As we all know, a good software development structure can effectively speed up the development process and improve the development efficiency.

Why do you say that? First and foremost, the purpose of the structure is to speed up the process, and of course, we need to coordinate the stability of the structure. The level of development varies from developer to developer, but the transaction approach of the rapid development framework is a good way to prevent the instability of software or information system caused by the differences. That is to say, if you are a junior developer or you do not know how to program that does not matter, the system can be based on the development guide directly functional development, no need to write a line of code and no need to compile to complete the development process.

If you are a professional developer and need to write messy transaction logic, you can also use the structure’s code generator to complete the development of the basic code, and then write the transaction logic into the structure, the underlying integration of various common operation libraries so that you can also quickly complete the development of messy functions.

1. Drag-and-drop form development

This way of development, thoroughly according to the rapid development structure, completely without programming foundation of the people can use this component to develop, develop forms can be published directly into a menu function. It doesn’t need to be compiled. These functions can also be controlled by permissions.

In the past, the customary development is the product manager to plan the prototype first, and then the programmer to do the code, with the rapid development structure in the end of the prototype planning together you have developed a function.

2. Combine traditional code generators with visual programming to generate code

No matter how strong custom forms are, functional modules with messy transaction logic cannot be completed, so the rapid development structure provides visual code generators to help developers generate the base code and then extend it themselves.

The code generator for rapid development architecture now takes common development scenarios and turns them into development templates, following the development guide step by step, and making small fixes when it encounters messy transaction logic. Of course, the structure provides the source code, your development level is relatively high can do deep extension.

3. Combine traditional code generators with visual programming to generate code

No matter how strong custom forms are, functional modules with messy transaction logic cannot be completed, so the rapid development structure provides visual code generators to help developers generate the base code and then extend it themselves.

The code generator for rapid development architecture now takes common development scenarios and turns them into development templates, following the development guide step by step, and making small fixes when it encounters messy transaction logic. Of course, the structure provides the source code, your development level is relatively high can do deep extension.

4. Permission management

Any management system cannot leave authority management, no authority to talk about how to handle.

The rapid development structure provides a variety of ways of permission control, by role, by department, by post, by user, by user group can be, the operation authority is refined to each button on the interface. Data permissions can be refined to each record. The operation is very simple, according to the structure developed functions, reports can be directly attached to the authority system to authorize. With permissions separated from transactions, you only care about transaction completion.

5, according to Websocket instant messaging component

For example, the common silver Bullet Valley rapid development structure integrates instant messaging components based on Websocket. Users can chat through this online IM, and the server can push information to the client through this component. The component also provides standard interface web applications, C/S programs and mobile phone apps for easy access.

However, the enterprise should polish eyes when choosing in detail, and buy after experiencing first as far as possible, in order to prevent unnecessary trouble. Attached: “2021 China Low Code/No Code Market Research Report research download”