1 City selection page
Figure 1.1
The module
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2 Layout and Functions
2.1 Header Route Configuration
<router-link to=""></router-link>
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Router-link is equivalent to an A tag, and the attribute to is equivalent to the attribute href
2.2 the layout
The box-sizing attribute defines how the user Agent should calculate the total width and height of an element.
box-sizing: border-box
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- The border and margin values you want to set are contained within width
Pseudo elements
Border-topbottom1 pixel border color change:
border-color: #ccc
border-color: #ccc
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- Learning pseudo-element application examples: with
Pseudo elements,attr()
CSS expressions and a custom data attributedata-descr
Create a pure CSS, glossary prompt tool. inMDN pageLook at this example.
overflow: hidden
- The child element sets the float property, and the parent element sets it
After the child element sets the float property, the parent element cannot adapt the height of the child element if the parent element is setoverflow:hidden
, will trigger the parent elementBFC
, allowing the parent element to adapt to the height of the child element. - Add overflow: Hidden to the list so it can’t drag the progress bar, and use BetterScroll.
3 Use of better-Scroll and alphabet layout
3.1 Better – scroll
- The installation
npm install better-scroll --save Copy the code
- Initialize the
(The initialization code is as follow)import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core' let wrapper = document.querySelector('.wrapper') let scroll = new BScroll(wrapper) Copy the code
You receive a DOM selector or DOM element when you create an instance
- use
Help us get the DOM<template> <div class="list" ref="wrapper">.</div> </template> <script> import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core' export default { name: 'CityList', mounted () { this.scroll = new BScroll(this.$refs.wrapper) } } </script> <style lang="stylus" scoped>.</style> Copy the code
3.2 Alphabet Layout
- Location Layout Indicates the position of the alphabet
- Flex elastic layout, change spindle orientation. Center the alphabet vertically.
- Text-aligin: Center centers the letters inside the element horizontally.
<ul class="list">
<li class="item">A</li>.</ul>
export default {
name: 'CityAlphabet'
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
@import '~style/variable.styl'
display: flex
flex-direction: column
justify-content: center
position: absolute
top: 1.58 rem
right: 0
bottom: 0
text-align: center
color: $bckColor
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4. Dynamic data rendering of the page list.vue
Object loops and array loops
// Object loop (item, key) of cities :key="key" note key<div class="area" v-for="(item, key) of cities" :key="key">
<div class="title border-topbottom">{{key}}</div>
<div class="item-list">// Note the array loop key<div class="item border-bottom" v-for="innerItem of item" :key="innerItem.id">
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5. Interworking between sibling components
5.1 Click the letter to scroll the list to the corresponding letter area
Alphabet subcomponent → City parent component → List subcomponent
- Alphabet.vue fires the change event and passes the letter value. The child component Alphabet passes values to the parent component City via an event trigger
- The parent component, city.vue, listens for custom events that are triggered externally by internal components and then passes properties
Pass values to another child component list. - List. The vue components
- Ref = v-bind = v-bind
5.2 Touch event on mobile terminal: Drag the alphabet to trigger the list to scroll to the corresponding letter area
Touch event on mobile: touchStart\touchMove\touchEnd
- The touchMove event is detected
- A. Calculate the current position of the touch letter
- B. Trigger the list to scroll to the corresponding letter
- The touchMove event is detected
The object consists of key: value pairs, for… in… We iterate over the property key of the object, and use the object [key] to get value.
OffsetTop is a read-only property that returns the offset pixel value of the current element relative to the top edge of the offsetParent node. The offsetParent element is a location element or the nearest element that refers to the nearest element that contains the element.
The clientY clientY event property returns the vertical coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the browser page (client area) when the event is triggered.
(See code below)
6. List switching performance optimization
6.1 Reduce the number of startY recomputations in handleTouchMove
The initial rendering of Alphabet with Cities :{} will not display anything in Alphabet when the page loads, but when city.vue ajax gets the data, the city value changes and Apphabet is rendered.
StartY is calculated in updated().
Aphabet rerenders when the value passed to aplabet changes, and updated the lifecycle hook is executed.
6.2 Function Throttling
HandleTouchMove executes very frequently when the mouse moves back and forth over the alphabet, improving web page performance by limiting the frequency of function execution by throttling.
SetTimeout is a delay timer that delays the execution of the callback function after a specified time. ClearTimeout is a native method provided under Windows, which is used to delete the delayed task of specific setTimeout. When we define setTimeout, the return value is the unique ID value of the current task. ClearTimeout then takes the ID and looks for the corresponding task in the delay message queue and kicks it out of the queue.
Throttling: Specifies that functions can be fired only once in a period of time. If more than one function is fired in this time frame, only one function will take effect.
(See code below)
7 list. Vue
<ul class="list">
v-for="item of letters"
export default {
name: 'CityAlphabet'.props: {
cities: Object
data () {
return {
touchStatus: false.startY: 0.timer: null
updated () {
this.startY = this.$refs['A'] [0].offsetTop// Calculate the distance between the letter A and the top of the list
computed: {// Calculate attributes
letters () {
const letters = []
for (let i in this.cities) {
return letters
methods: {
handleClick (e) {
this.$emit('change', e.target.innerText)
handleTouchStart () {
this.touchStatus = true
handleTouchMove (e) {
if (this.touchStatus) {
if (this.timer) {
this.timer = setTimeout(() = > {
const touchY = e.touches[0].clientY - 79//79 is the height of the header
const letterIndex = Math.floor((touchY - this.startY) / 20)//20 is the height of each letter li
if (letterIndex >= 0 && letterIndex < this.letters.length) {
}, 16)
handleTouchEnd () {
this.touchStatus = false}}}</script>
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
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City search box – City list logic
Feature 1:
- 1.1 Input the keyword in the input box. Watch monitors the changes of the keyword and triggers the search display function.
- 1.2 Use better-Scroll to realize the scroll of keyword result.
Function 2: V-show
- 2.1 If there is no input in the input box, the drop-down box is not displayed.
- 2.2 If no result corresponding to the keyword is found, the keyword is displayed
“No matching data found”, if found, the li will not be displayed.
<div class="search">
<input v-model="keyword" class="search-input" type="text" placeholder="Enter city name or pinyin" />
<div class="search-content" ref="search" v-show="keyword">
<li class="search-item border-bottom" v-for="item of citiList" :key="item.id">{{item.name}}</li>
<li class="search-item border-bottom" v-show="hasNoData">No match was found</li>
import Bscroll from 'better-scroll'
export default {
name: 'CitySearch'.props: {
cities: Object
data () {
return {
keyword: ' '.citiList: [].timer: null}},computed: {
hasNoData () {
return !this.citiList.length
watch: {
keyword () {
if (this.timer) {
if (!this.keyword) {
this.citiList = []
this.timer = setTimeout(() = > {
for (let i in this.cities) {
this.cities[i].forEach((value) = > {
if (value.spell.indexOf(this.keyword) > -1 || value.name.indexOf(this.keyword) > -1) {
}, 1000)
mounted () {
this.scroll = new Bscroll(this.$refs.search)
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
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3 Vuex Data sharing (Home page ←→ City Selection page)
3.1 Vuex
- State stores public data.
- Action Asynchronous method.
- Mutation A method of synchronizing changes to data.
- Getters are similar to computed attributes, which are used to calculate new data based on data in state.
- When a very complex business scenario is used, all mutation is put into one mutation file, which is very redundant. At this time, module can help solve complicated mutations, state, action… Break it down to increase the maintainability of your code.
3.2 When is VUEX used?
Home page and city selection page do not have the same parent component, can not carry out data transfer. And the use of the bus bus method is more troublesome.
Vuex, a data framework, stores public data in a public space when it is difficult to transfer values between multiple components or pages. When a component or page changes the value of public data, it is globally changed.
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
export default new Vuex.Store({
state: {
city: 'Beijing'
actions: { // This item is omitted
ChangeCity (ctx, city) {
ctx.commit('ChangeCity', city)
mutations: {
ChangeCity (state, city) {
state.city = city
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How to write in component:
methods: {
handleCityClick (city) {
this.$store.dispatch('ChangeCity', city)
this.$router.push('/')}},Copy the code
3.3 Advanced use of Vuex and localStorage
The local store
- Problem: after selecting the city, refresh, it becomes the original default city again.
- Html5 provides localStorage API, can achieve similarcookieTo achieve local storage.
- When using localStorage, wrap another layer
try cache
Purpose: in some browsers, if you disable the localStorage function or use incognito mode, using localStorage may cause the browser to throw an exception.
- When using localStorage, wrap another layer
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import state from './state'
import mutations from './mutations'
export default new Vuex.Store({
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let defaultCity = 'Shanghai'
try {
if (localStorage.city) {
defaultCity = localStorage.city
} catch (e) {}
export default {
city: defaultCity
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export default {
changeCity (state, city) {
state.city = city
try {
localStorage.city = city
} catch (e) {}
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This is too complicated to write. Use mapState to map the data in vuex to the calculated properties of the component.this.city
.import { mapState } from 'vuex' Copy the code
computed: { ... mapState(['city'])//ES6 expansion operator '... 'maps the public data city to a calculated property called city } Copy the code
this.$store.dispatch('ChangeCity', city)
It’s too complicated to write that, so use mapMutation and change the mutationChangeCity
The function maps to a method in the component called changeCity.import { mapMutations } from 'vuex' Copy the code
methods: { ... mapMutations(['ChangeCity'])//ES6 expansion operator '... 'maps the public data city to a calculated property called city } Copy the code
4 the vue – the router routing
Function: Click to select the city, directly jump to the home page.
In addition to using
to create a tag to define navigation links, you can also use the router instance method to do this by writing JS code.
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5 Optimize web page performance with the built-in vUE tag Keep-alive
The problem
Solution: use<keep-alive>
The label
Hook mounted (mounted) is mounted when the route content is loaded once, the route content is stored in the memory cache. The next time the route is loaded, the hook function does not need to re-render the component. App. Vue:
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The problem
However, there are some features that need to be done: route switching, re-requesting Ajax.
- For example, after the city changes, the home page will send ajax to request the data of the corresponding city again.
To solve
Use keep-alive to override the lifecycle function activated(). The next time a route is routed, the value of activated() will be executed again.
- As long as the page is displayed,
It must be carried out.<script> import axios from 'axios' import { mapState } from 'vuex' export default { name: 'Home', data () { return { lastCity: ' '// define lastCity to record the last loaded city}},computed: { ...mapState(['city']) // Get city in vuex State as the current city }, methods: { getHomeInfo () { axios.get('/api/index.json? city=' + this.city) // Ajax request path plus city .then(this.getHomeInfoSucc) }, getHomeInfoSucc (res) { res = res.data console.log(res) if (res.ret && res.data) { const data = res.data this.swiperList = data.swiperList this.iconList = data.iconList this.recommendList = data.recommendList this.weekendList = data.weekendList } } }, mounted () { this.lastCity = this.city // First route lastCity = city this.getHomeInfo() }, activated () { // The activated function is executed during each route switchover if (this.city ! = =this.lastCity) { // If the city is switched then ajax requests the data this.lastCity = this.city this.getHomeInfo() } } } </script> Copy the code
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