1, the preface

Recently Shared a cross-platform, together with department students wrote nearly 200 + page PPT, only about 100 + pages, the only key content about, but I think the learning of cross-platform, not just focus on technical content, there are many problems worth exploring, such as the historical background, historical development, those things, those people, Often inadvertently, the technology that changes history, just at that moment, stick to the self-appointed must be eliminated, grasp the opportunity to have a new way out, no direction will waste a lot of time. Of course, from the historical context, cross-platform, must be thousands of people, can resonate with the good.

There will be nearly 200+ pictures below, and corresponding explanations will be added for each PPT when there is time.

2, PPT

3, summarize

I am busy at present, and I will add corresponding explanations to each PPT gradually in the future. Please look forward to it.

Related information is available on GitHub:

  • Cross-platform PPT Materials
  • Cross-platform PPT pictures

So that’s all the cross-platform stuff, when we’re talking about cross-platform, not just the Flutter, but more of the underlying knowledge or new life stuff, understanding cross-platform in order to deal with ReactNative, or Flutter, or something new in the future, and at the same time, getting beyond yourself and becoming a platform! So, when we talk about cross-platform again, we can definitely deal with the future! That’s what I’m trying to say.


Mobile cross-platform framework:

  • facebook/react-native: A framework for building native apps with React.
  • flutter/flutter: Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond.
  • Get Qt – Download now
  • Xamarin | Open-source mobile app platform for .NET
  • electron/electron: Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
  • Yoga Layout | A cross-platform layout engine

Apple WWDC:

  • All WWDC Videos – Apple Developer
  • Introducing Core Haptics – WWDC 2019 – Videos – Apple Developer
  • Designing Audio-Haptic Experiences – WWDC 2019 – Videos – Apple Developer
  • Essential Design Principles – WWDC 2017 – Videos – Apple Developer
  • Designing Across Platforms – WWDC 2017 – Videos – Apple Developer
  • Haptics – User Interaction – iOS – Human Interface Guidelines – Apple Developer
  • Haptic Feedback – User Interaction – watchOS – Human Interface Guidelines – Apple Developer
  • Design For Everyone – WWDC 2017 – Videos – Apple Developer
  • Dark theme – Material Design
  • Design – Apple Developer

Google Android:

  • The developer guide | | Android Developers Android Developers
  • OpenGL ES | | Android Developers Android Developers
  • Cut images download size | | Android Developers Android Developers

Other documents:


  • [Literacy] HTML5, Web APP, 3G website, Wap website silly silly not clear _ Muchenbei _ Sina blog
  • Where is the difference between app and wap mobile web | novice tutorial
  • What do Web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 mean? – zhihu
  • Tencent Company Profile – Tencent
  • WAP Service FAQ _ China Mobile Communications
  • GPRS package _ Guangdong Mobile
  • MM_ Service Center _ China Mobile Communications
  • 20 Years of China’s Mobile Communication Industry – Sohu IT)
  • 1G to 5G, China’s mobile communication development milestone – C114 communication network
  • China Internet Network Information Center
  • Watching TV, fewer and fewer | love snowboarding progresses
  • Don’t tell me you know anything about CPUS if you can’t tell the difference between ARM and X86 architecture!
  • Apple, Samsung, and Qualcomm are in the ARM camp, so why not Huawei? -EDN electronic technology design
  • What other companies in the world can do baseband? – zhihu
  • The core differences between mobile gpus and desktop Gpus
  • Is the underlying UI of Android drawn on CPU or GPU? And surfaceView,window, normal view? – zhihu
  • WWDC 2018: Metal Development Guide for OpenGL Developers – Nuggets
  • Tensor & Deep learning
  • Where does ARM lead Intel in mobile? – zhihu
  • Android screen drawing mechanism and hardware acceleration – CSDN blog

Soft wen:

  • No time to watch Zhang xiaolong’s 4-hour speech? Just read this one! “Complimentary PDF of Zhang Xiaolong’s speeches over the years” – Nuggets
  • Behind xiao zhan: Tencent’s last stand -The Paper
  • Tencent has no dream | tencent _ sina finance and economics _ sina

  • If there is infringement, contact will be deleted!
  • If there is an incorrect place, welcome to guide!
  • If you have any questions, please join us in the comments!

Note: This article was originally published on iHTCboy’s blog, if reproduced, please note the source.