First of all, excellent sharpshooters must be fed by bullets. Without thousands of bullets, it is difficult to kill the enemy in a single blow on the battlefield.

I often see that some novice programmers need to frequently check documents or search baidu for the usage of various interfaces when writing code. Sometimes, they need to check dozens of times to write a function, and a lot of time is wasted in searching. They really don’t have much time to write code.

A programmer who has been immersed in the language for several years or even more than a decade knows all about these interfaces, knows all about them when using them, knows all about the implementation mechanism of the interfaces, and knows exactly what pits they may encounter, which reduces the occurrence of many bugs.

I set up a new technical exchange circle, the main group is a 10-year-old technical personnel, the technical director of a listed company, the group will answer questions for the group every day, recruitment push, click to join the circle

Technical exchange group, group of friends every day to share dry goods, answer questions

Did you take those interfaces out and mull them over, study the source code, and really get to know it?

To master programming tools, you must sharpen them.

A good programming tool has many features that can help programmers reduce their workload, such as code refactoring, automatic formatting, syntax checking, code hints, and completion. Mastering these features can also greatly improve development efficiency.

When writing code, older programmers will start with the big picture, put the big framework in place, and then focus on the details of the entire program. This is like developing a high-rise building. The developer will first build the main frame, and then, layer by layer, work out the details of each floor. In this way, the goal is often clearer, as long as the plan is followed step by step, can be completed quickly.

The last point

In the world of programming,

You’ve been writing for a long time, and you’ve found that instead of making the program run faster, you’ve made the program run with all kinds of bugs. The limit is unlimited, which leads to the crazy arbitrage of users and the end of the project.

After a long time, the leader found the team without you, but the program is very smooth