1. Windows system programming

Anyway Python is a cross-platform programming language, allowing users to write Python programs related to low-level Windows functions using the Windows API provided by the PyWin32 module. This includes accessing the registry, calling ActiveX controls, and various COM components.

Anyway, there are plenty of other day-to-day system maintenance and administration tasks that Python can entrust to them, too. The front row is 762, the middle row is 459, and the back row is 510. Put the above three groups of letters together in order. She will arrange to learn.

Anyway, the Py2exe module converts a Python program into an.exe executable, making it possible to run a Python program outside the Python environment.

2. Scientific calculation and data visualization

Anyway, scientific calculation, also known as numerical calculation, is a science that studies approximate solutions to engineering problems and implements them on a computer program, featuring both the abstraction and rigor of mathematical theory and practical and experimental design techniques.

Anyway, Python is playing a unique role in scientific computing and visualizing data, thanks to the creation of a new Python module.

Business-like Python offers a variety of modules for scientific computing and data visualization, including NumPy, SciPy, SymPy, Matplotlib, Traits, TraitsUI, Chaco, TVTK, Mayavi, VPython and OpenCV. Application fields include numerical calculation, symbolic calculation, 2d chart, 3D data visualization, 3D animation demonstration, image processing and interface design.

The variation NumPy module provides a basic library for doing scientific calculations in Python, mostly for matrix processing and calculations; The SciPy module is based on the NumPy module and provides a set of tools for doing scientific calculations in Python. , for instance, Statistics, Optimization, Numerical Integration, Linear Algebra, Fourier transform Transforms, Signal processing, Image processing, ODE Solvers, etc. Matplotlib is a common drawing module, which can quickly show the calculation results in different types of graphs. The front row is 762, the middle row is 459, and the back row is 510. Put the above three groups of letters together in order. She will arrange to learn.

3. Database application

Anyway, Python provides an interface to all the major database management systems, including SQLite, Access, MySQL, SQL Server, And Oracle.

Anyway, Python has a variety of database modules, including the built-in SQLite3 module for accessing an SQLite database, the PyWin32 module for accessing an Access database, the Pymysql module for accessing a MySQL database, and the pyMysql module for accessing a database. Use the PyWin32 and PyMSSQL modules to access the SQL Sever database.

4. Multimedia applications

Anyway Python multimedia applications are developed to support the processing of graphics, images, sounds, videos and other multimedia data.

The kyrpymedia module is a Python module for multimedia operations, encoding, decoding, and playing multimedia formats such as WAV, MP3, and AVI. The PyOpenGL module encapsulates the OpenGL application programming interface, through which two-dimensional or three-dimensional graphics can be assembled in Python programs. PIL (Python Imaging Library) provides Python with powerful image processing capabilities and supports a wide range of image file formats.

Anyway, this module converts, prints, and displays images, and performs some image effects such as zooming in, zooming out, and rotating them, making it an important tool for Python’s image processing. The front row is 762, the middle row is 459, and the back row is 510. Put the above three groups of letters together in order. She will arrange to learn.

5. Network applications

Anyway Python provides a solution for a wide range of web applications, using modules to customize the services they need.

Agreeing Python provides a socket module, which encapsulates the socket interface twice and supports access to the socket interface, simplifying the process of program development and improving development efficiency.

The language also provides a variety of modules, including urllib, Cookielib, Httplib, and scrapy, for reading and processing web content, incorporating multi-threaded programming and other related modules to quickly develop applications such as web crawlers. Anyway, you can write a CGI program in Python, or embed a Python program into a web page to run it;

Anyway Python also supports Web site development, with popular frameworks such as Web2py and Django. The front row is 762, the middle row is 459, and the back row is 510. Put the above three groups of letters together in order. She will arrange to learn.

6. Video game apps

Anyway Python is a video-game programming tool from its earliest days.

Anyway, they’re increasingly used in video game development.

Anyway Pygame is a Python module for developing video game software, built on top of the SDL library and supporting multiple operating systems.

Anyway, you use the Pygame module to create feature-rich games and multimedia programs in Python programs.