The wave of new retail dividend comes with many challenges, among which how to more effectively control the offline point of sale, how to effectively control the offline retail shelf dynamics changing at any time, how to effectively use these dynamic information to feed themselves, is a major issue brand owners are facing.

On May 20th, the 520 Hunter Festival held the “520 Love you show responsibility” activity to promote 520’s wish to resonate with the C-end hunter user interaction. As a mobile app where users earn commissions by completing market research and photographing tasks, Rating is based on its strong technological strength and extensive user cluster.

For brands, it is not easy to control the point of sale. Rating APP strongly assists B-end brands to control the retail terminal.

Brands have always had a strong need to control the retail end

Brands in order to understand the real response of the market for new products and products in the market of the real, real time is critical to grasp market trends, such as shelf share data information feedback, can help brands to quickly determine product competitiveness and timely adjustments must be made to display shelf products, communicate with retailers and provide more upsell choice. It can be said that the timeliness of point-of-sale data acquisition determines product sales, while the control of point-of-sale determines the development of brand owners to a large extent.

However, the traditional audit method dominated by manual operation is time-consuming and labor-intensive. On the one hand, traditional audit methods have many difficulties in shelf data entry, relying more on written notes and other forms, which is not only inefficient in data recording and feedback, but also has a higher error frequency. On the other hand, the cost of dynamically controlling the point of sale by manpower is quite high, and the timeliness value of the data obtained may not match the expenditure of the brand on labor time and capital cost.

In the new era of retail, brand owners have put forward higher requirements on the control of offline points of sale:

One is efficient and quality information collection. Today, the Internet innovation of scientific and technological achievements widely fall to the ground, big data and cloud computing technology that allows companies to the swimmer becomes more precise, efficient and quality of electrical business era, the brands are accustomed to the fast pace of consumption patterns, and control of offline retail locations appeal is to ascend, for the quality and efficiency of the sales data also put forward higher requirements.

The second is systematic terminal data analysis and big data application. Scattered data is of no value, only through systematic integration, processing and calculation, complete professional interpretation and analysis, terminal data can play its due value. Brands’ desire for point-of-sale control also relies heavily on the systematic form of these data after professional analysis, rather than fragmented data.

Third, it can fully meet the customization needs of B-end brands. Although the ultimate goal of retail is to increase sales, the intermediate needs of brands vary from evaluating the competitiveness of new products to testing market demand. As a result, an analysis of the same set of point-of-sale data can yield very different results. This need for personalization has led to services such as custom reporting, which requires more of a data provisioning platform than piecemeal data collection.

Multiple demands lead to a mature and systematic terminal control solution

Always, for retail channels, the most direct demand of brands is to control the terminal. Now, a number of enterprises both at home and abroad have come up with solutions for strong control of offline point of sale. Among them, rating is the forerunner of offline entity crowdsourcing research. Facing these pain points, rating is also using its own way to help brand owners to truly and quickly control the terminal business information.

First, rating guarantee source data, scientific and technological standard information collection and data analysis. There are two reasons for rating APP to control data efficiency and quality from the source. First, rating APP has more than 600,000 real and independent third-party users and covers more than 600 cities in China. Under the crowdsourcing mode, high-quality information can be collected economically and quickly. Second, rating has accumulated a large number of trusted user clusters, including college students, to ensure that the data collected from the source is more real, effective and of higher quality under the protection of technical means.

Second, based on the background of big data base coverage strength, rating has formed a more mature user management system. For example, for new recruits, RPT has a professional and advanced growth training system – RPT Growth Academy; Set up credit score and establish user credit management system according to user credit record; There are brand business task matching user level management system and so on. With a number of mature management systems, rating has been able to achieve a virtuous mode of self-circulation.

Thirdly, RATEp also has a centralized analytical management team and quality control process to ensure the professionalism and accuracy of analytical results. Ratep is a technology-leading retail terminal data service provider. It not only has one-stop data interpretation and analysis capabilities, but also can combine AI and other innovative technologies to improve analysis efficiency and provide customized reporting services. Nowadays, rating’s systematic terminal data parsing ability and accuracy have been praised by many well-known brands at home and abroad.

Technology becomes the hard power to control the retail terminal battlefield in the future

As we can see from the development of rating, technology will be a key factor in controlling the retail end of the future. If the operation of the data provider is disintegrated, this feature is even more obvious.

On the one hand, the front-end data collection and processing links are inseparable from the support of Internet innovation technology. The data collection business of RYPap is based on electronic map positioning and graphic recognition technology, and the completion of data collection is promoted through crowdsourcing research mode and big data analysis background. Whether the image recognition technology makes shelf analysis specific, or the cloud computing and other services to analyze and process scattered data, or the efficient circulation of data to help the real-time linkage of two-end data, all cannot be separated from the support of science and technology.

On the other hand, the formation of a complete and mature management system for different stages and different types of user clusters is also based on extensive and solid big data coverage. The process of professional analysis and processing of terminal research data and forming market customized research reports cannot be separated from the support of Internet innovation technology. Brand owners enjoy a full range of retail terminal control services under the model of user + rating + big data.

Rating is based on the strong scientific and technological strength, to ensure the promotion of various measures in each link, to provide real and fast retail terminal business information for brand merchants. Just like the core value of rating: use science and technology to regulate the authenticity of data sources, and use science and technology to enhance trust. Technology is the hard power to win the battle for future retail terminal control.

Brand appeal, a new retail terminal omni-channel management marketing ecosystem is taking shape

In the ever-changing retail market in the future, rating will use data to link users and brand owners, regard itself as the transfer station and bridge of retail terminal data information circulation, and integrate real, objective and high-quality big data, so as to provide b-end brand owners with strong point of sale control.

Reimbursement of clap for the B side provide timely, accurate information terminal and brands can let the B end brands of decision based on these data become more accurate, at the same time control at the point of sale in technology pilot lower cost, higher efficiency, more efforts to control, and the Internet innovation of scientific and technological achievements, in each link to achieve depth to the ground, the fuel efficiency and quality of the terminal control.

On the basis of the key element of science and technology, a brand new retail terminal omni-channel management marketing ecosystem is gradually taking shape under the guidance of such technology-led platforms. The components of this new ecosystem are not only comprehensive and highly covered various data acquisition channels in brand marketing scenarios, but also integrated and technological data processing and parsing capabilities.

In general, in the new retail era, controlling the retail terminal means controlling the lifeblood of retail. Only by grasping the variation of the point of sale can we get timely adjustment and not be abandoned by the fast-paced retail era. On the basis of image recognition technology and data processing and analysis capabilities, and combined with the rich marketing experience of the rating project management team, Rating provides customized professional analysis report services for brand owners. In the future of the retail terminal control strength of the competition battlefield, technology will be the hard power based on the enterprise.

Article/Liu Kuang public account, ID: Liukuang110