 4K screens of course also look pretty pleasing).

This could be a simple reason why I don’t buy a Mac: I can buy one, but if I have already bought one, and after experiencing how good it is, I don’t have the money to buy another one, how can I save my picky eyes?

Just like you are used to watching 4K video, now let you watch 480 × 320 video, is not very uncomfortable. But if you watch these videos all the time, there’s nothing wrong with them.

The most uncomfortable is not not, but once owned.

Let’s talk about the experience of using apple’s own hardware.

A little put X

A few years ago, when Apple computers were rare and used by relatively few people, people would see someone using a Mac and say to themselves, “Fake it. Or in the heart silently envy; And most are a bit of both.

If you were in A Starbucks or a library back then and pulled out a Mac, whether it was for a cup of coffee or an art-looking book or nothing at all, a computer would have looked pretty cool.

Put now, we see much, and even their own use, so there is no previous so the eye. Most Mac users are coders like me, but they’re still a little more recognizable than other brands of computers in the same public space.

When I see someone else using a Mac, I still check to see if it’s new or old, 13 “or 16” (I don’t own a Mac 😭, after all).

Now it’s a bit of an X, and the result might be: “Emm… “, this person is not halal, a little pretend “feeling.

How can we be happy friends if everyone thinks that, right?

No video games

It’s not that you can’t play games at all, there are a lot of games out there on the Mac, you can find a lot of them on MAS (Mac App Store), Steam, there are a lot of great games, and they come out for free every now and then, so if you want to play, you can definitely play as many as you want.

However, like LOL, Eat chicken, cross Fire these are currently some popular, or children like the game need not think about. The reason is simple: the game doesn’t support it.

I met a great programmer on the Internet. He knew a lot about various languages and underlying principles. I asked him why he was so strong. Daniel told me, “WHEN I was in college, I bought my first Mac. Everyone else was playing games on Windows, but the Mac couldn’t be played with others. So I learned about C, C++, Python, front-end, and so on. I want to have a Mac when I was in elementary school 😂.

So if you’re playing video games, skip the Mac and go build a desktop instead.

There is no fun in development environment configuration

If you’re a developer and you’ve configured your development environment on Windows, you’ve probably experienced setting up various environment variables. And then you forget it, and the next time you need it, you have to pull out the documentation or search engine (note, I said search engine, but I didn’t say search engine, you know why) and search again.

Configure the development environment, this is how sacred and happy a thing ah, how can like the macOS above a line of command to fix it, not a sense of achievement, or Windows has a sense of ritual.

Fun without a machine

In addition to environment variables, you will find that the Windows system you have been using for a while will not be able to run some programs in any configuration, regardless of the development environment or professional software.

Then something more ceremonial happens: you reinstall the system. The reason is simple: restarting your computer solves 90 percent of the problems; Reinstalling the system solves 99% of the problems; The remaining 1% needs to be repurchased to solve the problem. Since rebooting won’t fix it, try reinstalling it.

Where’s the fun in a computer that doesn’t have to be reinstalled every once in a while, just like an Android swipe?

On a Mac: Happiness is theirs, I have nothing.

Don’t install Windows

What? You’re telling me none of this is a problem? Has the appearance level, the workmanship, the Logo is ok? You need Windows?

I advise you not to…

This is going to piss off a lot of apple fans (I’m not a apple fan, but I don’t think it’s going to work either) : An Apple computer without macOS has no soul. Or: you pay a lot of money for a computer that’s not worth much — that’s not going to be happy.

The strength of Apple computers is the perfect combination of hardware and macOS, which makes people very comfortable to use. If you’re a writer, designer, or musician, try macOS. Because she can let you immerse yourself in your work or creation, without all kinds of guards to disturb, let alone all kinds of pop-ups trouble. And, I forgot to mention, Mac sound quality is pretty good, too.

“Before the Trojan horse, now the bodyguard in the Internet” this kind of battle of wits with the Trojan horse, all kinds of guards of pleasure, you can’t experience on the Mac. Alas, think is how sad a thing.


Well, apple computers without macOS have no soul. The apple system is as good as it looks. And now that more and more people are using it, there is a magic operation: various tutorials on how to configure the Elegant interface of macOS on Windows; There are also many tutorials on how to maintain Windows habits on the Mac.

There’s nothing wrong with that, since macOS’s systems and software are, for the most part, models that manufacturers and designers copy. The latter, completely unnecessary, because it is good to use, maybe before the habit is not normal?

I advise you to use macOS better.

The strength of the MAC was the perfect combination of the user interface and the command line, which, in the words of one teacher, was “beautiful, not powerful.”

  • Don’t have to clean up

  • Don’t have to guard

  • Don’t turn it off

  • There is no bounced

  • No virus

  • There is no worry

Please use the tone of Teacher Luo to put an almost in front of the above several, thank you.


I’m sorry, in fact, you will find that I prefer to buy a Mac except for the price factor, please forgive my Amway 😂.

On the other hand, if you haven’t experienced it, you must experience it.

So, you don’t have too many question marks anymore, do you see why I don’t buy a Mac?

Yes, there’s no hiding: my reason for not buying a Mac is number one: poverty.