Abstract: In view of the challenges facing microcarp business, Huawei cloud database team responded quickly to the demand and provided targeted solutions.

Man always says, time never says a word, but answers all questions. It condenses every moment into the past and engrave it into a book that we can still speak to thousands of years later. If there is one thing that can tell us the answer to time over a thousand years, it must be that the 24 solar terms have their place. Twenty-four solar terms, is known as China’s fifth largest in the world of international meteorological invention, take shape from the spring and autumn period, has experienced in the late warring states “on, twelve ji” accumulation, to the qin and han dynasties and completely established, through the creation of human intelligence, it has not only accurately reflect the natural rhythm of change is so simple, It also contains profound cultural connotation and long historical accumulation.

In ancient times, people used the 24 solar terms to record time as a standard to guide agricultural production. However, after thousands of years of inheritance, there have been more diversified ways to record time, such as calendar. In the age of underdeveloped Internet, people still hung paper calendars at home. In our impression, the old man stood in front of the calendar every morning, tore off the old page and displayed a new one, representing the arrival of a new day. With the development of the network and the progress of science and technology, mobile phone calendar has been integrated into our lives, but it is not only a simple record of time, it can forecast the weather and predict temperature changes in advance; Can remind the schedule, so that work and life orderly; Can be leisure reading, let the body and mind at any time to relax…… All of these have been incisively and vividly reflected in the Chinese Calendar APP, a calendar software, linking the leisurely time and interesting things, has become the common choice of 300 million people.

If the Chinese calendar can make it easier for us to plan time in our lives, then this app will let us fall in love with life again as time slowly passes by. As an innovative information community APP, the carp see gives us a chance to never leave home can see the world, keeping in good health, music, food and so on dozens of class information and community interaction brings us more like-minded partners, let everybody in rush on at the same time enjoy the present life, let the time pass slowly, some interesting again.

Catch up with the cloud native early bus, but also eager to update the new technology

Making time fun is what the microcarp have always done. Micro carp is a mobile Internet company, has been focusing on time management and software development, China Calendar and micro carp look as its well-known APP, live tens of millions of months, great influence in the industry. With the evolution of the cloud native era, Microcarp caught up with the early bus and became one of the earliest cloud native users. Under the bonus of digital transformation, its users are growing rapidly. The cumulative users of the APP Zhonghua Calendar alone have exceeded 300 million so far, which makes it into the mobile application industry of ten million level.

The volume of business is growing, and with it comes some problems. For example, the Chinese calendar and microcarp look at two software database instances are up to 64, The Chinese calendar through manual splitting of the sub-database sub-table, resulting in an obvious waste of resources, at the same time business code intrusion, but also need a lot of maintenance work; Microcarp log host has a large amount of storage data, but with business adjustment, resources appear redundant, not well integrated. In the face of such a situation, it is extremely urgent to transform the sub-database and sub-table of The Chinese Perpetual Calendar database and integrate the resources of Microcarp. Therefore, the technical team of Microcarp has reached a consensus to completely solve these problems by transferring the business to a new database system. However, there are many database instances previously used, parameters of different instances differ greatly, and data of different apps exist in different databases, and each APP has different requirements for migration cutover schemes. Therefore, smooth migration of all services is faced with great challenges.

Huawei cloud database has a targeted target, helping microcarp business cost reduction and efficiency

Based on the above business requirements, Microcarp urgently needs a database with flexible scalability and extreme performance to solve the problem of resource redundancy and ensure that the business is not affected during the migration process. In the search for his thousands of baidu, in a number of database products, Microcarp will focus on Huawei cloud database. Huawei cloud database based on years of accumulated research and development, set up and maintenance experience, combining with cloud technology, greatly optimize the traditional database, created many new high performance, high reliability, high safety, can be flexible scalable database, and have a capacity, backup, recovery, real-time monitoring, online migration comprehensive solutions.

After many business exchanges, Microcarp highly recognized Huawei Cloud database, and chose Huawei Cloud database as a long-term partner, the two sides have carried out in-depth cooperation in the field of data. In view of the challenges facing microcarp business, Huawei cloud database team quickly responded to the demand and provided targeted solutions:

Migration scheme evaluation: in the early stage of the project’s overall business and application system for full investigation, tease out all the business application scenarios, classified according to different APP requirement for cut over time, output cut over three schemes, DRS data migration test many times and cut over drills, to ensure smooth business migration huawei cloud.

Transformation plan of Chinese Perpetual Calendar sub-database sub-table: The current business of Chinese calendar is not table table depots, depots, depots table three scenarios, according to the actual business scenarios demand and future 3 to 5 years of development planning, teasing out the current manual depots table logic, statistics depots table the amount of data, based on common query conditions of the business, choose the right shard key number and instance specification, Nearly 1 billion data volumes are synchronized to DDM+RDS for MySQL.

Microcypress database combination scheme: deeply understand the business application scenarios of microcypress, check the monitoring indicators of self-built instances at the source end, analyze the read and write pressure of each instance, and then combine 64 self-built MySQL instances into 5 RDS instances according to the mode of business data writing.

Under the efficient operation of Huawei cloud project team, a number of microcarp businesses were smoothly transferred to HUAWEI cloud database RDS for MySQL in just over two months. Under the premise of not affecting business performance, nearly 1 billion data in efficient synchronization at the same time to achieve 0 loss, data reliability greatly enhanced; In addition, DDM+RDS for MySQL is used to replace the original complex method of library and table, which not only simplifies the business code, but also improves the read and write performance of the whole business. Microcarp can effectively balance the business reading and writing pressure, reduce the operation and maintenance cost and reduce the later maintenance pressure by means of instance merger and data sharing.

A good beginning is half done. At present, the solution for microcarp business has achieved obvious results in the implementation. The remaining business volume of Microcarp will be relocated to Huawei cloud database one after another as planned, and the business switchover will be carried out on the premise of ensuring the stability of the business, and the business migration will be successfully completed. Looking to the future, Huawei Cloud will continue to work with Wei to deepen cooperation, stay true to our original intention, and continue to empower time management and leisure with digital technology, so that everyone’s simple time can be followed in a blink.

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