Young people must have their own spiritual world, no matter what form it is, it will become the pillar of your love for life.

Back the past, I early game became the mainstay of I, I can play very carefully study strategy, thinking each operation, checking melee, summed up the reason, as long as you have goals on a thing want to pursue it, then it will be your spiritual pillar, at least you spirit is rich, have their own want to do things every day, also can say, It’s about finding something that interests you. Of course, you may encounter a lot of problems on the way, or you may feel boring on the way, but this is a normal thing, life is like this, know the world, change the world, after you feel boring, continue to look for the next, you can still live very full. Here to explain a point, is the material basis to determine you have the right to choose!

When I didn’t have much interest in games, I tried to read books. I found that the reading I hated in school was completely different from the reading I understood. Everything became interesting. For example, Schopenhauer’s wisdom of life, a brief history of mankind, and so on. Every reading is a communication with the author and an understanding of the world. You can find that some problems are not only encountered by you, all your anxiety and confusion have been encountered by predecessors, and they have been deeply analyzed, so that you can understand why you produce such a phenomenon from the bottom, and many questions have been answered in this way. When I experienced such a feeling, I was immediately deeply attracted and began to read obsessively, trying to understand the underlying logic of many problems. I call this feeling thirst for knowledge, which is more like a human instinct.

Reading is not just about finding answers, it’s about opening the mind to thinking. When you see a book of proper nouns, or something you don’t understand, often the thirst for knowledge will make you continue to read more books, and in this process will produce a lot of thinking, because multiple information into your brain, you need to do verification, correlation, and contact, into their own thinking to understand things, in the abstract, according to these things To get to the essence.

Reading is not only thinking, but also a methodology of experience. For example, which scenario is more efficient to use data structure can be translated into practical problems in the real world. In terms of books placed in the library, they can be searched efficiently according to classification. If you understand the tree structure, you can actually relate it to this example in real life, or concurrency in a computer, and you can watch how concurrency happens in a hospital, and how a doctor solves concurrency, and he’ll make an appointment, and he’ll come and see each one, and he’ll call you to check it out, instead of just waiting around. So you can see that data structures are abstractions of life scenarios, and these abstractions are condensed methodologies. Looking more broadly, there are usually two approaches to traversing a tree, breadth first and depth first. Early on in your career path, you can reach out to breadth first, for example, both front end, back end, operations, DBA, artist, etc., and then find one that you like to do depth first. We can see that this kind of methodology is actually a kind of thinking, and you can deduce it to any situation and test it, and then you can continue to form a new methodology.

Reading is not only a methodology for learning, but also a telescope for looking at the world. The more you read, the more you realize the world, the more you start to see things from different perspectives, and the more you start to look at information in an argumentative way. For example, when a news item appears, you don’t immediately think it’s true, you check it out. I find it distasteful that modern media is obsessed with attention and the quality of information is so poor that I have to seek out high-quality sources of information, which I think is a backward step. See trill, quickly, the information from the microblog, which entertainment stars today (not including real artist), who was a hot search tomorrow, visible degree of young people lack of the spirit of the human spirit is under the control of the capital source, constantly worrying for you quality information, compared to read books, the author through a large number of textual research, layout, sorting, The quality of the information is much higher, and the mental nourishment generated by reading will be sufficient. For the fast pace of modern life, high-quality slow down is particularly scarce, and this is what we should pursue, rather than fast food consumption by capital.

For engineering work, you should not only read technical books, but also read books on social science, finance and literature. Because technology is only a small part, it is also important to improve your cognition. Cognition is more like an acceleration, which can help you learn quickly and achieve exponential growth.

Atoms that move bricks on a construction site

01.53 on June 11, 2021