Explore Amazing Moment With Pando
Pando is a puzzle programming robot developed by Leju Robot that can carry out emotional interaction. The main functions include emotional interaction, gesture control, autonomous obstacle avoidance, building block programming, action programming, task challenge, anthropomorphic gait and other functions.
Photo credit: lejurobot.com
Scratch3-Codelab is wwJ718 based on Scratch3, integrated with EIM (Everything is Message) plugin, codelab_adapter, You can make Scratch3 run Python code, which gives Scratch3 almost unlimited possibilities.
The system block diagram
If you can run Python code, you could theoretically plug any smart hardware into Scratch3, and the more modules and plug-ins there are, the more gameplay Scratch3 has!
Photo credit: techziffy.com
As a programming product for children, the imagination of children is far more than that of adult engineers. It will be very interesting to make it as open as possible and let them create and explore the functions of robots.
I was very lucky to invite Wenjie to the company for communication and discussion. I was deeply attracted by the idea of CodeLab building blocks for everything. The next day, I spent some time to write the CodeLab plug-in Pando Robot Extension for Pando by referring to the Codelab-Adapter document. Successfully plugged Pando into Scratch3. The following is the system block diagram:
Video presentation
- YouTube: Control the Pando robot in Codelab By the amazing warrior
- Bilibili: Control the Pando droid in Codelab By the amazing Warrior
Is the software
- Install the Codelab-Adapter and instructions
- Plug-in installation
- Pando plug-in extension_leju_pando. Py
- Bluetooth server pando_server.py
pip3 install pyzmq --user
- Install Adafruit_Python_BluefruitLE
Buttons control Pando
Wechat remote control Pando
Voice control Pando
More play
Encapsulating Pando’s motion functions as blocks on the Codelab platform gives it more AI capabilities, for example
- Face recognition and gesture recognition control Pando
- Chat with Pando
- Pando interacts with any intelligent hardware
- See the demo video for more interesting gameplay
We believe that a child’s imagination is beyond imagination, and if the barrier to learning a programming language is lowered, they will be able to create more amazing work.
Refer to the link
- Codelab Vector plug-in
- Welcome to codelab-adapter
- Adafruit_Python_BluefruitLE
About the author
Github: Wangshub Email: rocksong.hit@gmail.com