This article according to Github public API, crawled the address show China’s users, according to the fans concerned to do a ranking, analysis of the top 100 user attributes, analysis of these active in the technical community of the bull people who are also! In the future, according to my experience, I will produce “How technical Personnel Build Their Own Personal Brand” and “Elegant Programmer Biography”. Welcome to add my Wechat DiyCodes communication.

Github China top 100 cities distribution, surprisingly, IT cities Shenzhen and Guangzhou and Beishanghang are so far behind! (China said it did not specify specific city users)

Github China’s top 100 languages distribution chart, front-end developers still occupy the majority, mobile developers have reached half of the country, surprisingly, the minority language Ruby developers are actually ranked sixth, PHP, C++ and other behind!

In addition to the ranking of Github fans, we also analyzed the activity degree of these 20 community giants in Zhihu and Weibo. According to the data results, all of the Github top 20 are technical celebrities of Weibo and Zhihu. This is also in line with the article I’m writing on how to Build your Own Personal brand for Tech professionals.

1: daimajia

Github, Zhihu and Weibo

platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github daimajia 8697 53
zhihu Code, 1692 19 364 61
weibo Code, 17508 6202

Lin Huiwen, graduated from Northwest University in 2013, is now a postgraduate student at Beijing Normal University. Bear Dictionary, AnimeTaste, author of EverMemo, founder of Gank. IO.

2: ruanyf

platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github ruanyf 7348 30
zhihu ruanyf 823 0 0 0
weibo ruanyf 33012 1181

Blog: nguyen piece, after 70, English name, Frank. He was a PhD candidate in world economics at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. His research focuses on macro finance, monetary policy and the US economy. He received his PhD degree in June 2008 and joined Alipay in 2014. He is also an IT technician with a focus on web sites and a strong belief in free software. Translated works: Software Reflections, Hackers and Painters, Wildly Popular Illusions and Crowd Madness, The Next Big Bubble.

3: Trinea

platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github Trinea 7105 19
zhihu Trinea 4458 24 3397 854
weibo Trinea 12624 2165

Blog: Wu Gengxin: Joined Alibaba in 2010, began to work on website tool development and performance optimization, and is now a technical expert of Didi Chuxing. CodeKK, the initiator of Android open source project, is eager to promote the development of Android open source in China.

4: JacksonTian

platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github JacksonTian 7008 192
zhihu PiaoLing 7303 76 1694 289
weibo PiaoLing 28780 13359

Piao Ling, real name Tian Yongqiang, is a literary coder and node.js evangelist. He is now working as a senior engineer in Alibaba data platform, and is the author of “Simple Node.js”. Active in the CNode community, he is the organizer of NodeParty, an offline conference, and one of the organizers of JSConf China (Shanghai JS, Beijing JS, and Hangzhou JS). Ling Park loves open source and is the author of several Node.js modules. Kou ask road, code dream for a living.

5: cloudwu

platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github cloudwu 7008 192
weibo JianYueYun wind 40152 2843

Wu Yunyang (Cloud), born on February 5, 1979, is the former core member of netease Games and director of Hangzhou Research Center. Wu Yunyang graduated from Class 963 of Mechanical Automation, Central South University. He has rich experience in game planning and program development, especially in assembly language and program optimization. In the early stage, I published many articles about game making in CFIDO and SHUimu Tsinghua BBS. Later, I made the first GB-code Chinese website about game making, which included more than one million words of personal articles and was quite famous in the game industry.

In 1998, the reading tool C-View 2.0 was released, which was collected by several tool CDS.

At the beginning of 1999, I started to produce a two-dimensional game engine — Wind Soul series, which was used by many companies and groups to make games.

He is the main developer of Online games such as A Chinese Odyssey to the West, Fantasy Westward Journey and Netease Bubble Game, two of netease’s most popular online games.

He resigned from netease in late August 2011. Wu is expected to form a new team with Zhan Zhonghui, netease’s chief operating officer, who stepped down in 2011.

6: lifesinger

platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github lifesinger 6692 1
zhihu Jade” 21305 131 5007 803
weibo Yubo is also called Black Man 30338 3852

Blog: Yu Bo (Wang Baoping), founder of Taobao front-end class library KISSY, front-end modular development framework SeaJS, and front-end basic class library Arale. 2003-2006, graduate student, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fortran and C programmer, interested in experimental simulation and numerical calculation. 2006-2008, engaged in the research and development of project management software in Internet laboratory of software institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, C# and Java enthusiast. I joined Taobao in April 2008 and worked in THE UED department. Since 2009, we have set up a front-end architecture team and achieved fruitful results in homepage maintenance, whole network performance optimization, class library research and development, knowledge precipitation, tool application and other aspects.

7: michaelliao

platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github michaelliao 5761 47
zhihu Liao Xuefeng 10101 167 3215 721
weibo Liao Xuefeng 30338 3852

Blog: Technology writer and author of Spring 2.0 Core Technologies and Best Practices

8: laruence

platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github laruence 5252 33
zhihu Laruence 9771 23 1396 279
weibo Laruence 81296 13947

Blog: Hui Xinchen, the most influential PHP technical expert in China, a core member of PHP development team, PECL developer, external consultant of Zend Company, used to work for Yahoo and Baidu. Now sina Weibo serves as the chief architect and chief PHP consultant of platform and Data Department. I am the core developer of PHP NG and the main developer of PHP5.4 and 5.5. As a PECL developer, he contributed Yaf (Yet Another Framework), Yar(Yet Another RPC Framework), Yac(Yet Another Cache), Taint and other excellent open source works, as well as APC. Opcache, Msgpack and other project maintainer. Currently, he is the vice President of Technology of Lianjia. I, too, was “not fit” for programming (Turing interview)

9: ibireme

platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github ibireme 5133 17
weibo ibireme 81296 13947

Blog: Post 90

10: Evan You

platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github yyx990803 4873 92
zhihu Especially the rain creek 10852 261 9950 1647
weibo Especially small right 13012 1994

Blog: Evanyou. me/ Yuxi Yu is currently working at Google Creative Lab. Vue. Js project author.

11: CoderMJLee

platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github CoderMJLee 4713 4
weibo M a J 28013 1063

Blog: CEO of Small size brother

12: sofish

platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github sofish 4358 34
zhihu sofish 5001 65 2514 465
weibo sofish 16193 1826

Blog: SOFi. Sh/Lin Jianfeng, senior domestic front-end development engineer, Web standard evangelist, former head of THE CSS style library of Alipay front-end development Department. Trimidea founder, has been hungry (know bloggers status, bloggers say with me has been a long time didn’t write the code, let everybody don’t don’t like him, don’t write code down from 3 to 12, this passage has brought such a serious analysis of the article a tease than wind, update, fisher cheat me said he turned, meowed. Is he hungry tonight?)

13: astaxie

platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github astaxie 4336 65
zhihu Amadeus thank 1924 17 1259 397
weibo Amadeus thank 10773 3257

Blog: Mengjun Xie is the author of Go Web Programming. My net name is @astaxie. I am currently working as a senior researcher and technical manager in SHENGda Cloud. Mainly engaged in the system research and development of SHENGda Cloud distribution. Related: Interview: About the Go Language and Go Web Programming

14: stormzhang

Blog: Stormzhang, the spiritual leader of the Domestic Android community, loves sharing, embracing open source, and has influenced countless Android developers from the path of self-study of programming white. The current operating public Android developer “Googdev” is one of the most influential public Android accounts. He is currently the Head of Android development at Menthol Technology.

15: tangqiaoboy

platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github tangqiaoboy 3501 37
zhihu Tang qiao 2584 28 393 130
weibo Tang qiao _boy 40095 3975

Tang Qiao: Senior iOS developer and Blogger, has developed Youdao Cloud Note, Ape question bank and Little Ape question search iOS client. He maintains the iOS development blog and the “iOS Development” wechat account.

16: RubyLouvre

platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github RubyLouvre 3460 86
zhihu SiTuZhengMei 5348 57 1646 340
weibo SiTuZhengMei 13450 6610

Blog: Zhong Qin into, net SiTuZhengMei, famous expert in JavaScript, where web front-end architect, determined to do archaeologists of Japanese engineer, shuttling between two dimensional and binary “wizard”, pottery, wrote a novel, Dabble in Java, Ruby, JavaScript. Author of The book JavaScript Framework Design.

17: justjavac

Justjavac, development engineer of Hybrid APP, is active in domestic and foreign Internet community, zhihu Big V. Has translated JavaScript Quirks and is currently publishing Code Mysteries. HTML5+CSS3 evangelist, NoBackend believer, translated JSON API specification documents, founder of Flaurm Chinese community. Usually working in Github, participating in many open source projects, Star ranks among the top 100 in the world. Currently publishing “Code Mysteries”

18: wintercn

platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github wintercn 3325 30
zhihu winter 66447 853 56739 8116
weibo Cold winter 34073 4631

Blog: Winter-shaofei cheng is a senior tech expert and noted JavaScript expert from Alibaba. He is currently the mobile Taobao front end leader. He was involved in the development of Bambook and earlier worked for Microsoft to develop Internet Explorer for Windows CE platform. One of zhihu’s three soft dogs! Who is “the son of computer @ Teacher Winter”?

19: ChenYilong

Blog: Chen Yilong, iOS development engineer, now working for LeanCloud, love open source and sharing, GitHub has gained more than ten thousand stars, among which iOS9 Adaptation series tutorial once became the most influential tutorial in this field. StackOverFlow Prestige is up to 3600. At the same time, he is also the maintainer of CYLTabBarController, iOSInterviewQuestions, ParseSourceCodeStudy and other projects.

20: fouber

platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github fouber 3297 126
zhihu Yun-long zhang 10352 51 12083 3004
weibo Front-end migrant workers 15561 600

Blog: Yunlong Zhang front-end engineer of UC

22, lepture

platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github lepture 3212 154
weibo lepture 2773 530 Hsiaoming Yang: I don’t know what the introduction is, but I read the author’s blog post carefully. I saw the image of an elegant programmer behind the words. I think he embodies the qualities and looks that I always seek to describe as a real programmer. (Later will produce “Elegant Programmer Biography” welcome to add my wechat DiyCodes communication)

23, phodal

platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github phodal 2988 86
zhihu phodal 3116 487 5338 1351
weibo phodal 2773 530 InfoQ Community Editor, CSDN front-end blog expert, SegmentFault Top Writer, Rare earth Mining Editor, born in southern Fujian, graduated from Xi ‘an University of Arts and Sciences (electronic Information Engineering), working at ThoughtWorks, Front-end, background, SEO, hardware engineer. (This seems to be a programmer in love, signed: when I code code, marry you will be good @ Flower Dumas)

Zhihu three soft dogs:

21, JeffreyZhao

platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github JeffreyZhao 2524 29
zhihu Zhao jieren 97467 1159 92704 10796
weibo laozhao 56680 46854

Programmer in financial industry, author of Wind.js class library, Microsoft MVP for many years, part-time editor of InfoQ Chinese website, currently working in JP Morgan chase (Hong Kong). Zhihu “Wenzhao wheel” one of the three soft dogs. (Lao Zhao keeps talking about going to America, I don’t know how things are.)


platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github JeffreyZhao 5032
zhihu vczh 282863 10648 584678 77159
weibo GeniusVczh 39071 33994

Blog: VCZH, zhihu “Wenzhao wheel” one of the three soft dogs. Original name Chen Zihan, because of zhihu’s personal information introduction to write “professional wheel”, so the river’s lake called “wheel brother”. VCZH worked as an intern at Microsoft as a college student and joined the company right after graduation. First in Microsoft Shanghai, then in Microsoft Research Asia in Beijing. Now he has moved to Seattle and is working as an engineer in the Office team. His wife Chen Mengmeng, who used to work in Baidu, has gone to the United States with VCZH to join Google. VCZH who is it?

Ruby 2 man

27: huacnlee

platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github huacnlee 2102 90
weibo huacnlee 1497 2623

Li Huashun, co-founder of Zheye (, member of Taobao MED team, founder of Ruby China. In 2015, I joined Alipay, participated in the internal Node.js framework development, and was responsible for the maintenance and development of GitLab of Ali Group.

46: chloerei

platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github chloerei 1560 39
weibo chloerei 391 171 Huang Zengguang, online name Rei, is a native of Wuzhou, Guangxi Province, currently living in Shenzhen. Author of the open source project Writings. IO, administrator of Ruby China.


platform The user name Number of fans Github repos Answer number of zhihu Zhihu agree Zhihu thank Weibo number
Github hzlzh 1028 74
zhihu hzlzh 1587 175 2305 398
weibo hzlzh 4204 5780

Blog: Hzlzh. IO/Huang Zili, front-end engineer, works in TmT team of Tencent wechat. He is a Geek Geek and has worked on many interesting projects and websites, such as Best-app,, Mous. Cloud Revenue Pro. MacTips, a public account currently in operation, shares Mac OS experiences and tips. Also: The data of this paper refer to the author of Githubrank

Of the world

Milo Yip, Liu Weipeng, Chen Hao (Left Ear Mouse), Yun Feng, Chen Shuo, Wang Yin, Byvoid, Umbrella Brother, Tombkeeper, Zong Ci (Wu Hanqing)

How many community technical celebrities do you know, if any, recommended community celebrities? Let’s talk. If some information is wrong or not new enough, please correct it and revise it.

Reference: Githubrank Zhihu on Sina Weibo