Community is to gather a group of people with the same hobby or the same industry. IT technology community is to gather technical people in the IT industry. In the technology community, they can learn the latest progress of the industry, learn the most cutting-edge technology, and know friends with the same hobby, so as to learn and communicate together.

There are three types of people in the technical community. The first type is the technical people who search for problems. Most programmers learn about the technical community in this way, or ask questions in the community when they encounter problems. The second type of technical people, consciously often go to the technical community to check the blog, learn new knowledge; The third group of people, the people who write articles, like to share a certain kind of technology, or their experience in the field. Often people who write articles also like to read articles.

In general, technical community is the place where technical people gather, and it is also the best place for technical people to learn and communicate. In my business time, I sorted out the top ten IT communities in China according to information such as visits to help people find their homes.


CSDN (Chinese Software Developer Network), founded by Tao Jiang in 1999, is a professional IT community in China, providing Software developers in China with knowledge dissemination, online learning, career development and other life-cycle services. As of June 2018, CSDN has more than 25 million technical members, more than 10 million forum posts, more than 7 million technical resources, more than 13 million Blog articles and more than 4.3 million new media matrix fans.

I got involved with CSDN in the university. When I participated in mathematical modeling in 2009, I often downloaded materials from CSDN. After graduation in 2010, I wrote down some software usage commands and common Oracle syntax in my blog, but later I forgot my blog. I moved to blog park due to CSDN’s excessive advertising, until I became a CSDN blog expert last year and came back to sync some articles. My blog at CSDN

CSDN is a community with the most comprehensive coverage in the domestic IT industry, where many masters and heroes are hidden. Up to now, there are still many high-level talents such as scholars and graduate students Posting blogs in CSDN, and a large number of IT peers are also active in CSDN. However, IT is criticized that CSDN has the most advertisements. The user experience is very poor. But this year’s revamp of the blogging system is a bit better than before, and the bloggers don’t have to display ads, which is to be applauded.


Alexa from the ranking of the current row in the world 41, worthy of the domestic technology community boss.

Blog garden

Blogpark, founded in January 2004, is a knowledge sharing community for developers. Since its inception, Blog Park has been committed to creating a pure technical exchange community for developers, promoting and helping developers to share knowledge through the Internet, so that more developers can benefit from it. Blogosphere’s mission is to help developers change the world with code.

The development of the Blog Park can especially reflect the dedication of IT practitioners: In 2004, the blog was born in jiangsu yangzhou garden such a small city, IT is very backward, nearly four years, blog garden by only one a few years of work savings in maintaining, blog garden one step a footprint to walk yourself’s road, silly to each user to register for examination and approval of manual, on the home page content is nothing more, to the inappropriate advertising rejected, Silly to care about the user experience, to the profit model cold.

It can be seen that the blog park page is very clean and fresh, dry goods are placed in the first place, there is no popular round broadcast, no advertising, just for such feelings should also be praised blog Park. The main feature of the blog park is that it is open enough. The articles on the front page are decided by the readers, and each person’s blog can also be customized. Therefore, blogs now have the richest personal blog skin interface, and I see the imagination of programmers in the blog Park.

In my first job, I worked as an outsourcing company in Huawei. I could not access the Internet when WORKING inside Huawei, but I could access some mainstream technical websites, including blog Park. At that time, I always had to visit the technical community during my lunch break. I was attracted by the IT industry news in the blog Park, so I formed the habit of reading the industry news in the blog Park. But I didn’t start to write blog in blogpark until 2016. In 2017, I became one of the recommended blogs of blogpark. Now, my blog is one of the top 30 recommended blogs of Blogpark. My blog at blogosphere


Blogpark alexa ranked 210th globally, second only to CSDN.


SegmentFault, founded in 2012, is the largest technical q&A community platform in the Chinese space, where you can search, exchange and share any technical programming related questions and knowledge. IT aims to reach and serve more than 10 million Chinese software developers and IT practitioners by developing product applications and services for them by taking full advantage of technological innovation opportunities available on various platforms.


The platform only realized in 17 years that the overall style of the site is relatively simple and the user experience is better among all the technical communities. Checking SegmentFault’s Alexa rankings online revealed that the site was getting a lot more traffic than I expected.

SegmentFault ranks 768 in global visits


V2EX is a community of start-ups, designers, developers and creative people.

V2EX is a community of creative workers. There are currently more than 250,000 creative workers from the Internet, games and media industries. V2EX wants to be part of the lives and careers of creatives.

V2EX is not strictly a technology community. IT is positioned as a community for creative workers, but IT is actually full of PEOPLE in the IT industry. People like to discuss ideas, new technologies, jokes and other activities like Posting on the platform, which is very popular. The platform’s risk control mechanism is strict, and page refresh is also restricted.


V2EX ranks 931 in terms of global visitors

Open source in China

Founded in August 2008, OPEN Source China is the largest open source technology community in China, with more than 2 million members. IT has formed several channels including open source software library, code sharing, information, collaborative translation, discussion forum and blog, providing a platform for IT developers to discover, use and exchange open source technology.

Open Source China is also a technology community that only focuses on a specific field within IT. Open Source China focuses on open source technology, suitable for those who are interested in this field. In 2013, Open Source China was acquired by Hengtuo Open Source.

Open Source China is also the only professional open source event community in China. The website will report all the information of open source in real time, and there is also a Chinese version of Github: Gitee.


Open Source China ranked 969 in global page views


W3School is the largest WEB developer resource on the Internet, including comprehensive tutorials, complete reference manuals, and an extensive code base.

Here is a brief description of W3School:

  • W3School is the largest WEB developer resource on the Internet
  • W3School is completely free
  • W3School is nonprofit
  • W3School is constantly being upgraded and updated
  • W3School is a W3C China community member dedicated to promoting W3C standard technologies

A favorite of front-end programmers, W3School initially shared a lot of easy-to-understand front-end tutorials, and then some back-end tutorials as well.


W3School is ranked 989 in global visitors


51CTO was established in 2005 and has been built as a career growth platform for IT professionals. IT has 15 million registered users, covering the majority of IT professionals in China’s mainstream cities, and is the no.1 professional service platform for IT technicians in China.


51CTO ranked 1145 in global page views

At the beginning, 51CTO focused on operation and maintenance, which was also a technical community gathering the most operation and maintenance technical talents in China. Later, it gradually turned into a technical community covering all fields.

What needs to be mentioned in particular is the 51CTO blog platform, which has also undergone a 2.0 revision this year. After the revision, the user experience has been greatly improved, including the addition of new functions such as MD, appreciation and wechat system opening. So far, the blog platform has been considered most comprehensively by all technical communities and has the best experience. I started my blog in 51CTO in 2017, and now I am among the top 10 fans of my blog. My blog at 51CTO

51 cto blog

Blog link:

ChinaUnix for short) is an open source technology community website which mainly discusses Linux/ UNIx-like operating system technology, software development technology, database technology and network application technology. Founded in 2001, CU has become the world’s largest and most popular Linux/Unix technology Chinese website after years of efforts and development.

The purpose of CU is to provide a free, open and free communication space for all friends who love Linux/Unix technology and open source technology. If you happen to be interested in Linux/Unix technology, for example, CU is a great choice. If you are interested in other areas, CU may not have much discussion or material on it.


ChinaUnix ranked 3835 in global traffic

Bole online

Founded in 2010, Bole Online is a professional IT Internet professional community jointly initiated by Huang Yuliang and Huang Limin.


Bole online is mainly selected by professional editors, so the quality of the article is good, it is because of this, the lack of popularity.

Bole online global access ranked 6004


ITEye (formerly known as JavaEye) was founded in September 2003 by Founder Van Kay after learning and researching Java’s open source framework and finding no place to discuss it. Now ITEye website has developed into a comprehensive website covering the whole field of software development, which is a Chinese IT technology portal and community website with complete contents and rich functions.

ITEye is known for its professionalism. It is said that in the early days of the site, new users are required to take 13 multiple choice questions about the rules of the forum, and will not be approved if they fail. Since ITEye was acquired by CSDN, the site has not been updated, its popularity has dropped, and it is now relegated to the second tier.


ITEye is ranked at 8,473 in global visits

As the industry has grown in recent years, a number of new communities have been created, and three of them are typical.

The Denver nuggets

Founded in August 2015, nuggets originally from rare earth, is a sub-section of rare earth, did not expect rare earth did not fire up, but as a technology sharing website nuggets hot up, so the founder Yin Ming immediately adjusted the direction, to develop nuggets. Nuggets also launched its own column and booklet last year, slowly transforming from a technical article sharing site to a comprehensive technical community, looking forward to the future development.

Link: juejin. Cn

The Nuggets ranked 6306 in global traffic

Developer headlines

Developer Toutiao is also a technology sharing platform that has suddenly become active in the past two years. IT is founded by a group of programmers. My first impression of developer Toutiao is Code Farming Weekly, which is an IT technology weekly specially designed for programmers. The platform will select one week of IT technology dry goods to push. I didn’t find it until I found out that some of the traffic to my independent blog came from this site for a while. Developer Toutiao has gathered a crowd of tech enthusiasts.

Website link: toutiao. IO /

Developer Toutiao ranked 26,398 worldwide visitors


GitChat is a knowledge sharing product based on wechat platform. Through this product, we hope to change the way of LEARNING IT knowledge. GitChat is a pioneer of technology payment, which is relatively early in the field of technology payment in China.

When I was 17, SOMEONE left a message on my official account inviting me to do a sharing on GitChat, I had no idea what GitChat was. With a try attitude, I shared with you: What is Spring Cloud doing from the perspective of architectural evolution? I made another course: quick learning of Spring Boot technology stack. Unexpectedly, one year later, the sales volume of this course has reached the top three of the best-selling platform, which is quite encouraging. GitChat was later acquired by CSDN, so you’ll see GitChat featured on CSDN as well.


GitChat ranks 31,341 in global visits


The overall technical atmosphere of China’s IT technology community is quite good. In recent years, many new technology communities have been born, some of which are oriented towards vertical direction, and some of which are oriented towards all IT personnel, ultimately promoting the technical development of the IT industry. But at the same time, there is still a lot of room for improvement in the user experience and community openness of most technical communities. There is no ideal open and comprehensive technical community. Maybe this is the next opportunity?

Finally, as a beneficiary of the IT technology community, I would like to thank all the technical community staff for creating a learning and communication place for their peers. We can also talk about the usual active in which technical community, welcome to leave a message exchange.