First, the beginning of the story

Xiaojie is a tester friend I knew in Shenzhen before. According to the company’s talent promotion system, he should have been promoted to the title of director this year, but it is embarrassing that:

He is still an obscure technical specialist, and even the subsequent interns are ahead of him. Two days ago, he contacted me on wechat and complained:

“I don’t know why it’s so hard to get a promotion now that I can’t get promoted. Is the boss trying to kick me out?”

There is no fixed deadline for promotion, no suitable job hopping, there are many workers, like Sisyphus, who had a big rock on his head all day long, while holding on to their dreams, while grinding their teeth until now.

There is no fixed deadline for promotion, no suitable job hopping, there are many workers, like Sisyphus, who had a big rock on his head all day long, while holding on to their dreams, while grinding their teeth until now.

They only see themselves, but they don’t see the big picture.

Take my friend Xiaojie for example, he is the technical backbone of the company. He has done a very good job from starting a team at the beginning to teaching new people with projects later, but he cannot get the attention of the leaders. I found something wrong in his later description:

He always emphasizes how good and serious he is, but never mentions the attitude and feedback of his boss. People who take themselves too seriously are all about themselves and forget that it is others who really affect their promotion.

Ignore the fact that no matter how good you do it, your gold will never shine.

How can we avoid it

As a programmer in the improvement of technology at the same time, if you want to continue to go on in the workplace, interpersonal communication is particularly precious!

But the new guy? Better to avoid these three minefields first

  • Number one: Don’t blow the chance to work with your big boss
  • Number two: Don’t slack off during the research period before moving up the corporate ladder
  • Number three: Stay away from rumors and don’t judge others

Lack of ability to work together, lack of judgment of form, lack of vigilance to self-requirements, is more frightening than lack of opportunity. You don’t get to sit in any position just because you’re working your ass off. Sometimes, being in the right place, with the right people, and doing the right thing is more important than closing your eyes.

Third, technology can not be left behind

In the past, we have been driven by companies and technology, not by our own choice of technology, but by our own unconsciousness. Think about how many people have thought deeply and compared what they want to do and what kind of technology they want to develop in the future.

Today, I will sort out the most mainstream software testing technology for you. According to this framework to improve and in-depth their own technology, annual salary 40W is there any difficult?

First, Linux essential knowledge

Linux as the most popular software environment system, it must be mastered, the current recruitment requirements are required to have Linux ability.

Shell scripts

Master shell scripts, including shell basics and applications, shell logic control, shell logic functions, etc.

Three, the Principle of Internet program

The road to automation: basic knowledge of front-end development and essential knowledge of the Internet network.

Mysql database

Software test engineers must have knowledge of Mysql database, not just basic “add, delete, change and check”.

5. Packet capture tool

Fiddler, Wireshark, Sniffer, and Tcpdump are all available for your projects.

6. Interface testing tools

Interface test magic, you can not escape the powerful tool: Jmeter. Small and nimble: Postman.

Web automation testing Java&Pyhton

Understand the purpose of automation and be familiar with the TestNG&UnitTest automation framework, assertions and logging.

Eight, interface and mobile phone automation

Professional interface calls and tests solutions. Build a complete Web and interface automation framework, Appium overall use.

Agile Testing &TestOps builds

Demystifying TestOps, the Continuous integration Jenkins framework is by heart.

Performance testing & Safety testing

The other side of software testing: performance testing and security testing, choose the right direction, and strive to climb the pit!Above is I sorted out for you a software test engineer development direction knowledge architecture system diagram. I hope you can follow this system in 3-4 months to complete the construction of such a system. It’s a process that can literally kill you, but once you get through it. The rest of my life is so much easier. As they say, all things are difficult at the beginning. Once you have taken the first step, you are half way there. You will look back on the journey with a lot of emotion when you are finished.

Finally, in order to facilitate everyone’s learning test, we specially prepared a 13G super practical dry goods learning resources, involving very comprehensive content. Include software learning roadmap, video, and more than 50 days of class 16 assault on practical projects, more than 80 software testing with software, 37 test documentation, 70 software test related issues, 40 level testing experience article, thousands of test questions, sharing, and 2021 bible software testing interview, there are all kinds of selected software testing job resume, Hope to help you…

Pay attention to my public number: [programmer two black] can get this information!

The last

In front of strength, everything is scum!

Recommended reading

Well paid programmers can’t escape being 35… How can we save ourselves when our abilities are out of sync with our age

Graduated from college and started selling… Unwilling to accept the status quo, the road to self-help testing

From crown to unemployment, finally choose software testing, looking back on the road, I was lucky!