People often ask, is Java easy to find a job now? Is Python easy to learn? Should I learn about big data? The answer to these questions is obvious: if you study hard enough and stick to it, you can find a good job in anything you study. Think about:

[To know their own to what on earth] this is the most critical point of self-positioning, but also the most important step. Because it’s about choosing the right direction and being able to put your heart into it. We all know that when you’re doing something you’re passionate about, you get more out of it because you’re willing to put in the effort instead of having to do it for some reason.

People often ask backstage, is Java easy to find a job now? Is Python easy to learn? Should I learn about big data? The answer to these questions is obvious: if you study hard enough and stick to it, you can find a good job in anything you study.

For a tech guy, getting older isn’t so scary, it’s that you don’t have the technical depth to match your age. You’ll soon be out of the running when you’re doing a job that a fresh graduate could do. Therefore, make sure to choose the direction you are interested in, because only in this way, you will be interested in further learning, you will not be crowded by young people in the future.

The target

First, you need to decide what you want to learn and don’t be half-hearted. It’s best to focus on one thing at a time, rather than learning Python one day and wanting to learn Java the next. Identify a long-term goal for 2-5 years and break it down into short-term goals.

A long-term goal, for example, to become a technical director in a certain field at the age of 30 with an annual salary of $50K. A short-term goal, for example, a study plan for tomorrow

In an interview, HR will often ask: What are your career plans? An excellent person is bound to have his own career planning and know what he wants to do at what time, so he keeps moving forward to his goal. Learning is the same, when you have a clear goal, you will not be confused.

If you learn something that has been of no use for a long time, and suddenly one day you have to pick it up again, you will find that your previous efforts were really worth it. You have the information! Have a brain figure! There are flow charts! And notes! I’ll remember it in a minute.


[Effective feedback] refers to the feedback with clear guidance for the next step of a certain work in a certain period of time through the evaluation method that can reflect the real results and on the premise of eliminating interference factors

How do you understand that?

For example: A “I’ve been learning Python for A month and I feel I’ve got it.” This is ineffective feedback because there is no clear result.

B “I learned Python for a month and used it to write a 12306 crawler to collect train times and schedule data. After continuous debugging, I can collect more than 2,000 stations, more than 5,000 trains and more than 50,000 time information every day”, which is effective feedback.

Human beings are driven creatures and grow iteratively in feedback. If you constantly get positive and effective feedback, you will naturally enter a virtuous cycle of continuous progress and savage growth.

Easy way to find information baidu/Google: First see what it can do

The official website: the documentation on the official website is usually sufficient

Related books: Jingdong and Dangdang often have activities.

Community: There will be tutorials in the community, as well as individual projects

Github: Awesome on Github.

Major blogs and personal blogs of well-known bloggers: It’s also good to check out some quality blogs

Of course, some of the articles on wechat come from blogs, but the good thing about wechat is that you don’t have to find it yourself, someone else has already found it for you.

Zhihu column: Similar to blog.

Common tool teambition A team management software, of course, is also good for personal use, with clients for various platforms. I use it to plan my own schedule.

Baidu brain map. Online brain map, free unlimited capacity.


Processon. It’s also online, so you can draw flow charts and brain maps. Free capacity is limited.

Visio. Draw various diagrams.

Tomatoes and potatoes. Pomodoro method management tools.

Coding. Code management sites, like Github, are domestic products and will be relatively fast.

Github can be run as a personal brand, so it is best to put only some good projects, some irrelevant code in coding, or open source Code cloud in China.

Note taking tool Gitbook: an open source tool that can generate e-books directly.

Simple book: Because simple book can create a collection of essays, just like folders, good for taking notes.

Youdao Cloud notes. I like to use markdown. Youdao Cloud support)

Impression of notes

The blog

Create your own blog


Markdown is a good way to take notes. There are only five or six grammar points in markdown. It’s easy to remember and easy to use.