When should I write window.onload in JavaScript

0. Reference materials

  • The Art of JavaScript DOM Programming, p. 69
  • The window.onload event in JS
  • Why put the Script tag after the body tag and before the HTML tag?

1. In-page JS code

1.1 In-page JS code is written inside the head

If the script tag is written inside the head tag, the element inside the body will load later than the JS code, and some of the methods that get DOM elements will fail to get the element (returning null). The following sample code is intended to take the “I’m going red-hot! This text turns red, so it’s not working, and the console is reporting an error.

Sample code:test1.html

<! DOCTYPEhtml>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>JS code written inside the page and located in the head</title>
        document.getElementById("text").style.color = "red";
    <p id="text">I want to be in a trance!</p>

Copy the code

Effect and error message Modify the code, pluswindow.onload.

<! DOCTYPEhtml>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>The in-page JS code is written inside the head</title>
        window.onload = function () {
            document.getElementById("text").style.color = "red";
    <p id="text">I want to be in a trance!</p>
Copy the code

Final display

1.2 in-page JS code is written before the end of the body

If the in-page JS code is written before the , the other elements will be loaded before the JS code, so don’t write window.onload.

The sample code

<! DOCTYPEhtml>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>The in-page JS code is written before the body closing tag</title>
    <p id="text">I want to be in a trance!</p>
        document.getElementById("text").style.color = "red";

Copy the code

According to the effect

1.3 the conclusion

For in-page JS code:

  • ifscriptLabel is written in theheadInside the tag, must be writtenwindow.onload;
  • ifscriptLabel is written in the</body>Before the tag, don’t write itwindow.onload.

2. External chain JS code

Conclusion: External chained JS code needs to write window.onload wherever script tags are written.

  • ifscriptThe label is hereheadTag inside, then theJSThe code will beHTMLThe document is loaded to the browser before.
  • ifscriptThe label is here</body>Previously, there is also no guarantee which file ends loading first, as the browser may load multiple files at once.

Loading multiple files at once: Loading HTML files and linked JS files at the same time does not determine who finished downloading first.

  • Because the documentation may be incomplete when the script loads, the model is also incomplete. IncompleteDOM.getElementsByTagNameAnd so on will not work properly.

This code will be executed as soon as the JavaScript file loads. If the JavaScript file is called from a

If the