Today’s programmer story is very inspiring, and you can imagine what happens when you become an interviewer and meet the interviewer who passed you off. (It’s like the legend of Zhen Huan for programmers, which is exciting to think about!)

As soon as I opened wechat today, I found that some fans sent me private messages in the background of the official account:

Here’s the interview process:

In the beginning, they all asked simple questions. They all asked the same questions that you would normally ask in an interview:

  • JVM memory model
  • Stack overflow condition
  • Class loading mechanism
  • Collection algorithm and collector
  • Difference between ArrayList and LinkedList
  • Parent delegation mechanism
  • What sets are you familiar with?
  • Java lock implementation
  • What is a deadlock
  • MySQL > create index (B+ number)
  • Clustered index and non-clustered index
  • Innodb index structure

In front of the answer are more fluent, after all, is an old hand, this point of difficulty is certainly difficult to fall!

Because the current company is using a framework based on dubbo and ZooKeeper, Spring Cloud technology, so I asked some knowledge about microservices:

  • Dubbo service Load Balancing policy?
  • How does Dubbo solve the security mechanism
  • Dubbo connection registry versus direct connection
  • How does messaging middleware solve message loss
  • Dubbo service request failed
  • Does the reconnection mechanism cause errors
  • Understanding of distributed transactions
  • How does springcloud implement service registration and discovery?
  • Eureka and ZooKeeper both provide service registration and discovery functions. Please explain the differences between the two
  • How does ZooKeeper elect its leader? Or what is the electoral mechanism?

This set of combination, in my opinion, is really necessary, and it is all the technology stack used by the company, but in my own words, there is always something missing.

Then comes the rather important question of project experience

This process is more like the process of exchanging technology, talking about the technology stack used in the project, the corresponding modules and roles I am responsible for, and some problems encountered in the project, and how to solve them, etc..

The total interview time will be approximately one hour

I have been working in my previous company for too long, my salary has not increased, and my skills have not improved, so I decided to change my job. In fact, in my opinion, this is because of the lack of career planning, it is easy to fall into THE SITUATION of CRUD, and then the learning ability is not as good as the new person, so I have to jump! (If let him know that the interviewer is in front of him, I don’t know what will be the mood)

Also funny is: the water friend asked the question directly away, completely without giving a chance to ask back, the rest of HR.

The final result: the interview results do not match the expected salary… GG

So let me just conclude

Like this temporary to act as the situation of the interviewer, in the big factory situation is basically no, so this kind of plot is also basically difficult to encounter!

But like the old bird in the work of the situation, we may also encounter, job-hopping should be fully prepared, programmers this line is not the longer the number of years of work, the higher the salary will be, or need to keep learning new skills, so as not to be caught up after the wave!

Finally, we will share Java materials with you:

2020 Vomit blood collates the most complete Java programmer data address

2020 Vomit blood collates the most complete Java programmer data address

I heard that the fans of One button three even succeeded in the interview? Also wish all readers can harvest their favorite offer!