Now entering 2018, many tuyere markets have ceased to exist, and the popularity of short videos is still the same. In other words, short videos aren’t as bubbly as people think, and they’re actually finding a strong audience, especially younger ones. This is because, after a whole year of in-depth development, the major short video platforms have not only gone through the world of homogenization of content, so that a lot of chaos found solutions, but also derived a new concept: video social.

“Video social” as a new short video power point

One of the most obvious features of short video is the change of content expression form. Instead of the previous form of graphic expression, short video has further broadened the social channels of modern life and become popular. In other words, the social mode mainly manifested by video is gradually infiltrating and becoming the mainstream of young people’s social forms.

For this new market, momo, Kuaishou and other established short video platforms have started to move closer to the social attributes of videos. Tencent QQ, the giant, has just launched the video social platform DOV, which will once again divide the video social market.

First of all, from the evolution of young people’s social forms, from text, to pictures, and then to videos, it is a natural growth process. PC network social networking is a major subversion in the era of social 2.0, followed by the emergence of mobile terminal, which provides a richer and broader space for the change of social forms. The former forms of social interaction are inefficient and low-quality, and there has been no breakthrough and innovation for a long time. As a brand new media form, video social interaction has changed the previous forms of social interaction and met the users’ deeper social needs.

Secondly, to a certain extent, video social communication also solves the virtual chain of Internet relations, which breeds chaos under the former form of graphic and text interaction, and establishes the network trust barrier. Comparing graphic social networking with video social networking, it is easy to realize the hypocritical social atmosphere in the graphic social networking period, while video social networking breaks the magic spell of network social networking, allowing both parties to directly see each other.

Finally, with the explosion of entertainment in the pan-entertainment era, young people add an entertainment attribute to social interaction and seek to maximize the glue of social relationship in the fragmented time. This new lifestyle of entertainment first has gradually become the mainstream of young people’s social life, giving the video social market greater space for development.

In a word, the development and evolution of video social forms give a new form of entertainment and lifestyle in this era. And the video social platform competition will gradually evolve from the flow of competition to focus on the psychology of young people.

Video social battlefield war everywhere, who is the main ebb and flow?

Despite the promotion of various forces, in fact, the combination of social networking and video has not gone far. Young people’s demand for video social networking has expanded unprecedenately, becoming the core engine for the development of video social networking. Based on this, the established short video platforms take the lead and regard social networking as a sharp weapon to break through the short video battlefield. In the struggle with new forces such as video social products focused by giants, the video social networking field is flourishing.

First, Momo, which focuses on social networking among strangers, started to make efforts in video social networking in September 2015, becoming a live video entertainment platform for young people. In view of the characteristics of stranger social interaction on Momo, its development ideas mainly focus on location correlation, build a benign video social circle starting from LBS, establish a relationship chain using stranger positioning, and further enhance the social effect with the help of video. However, in the field of video social networking, the volume of sound is not prominent enough, and stranger social networking has certain development limitations.

Secondly, Kuaishou, known as one of the four social platforms, continues the content distribution logic of algorithm + personalized recommendation. Naturally, Kuaishou also mainly relies on the same city function to make a small range of exposure, judge users’ preferences by clicking, interaction frequency and heat, and distribute secondary content. However, from the perspective of video social networking, Kuaishou’s distribution mode is actually still content-based and supplemented by social networking, weakening the social function in the form of video.

Third, the recent rise of Douyin, with its focus on music content creation and high appearance as a label, has indeed attracted a large number of users. Today, Tiktok mainly focuses on PUGC recommendation and distribution, which has a strong content creation output and user interaction atmosphere. However, Douyin still needs to make up for even the private message function. Obviously, in terms of the social nature of video social networking, douyin and other platforms are still based on video content, and cannot create a stronger social atmosphere.

It can be seen that all kinds of old short video platforms emerging in the tuyere are actually struggling to grasp the core elements of video social interaction, with inaccurate positioning and lack of product building main line. In this context, Tencent QQ, the social giant, launched DOV, and more emerging and segmented professional video social products emerged, giving the market a clear new way to play.

Giant targeting the youth market, video social redefine

At this stage, DOV is the first app that focuses on video social networking and is clearly positioned to enter the game. On the one hand, DOV video social application is based on QQ account system but still maintains social independence; On the other hand, DOV focuses on the youth market and is expected to lead the industry with its early entry advantage.

The application of video social networking is extensive and profound. The initiative of young people in consumption makes the market begin to be oriented by their social needs. However, it is not difficult to summarize the characteristics of young people’s social interaction, which is characterized by three key words: simplicity, fun and uniqueness. From the point of view of Tencent QQ pushed products, these three points have been more obvious confirmation.

First of all, as an important product in Tencent’S QQ video social networking field, DOV’s function design is inseparable from simplicity. Both the polar bear image of “DOV” from the LARGE IP family of QQfamily, and the three simple entrances of DOV interface: suntrail, photo taking and chat, all highlight the advantages of DOV as a young social product. For young users, simple design is just what they want.

Secondly, users can experience interesting and trendy services with the help of DOV’s rich platform functions. From entertaining stronger energetic dance classroom, to rich the theme of the film stickers, filter packages, when the special effects shots more video and photos, DOV focused on user creation function independently, let the young users to experience more interesting products, and these features are catching young user features, give the user more content creation space.

Finally, based on the presentation form of the main content of the video, DOV designs new functions such as video day trace, various special effects font “flash”, and voting questions that can realize light interaction, creating a unique and unprecedented social relationship chain to meet the personalized needs of young people in the new social era.

Therefore, from the perspective of social transformation with short video platforms, social networking and video need a new form of deep integration such as DOV to promote the development of video social networking. In this process, the demand-oriented power of young groups cannot be ignored.

Video social is a long way to go, and giants are guiding the way

It can be seen that the DOV form of video and social integration gives young users more space for creation and play, and the social relationship chain established on this basis is conducive to users’ self-recognition and output of positive values. Therefore, DOV can reach younger users and promote the development of video social.

For this group of Internet natives born in the 2000s and the 2000s, their demand for expression and recognition is increasingly high. Video is the most direct form of expression in social links. In addition, the changes in the way of thinking and behavior of the young generation, the popularity of smart phones and the birth of 4G network make video shooting and communication the mainstream way of interaction among young people today.

Not only that, but the interesting, simple and informative features of video make it easier to make waves in many forms of social expression. Video, as the mainstream form of social interaction, can convey a kind of warmth between subjects on the relationship chain through vision and hearing, shorten the distance of humanized communication between young users, and make the transmission of content and emotion more efficient and powerful.

So it makes sense for video social platforms like DOV to focus on young users. As the post-00s and post-10s grow up, they are eager to find a sense of independent presence and get more attention, and their social needs are self-evident. And video happens to be the most important and direct channel for them to communicate with the outside world. With the endorsement of the strong market group of the post-00s and post-10s, the influence of video social networking is getting bigger and bigger, and DOV and other video social networking products have begun to officially appear on the social stage.

It can be seen that video social networking is becoming increasingly popular. Diversified forms of video distribution such as Momo and Douyin are intended to establish a social relationship chain, and the emergence of emerging video interaction modes such as DOV makes the demand for video social networking more and more intense among young users. The new concept of “video social networking” begins to give more possibilities to the market. The key to breaking the ice in the field of video social networking is to grasp the core user group and pay attention to young users.

Liu Kuang, meditation on the Internet, wechat official account: Liukuang110