Set up the background

In a project, the structure of a request that contains three permissions, which can be arbitrarily combined

At first I thought

This operation is a bit dirty, I have prepared the template of various permission combinations in advance? On second thought I might need to prepare for the following

Permission to A Permission to B Permission to C
X X ️ ✔
X ✔ ✔
✔ ✔ ✔
✔ ✔ X
✔ X X
X ✔ X
✔ X ✔

There are these 8, if the time comes and I add a permission, is not to die in situ. Then I considered the GQL function to directly pass the template, through the template filtering to generate the template we want, so I looked at the usage.

/ / this
import gql from 'graphql-tag'

const t = gql` query Demo { } `
// Support fragment transmission
const t2 = gql` query Demo { ... Fragment }${Fragment}
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After looking around for a long time, I couldn’t find the result I wanted, so I went to the source code of GraphQL-Tag, as shown below

Here we see a literals variable, which is the template passed in as the first argument to the GQL function, but if we use it directly as follows

gql(` query Demo { ... Fragment } `, Fragment)
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Literals is a pure string. If we go to the concatenation args below, we can assume that result will get some unexplained character added to it, resulting in a parseDocument error, so we need to pause for a moment. We need to understand the difference between ordinary function calls and string template function calls

The difference between function calls

I will simply print arguments for the two function calls for you to see

The normal function is a string. The template string function is an array containing an original template and a placeholder that is passed in

The results of

So here we have the idea of dynamic template, we just need to construct a template string of the same structure as the first parameter in GQL ok

export function stringRaw(template, args = 0) {
  const r = new Array(args)
  if(r.length ! = =0) {
    r.fill(' ')
  return r

const t = gql(stringRaw(`
    query Demo{
        ${permissionA ? 'field2' : ' '}
        ${permissionB ? 'field3' : ' '}
        ${permissionC ? 'field4' : ' '}field5 { ... Fragment } } `.1), Fragment)
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So we’re done passing in dynamic strings